


Original Poster:

6,333 posts

255 months

Monday 20th August 2012
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In the wake of a friend of a friend talking about it and I suppose the Olympic afterglow, this weekend saw me at a "come and have a go at archery" day Here. Really rather enjoyed it and am now seriously considering doing a course with a view to taking it up as a hobby, so wondered if anyone here dabbled?


6,952 posts

213 months

Monday 20th August 2012
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I had an archery lesson a few months ago and really enjoyed it. The tutor, if that's the right word, had coached some of the top archers in the country.
A really enjoyable hour.

a boardman

1,316 posts

205 months

Monday 20th August 2012
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I have signed up for a 5 week course starting 1st september at local club, 2.5 hours every saturday was only £65.


4,147 posts

207 months

Monday 20th August 2012
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Likewise, having been inspired by the Olympics (still missing it) I'm trying to get signed up to my local club's beginners course but that won't be until November.

I used to belong to a club as a nipper back in the late 80s. I did enjoy it but became disillusioned with the absence of coaching and gave it up in favour of rifle shooting.

It's a sport that really appeals to me, one that does reward you depending on how much you put in to it; I'm definitely looking forward to giving it another go.

Local clubs do seem to have been taken by surprise as to how many people are now wanting to try it post-Olympics. With GNAS requiring completion of a beginners course before joining a club, and clubs offering only a few such courses with limited places each year there's going to be a lot of disappointed people.


1,502 posts

176 months

Monday 20th August 2012
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I've dabbled a bit, just firing at a target on private land, not had lessons other than watching some videos
seems to be one hour archery followed by 2 hours looking for the arrow that clipped the edge of the target and went spinning into the distance laugh
I am getting better though


1,667 posts

196 months

Monday 20th August 2012
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great fun, not expensive either as a really good starter package pricewise is equivalent to a cheap set of golf clubs.

Clout shooting is really good fun too - shooting long distance at flags in the ground (Agincourt style )


8,290 posts

253 months

Sunday 26th August 2012
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Only just seen this thread.

I used to shoot to competition standards many many years ago.

Watching the Olympic target shooting reminded me how good it was, so I looked at getting involved again.

Because I had been a GNAS member previously, one of my local clubs agreed to assess me, and then decide whether a full refresher or beginner course was necessary. Those courses are also not available until May 2013!

The assessment went very well, and I have been invited to join the club... £90 per year outright. No costs per shoot. To me, that is a bargain, as the club shoot three times a week... Two evenings and Sunday afternoons. When the nights draw in, the evening shoots switch to an indoor venue.

Many years ago, I found the sport hugely enjoyable, and very rewarding. Based on my limited experience since restarting, I feel that none of that has changed.

If there is a downside to archery, it is the cost of kit. As has been stated, you can get pretty good kit for reasonable money when starting out, but once you decide to go to 'the next level' you can start looking at some eye watering costs!


1,607 posts

169 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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Try looking at NFAS clubs, field archery is cheaper, and easier to get into.


288 posts

163 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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I got back into archery last year after my son started couple of years ago. He shoots recurve & I shoot compound as its easier on my arm.
great fun & relaxing. Getting more used to shooting 60yds outside now. Soon be time to shoot indoors though


8,290 posts

253 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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I am shooting recurve at 50 yards generally.

Have found a really decent club, and am using club equipment at the moment.

Using a 68" bow with 30lb limbs at 28" draw... my draw length has been measured at 27.5" so should have 30lb at the fingers (roughly)

Am consistantly hitting 5s and upwards, with all six arrows of each end hitting the target.

Plan to visit a supplier in the next couple of weeks and get myself sorted with kit... credit card company have been warned! biggrin

Shooting outdoors two evenings a week until the end of September, then move indoors. Also shoot on Sunday afternoons. the club have a full-time rental agreement on the land they use, and actually have access to the ground 24/7 - so providing at least three members are present (including one of a certain level of standing) then you are able to shoot any time of the day! Providing there is daylight, obviously!

Would highly recommend it to anyone who has ever thought about having a go, and done nothing about it.


13,244 posts

285 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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Our lad (10 in a few weeks) has his last coaching session at our local club today, he's really enjoying it and we'll be back in a week to start the weekly training.
I did it competatively many many years ago and so did my dad, the coach got me to fire a few ends off and she was right when she said 'it's like riding a bike' I'd still got the basics and I've not ruled out giving it another go, it should involve a lot less trips to A&E than my current chosen sport.


9,251 posts

171 months

Thursday 30th August 2012
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I do. Perfect weapon for the zombie invasion. nuts

a boardman

1,316 posts

205 months

Saturday 1st September 2012
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Did my first beginners course today.
Really enjoyed it but using my left hand (bow in right)
which felt a little strange as i am right handed.


9,251 posts

171 months

Saturday 1st September 2012
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a boardman said:
Did my first beginners course today.
Really enjoyed it but using my left hand (bow in right)
which felt a little strange as i am right handed.
how come you decided on that?


1,502 posts

176 months

Saturday 1st September 2012
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I'm right handed but shoot left handed because my eyesight is loads better in my left eye
With my glasses on I can shoot equally badly with either hand but without them I'm loads better left handed
feels natural to me either way though

a boardman

1,316 posts

205 months

Sunday 2nd September 2012
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Efbe said:
how come you decided on that?
They did a little test before hand, came as bit of a shock but is based on your eye sight.
Think it is a sport i could enjoy after the training course,