Olympics puts Prem footballers in perspective

Olympics puts Prem footballers in perspective



Original Poster:

8,736 posts

156 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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As a long serving English football league season ticket holder and a previous cynic about this whole Olympic games thing, its recently dawned on me after watching the likes of Hoy, Trott, Tweddle, Ainslie, Farah, Ennis, Wiggins, Pendleton and the rest of the Team GB cast, who, without hestitation, commit to 364 days a year of intensive training in an attempt to be at the absolute peak of their sport, just what a load of jumped-up overpaid lazy unfit hugely-overated talentless primadonnas the vast majority of our Premiership's so called 'stars' are!

The next time you roll around on the floor clutching your ankle or shin from a tackle that never even touched you - hang your head in shame and think of people like our womens hockey team who get properly blooded on a regular basis from wayward swinging hockey sticks. Or how about a rock-hard hockey ball doing the national speed limit between the eyes? They just get to their feet and get on with the game without the slightest complaint. I'd like to see some of you lot ASKING to play the next game with a broken jaw. You'd be sat in the stand on full pay feeling sorry for yourself, and some of you can't be even bothered to play with the necessary passion or pride when you pull the fking England shirt on.

Well done everyone in Team GB, RESPECT.

The rest of you, I'm afraid you're just taking the piss.


568 posts

148 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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Football is a sh*t game for noncey tw@ts. Most intelligent people recognise this already wink


5,555 posts

215 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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CrabDan said:
Football is a sh*t game for noncey tw@ts. Most intelligent people recognise this already wink
+ one million

I literally can't watch a sport (game really) where I don't respect the participants.

I think they are terrible role models for our youngsters.

I genuinely have tried and I just can't find an ounce of respect.


578 posts

157 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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As a long standing season ticket holder of a football club I 100% agree with the OP.

Totally regret buying it and wish I had the few hundred quid extra to spend on a bike and go riding on a Saturday instead.

No more away games for me either.


73,668 posts

260 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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Can't you just put this in one of the other 'footballers - Booo hisss' threads? rolleyes

How about you go and become a footballer? Surely your clear devotion, and motivation will take you to the pinnacle? What makes you think a footballers dedication to their sport is any less than any other sportsperson? Good wages? So what? What on earth does that have to do with dedication?


5,555 posts

215 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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TheHeretic said:
Can't you just put this in one of the other 'footballers - Booo hisss' threads? rolleyes

How about you go and become a footballer? Surely your clear devotion, and motivation will take you to the pinnacle? What makes you think a footballers dedication to their sport is any less than any other sportsperson? Good wages? So what? What on earth does that have to do with dedication?
fair comment - but seriously - what about all the crying wolf stuff? Where do you stand on that?


73,668 posts

260 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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RacerMDR said:
fair comment - but seriously - what about all the crying wolf stuff? Where do you stand on that?
Of course that is bad, but is by no means the majority that do that. Coverage will be given to the ones that do. Simply a case of the minority ruining it for the majority. Cheating does occurr in other sports as well, you know. There was a testimonial match last night for one Tony Hibbert. He has been with Everton since day one, going through the youth setup, to the first team, and has had 11 seasons with the club. He scored his first ever goal last night, and it was wonderful. There are many players like that who are not the centre of attention, diving, getting back page headlines, etc, but no-one takes any notice of them, instead concentrating on the bad eggs that do of course exist.

The dismissal of every single one of those hard working footballers based on the few is daft. Luckily folks don't do the same thing for other sports that partake in cheating, (cycling, rugby, F1, etc). I will say that the FA could clamp down very easily on these things.


12,815 posts

253 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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TheHeretic said:
Can't you just put this in one of the other 'footballers - Booo hisss' threads? rolleyes

How about you go and become a footballer? Surely your clear devotion, and motivation will take you to the pinnacle? What makes you think a footballers dedication to their sport is any less than any other sportsperson? Good wages? So what? What on earth does that have to do with dedication?
1. Footballers regularly cheat to win games.

