The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint

The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint



Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Monday 13th February 2012
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I couldn't find a specific thread for triathlon so I thought I'd start one!

Triathlon training is a huge subject and can be a bit daunting knowing just where to start for those just starting (and even those already competing!) and I think it'd be a good idea to have a resource that people can tap into, as well as having a thread which (hopefully) motivates those PHers that are looking to get involved - it's an awesome sport that takes a fair degree of dedication, but delivers immense rewards.

So whether it's just a fleeting thought at the moment, your first triathlon coming up soon or even if you're a seasoned campaigner, it'd be good to hear about your goals, your race reports and how your training's going!!


1,026 posts

223 months

Tuesday 14th February 2012
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Great thread idea, although it may get a little lost seeing as the pedal powered forum takes most of the triathlon threads.

I'm currently ticking over with my training (new father, very very little time!), racing Zell am See 70.3 in August. Having trouble fitting in training at the moment, so just concentrating on weight loss and fully attacking the hour I get each lunch time.

I plan to do a full distance in 2013, time and family permitting. My wife says she'd like to have a go an at Olympic distance at some point, so once the baby is big enough we'll start running with the buggy.


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Tuesday 14th February 2012
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Yeah, I've seen a couple of threads in pedal powered, but being mindful of "rule 42", I thought I'd stick one in here and see if anyone's interested!

I've done about a dozen or so Olympic distance races and took the rather foolish decision to enter Ironman Lanzarote last August - it seemed such a long way off then!! I think we're now about 14 weeks away, so it's a great deal more "real" - part of me is really looking forward to the experience and what's left is dreading it!!!

Training's going OK, but January was terrible - I sneezed and blew my nose more than anything constructive. Back on it now though and my figures don't look like they've suffered too much for the lack of effort - just keeping my fingers crossed for the next 3 months!!!


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Thursday 16th February 2012
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Giving this a bump . . . I cannot believe me and Fourmotion are the only triathlete's on PH!


1,026 posts

223 months

Friday 17th February 2012
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I was going to post today anyway! Woken up at 5am by the baby, so made the most of the time and hopped to the gym at work to sit on the bike.

Managed 2 hours (watched In Bruges on the ipad for entertainment!) at a decent enough pace. I'm aching to buggery now. The bike has quite good ergonomics for an exercise bike, but the saddle is massive. I will be walking around like John Wayne the rest of the day. And I'm dreading drinking my coffee for fear of having to sit on the loo and not being able to get up again.

I *might* try a 10 miler on Sunday when doms is really causing havoc.

nick s

1,371 posts

220 months

Friday 17th February 2012
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Hi Guys,

Good thread!
I have signed up for my first triathlon a few weeks ago. I've been running regularly for about 2 years now, and doing the odd bit of cycling. Done a few 10k races etc, but a few of my mates are into tri's so i thought i'd take the plunge!
Only signed up for a super sprint to dip my toe in the water! So it's 400m swim, 20k bike, 5k run.
Training is going well. I'm doing 5 sessions a week.
Nervous but excited! Would appreciat eany tips for first timers?


1,026 posts

223 months

Friday 17th February 2012
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nick s said:
Hi Guys,

Good thread!
I have signed up for my first triathlon a few weeks ago. I've been running regularly for about 2 years now, and doing the odd bit of cycling. Done a few 10k races etc, but a few of my mates are into tri's so i thought i'd take the plunge!
Only signed up for a super sprint to dip my toe in the water! So it's 400m swim, 20k bike, 5k run.
Training is going well. I'm doing 5 sessions a week.
Nervous but excited! Would appreciat eany tips for first timers?
My best tip for race day is ignore everyone around you. Don't get intimidated. My first race I turned up with all my kit in a Sainsburys bag, dressed in shorts and t-shirt, with MTB helmet, shoes and a camelbak filled with water. Everyone else was dressed in lycra, with carbon fibre bikes and full transition boxes including nutrition. I shat myself.

I came about 2/3rds of the way down the field, which I was more than happy with. Since then I rock up confident knowing that looks and kit can be deceiving. I've got some better kit now, I'm a little quicker, and I'm still a fatty. But I'd never assume I'm going to beat the fatter guy stood next to me, or that the runt with the compression gear on is going to kick my arse.

Just enjoy it, knowing you're only racing yourself to start with.


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Friday 17th February 2012
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nick s said:
Would appreciate any tips for first timers
Which tri are you doing? Is it a pool based swim or open water?

Fourmotion said:
Just enjoy it, knowing you're only racing yourself to start with.
I'd pretty much go with that ^^^^^ Pacing yourself is definitely all important - go too hard, too soon and you may be in for a longer, tougher day than you were expecting. biggrin

Without doubt, the toughest part of my first tri was the swim. I'm not the worlds quickest swimmer, but I do a lot of surfing, so I am pretty confident in the water. It took about 150 metres for that confidence to get quite literally, battered out of me!

Without any exaggeration there came a point where I genuinely believed that if I didn't do something I was going to drown (and even in 15 - 20ft surf I've never felt like that before). Someone had hooked my goggles and they'd snapped back shut full of brown Thames water. I couldn't see anything, I had a guy leaning on one shoulder, another swimming across my backside, whilst receiving a 2 beat kick to the face from the guy infront. It was horrific! If you see guys getting out of the water with a "thousand yard stare", well, chances are they had a swim just like that.

So yeah, pace yourself, practice swimming open water with a couple of mates (if you can) and put your goggles on underneath your wave cap biggrin

nick s

1,371 posts

220 months

Friday 17th February 2012
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I'm doing it at Dorney lake just down the road from me, so it's an open water swim in the lake!
TBH the swim is the most daunting bit for me, but two of my mates are triathletes and regulalry do open water swimming sessions in the lake when the weather is better, so i'm planning on tagging along with them!

Definitely need to pace