2. They abuse officials.

3. They show no loyalty - wasn't there a player called up for England for the Euro 2012 tournament squad who declined to turn up and stayed on holiday instead? Seriously, what an arrogant prick.

4. They fake injury.

But most of all - they aren't winners. Unlike the Olympians, they only win when they're being paid.


73,668 posts

260 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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oyster said:
1. Footballers regularly cheat to win games.

2. They abuse officials.

3. They show no loyalty - wasn't there a player called up for England for the Euro 2012 tournament squad who declined to turn up and stayed on holiday instead? Seriously, what an arrogant prick.

4. They fake injury.

But most of all - they aren't winners. Unlike the Olympians, they only win when they're being paid.
1) As opposed to drug cheats, and so on. Unfair advantages exist in all sports. Cricket, f1, cycling, etc. Cheating needs to be stamped out, but the human element will always be there. That does not take away anything about dedication, motivation, or work put in.

2) They do. Again, nothing to do with motivation. As said, it could be stamped out in an instance.

3) Show no loyalty? Loyalty to what? Club? Are you going to stay with the same company your whole life? The player that went on holiday was Mocah Richards, and he was on the standby list. Still, that is 1 person. I think you are wrong to make that assumption based on me person.

4) Fake injury would be part of one. An unfair advantage, in order to gain position, or a free kick. Also can be stamped out. I don't you will find a fan who is in support of it. Still, not sure what that has to do with dedication, motivation, etc.

I get it, you don't like the sport, but the OP rant was, in my opinion, uncalled for.

As for the last pont... rolleyes Do you realise how many 'losers' there are in sport. Check the medal tab
E, and check the number of British competitors. Clearly there are a lot of Olympians who also did not win. Clearly they are all scummy losers as well.


12,815 posts

253 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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TheHeretic said:
oyster said:
1. Footballers regularly cheat to win games.

2. They abuse officials.

3. They show no loyalty - wasn't there a player called up for England for the Euro 2012 tournament squad who declined to turn up and stayed on holiday instead? Seriously, what an arrogant prick.

4. They fake injury.

But most of all - they aren't winners. Unlike the Olympians, they only win when they're being paid.
1) As opposed to drug cheats, and so on. Unfair advantages exist in all sports. Cricket, f1, cycling, etc. Cheating needs to be stamped out, but the human element will always be there. That does not take away anything about dedication, motivation, or work put in.

2) They do. Again, nothing to do with motivation. As said, it could be stamped out in an instance.

3) Show no loyalty? Loyalty to what? Club? Are you going to stay with the same company your whole life? The player that went on holiday was Mocah Richards, and he was on the standby list. Still, that is 1 person. I think you are wrong to make that assumption based on me person.

4) Fake injury would be part of one. An unfair advantage, in order to gain position, or a free kick. Also can be stamped out. I don't you will find a fan who is in support of it. Still, not sure what that has to do with dedication, motivation, etc.

I get it, you don't like the sport, but the OP rant was, in my opinion, uncalled for.

As for the last pont... rolleyes Do you realise how many 'losers' there are in sport. Check the medal tab
E, and check the number of British competitors. Clearly there are a lot of Olympians who also did not win. Clearly they are all scummy losers as well.
Actually I love football. What I hate are professional footballers.

Why should their bad behaviour have to be 'stamped out' as you put it? Why can't they just stop doing it themselves? Aren't they tough enough? Are they too weak-willed to win without cheating?


20,120 posts

218 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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Footballers don't get subsidized by the state.


20,477 posts

191 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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McFsC said:
As a long standing season ticket holder of a football club I 100% agree with the OP.

Totally regret buying it and wish I had the few hundred quid extra to spend on a bike and go riding on a Saturday instead.

No more away games for me either.
hehe Me too!!

I was wondering how long it was going to take for a thread like this to surface during the Olympics, we should have had a sweepstake on the football forum.


73,668 posts

260 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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oyster said:
Actually I love football. What I hate are professional footballers.

Why should their bad behaviour have to be 'stamped out' as you put it? Why can't they just stop doing it themselves? Aren't they tough enough? Are they too weak-willed to win without cheating?
Well, as I said, you are tarring them all with the same brush. Most of them do not cheat. When challenged they will try to stay on their feet, etc, but you are completely ignoring those footballers, instead you have a tabloid picture in your mind.

So, are all cyclists scum because a few have been doping? Are all rugby players scum because of spear tackles, or eye gauging? No. Those people are treated as they deserve to be. The rest of the players are perfectly dedicated, and motivated.


9,166 posts

217 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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RacerMDR said:
CrabDan said:
Football is a sh*t game for noncey tw@ts. Most intelligent people recognise this already wink
+ one million

I literally can't watch a sport (game really) where I don't respect the participants.

I think they are terrible role models for our youngsters.

I genuinely have tried and I just can't find an ounce of respect.
+ 2 million.


368 posts

149 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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1 million % agree.

Reminds me of this doing the rounds on FB.


73,668 posts

260 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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Why does the wages have to do with anything? Jealousy?


1,852 posts

197 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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TheHeretic said:
oyster said:
1. Footballers regularly cheat to win games.

2. They abuse officials.

3. They show no loyalty - wasn't there a player called up for England for the Euro 2012 tournament squad who declined to turn up and stayed on holiday instead? Seriously, what an arrogant prick.

4. They fake injury.

But most of all - they aren't winners. Unlike the Olympians, they only win when they're being paid.
1) As opposed to drug cheats, and so on. Unfair advantages exist in all sports. Cricket, f1, cycling, etc. Cheating needs to be stamped out, but the human element will always be there. That does not take away anything about dedication, motivation, or work put in.

2) They do. Again, nothing to do with motivation. As said, it could be stamped out in an instance.

3) Show no loyalty? Loyalty to what? Club? Are you going to stay with the same company your whole life? The player that went on holiday was Mocah Richards, and he was on the standby list. Still, that is 1 person. I think you are wrong to make that assumption based on me person.

4) Fake injury would be part of one. An unfair advantage, in order to gain position, or a free kick. Also can be stamped out. I don't you will find a fan who is in support of it. Still, not sure what that has to do with dedication, motivation, etc.

I get it, you don't like the sport, but the OP rant was, in my opinion, uncalled for.

As for the last pont... rolleyes Do you realise how many 'losers' there are in sport. Check the medal tab
E, and check the number of British competitors. Clearly there are a lot of Olympians who also did not win. Clearly they are all scummy losers as well.
The main behaviour issue for me in football is the total lack of respect for the referee's and linesmen, this seems endemic in the game, from both players, and even worse, managers.


5,886 posts

237 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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TheHeretic said:
Why does the wages have to do with anything? Jealousy?
Not for me, if I could get paid that for doing something I like I would jump at the chance.

To be fair, I think football players get singled out as they are the most ludicrously over-paid individuals in the UK. They also like to whinge and moan about intrusion into their private lives, injuries sustained in the heat of battle that turn out to me no more than something that can be washed away with a magic sponge etc.

You choose to put yourself in a public arena and make a shedload of money from it, then don't complain.

The fact that they under-achieve in every major international tournament/event despite having the best dieticians/masseurs/coaches that money can buy is a discussion for another thread.

Edited by OzzyR1 on Thursday 9th August 18:20


59 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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TheHeretic said:
Why does the wages have to do with anything? Jealousy?
I think it's the whole point of the thread.

They get paid loads but unlike GB Olympians, under perform at national level. If they're not actually under performing, they're busy racist tweeting and abusing each other and shagging each others girlfriends.

Their large wages but lack of performance at national level is in sharp contrast to Team GB who by enlarge aren't over paid chavs with an inflated sense of self worth.


568 posts

148 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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Politicians, bankers and premiership footballers. Scum wink

And rapists, obviously, but very few of them get paid for that. hehe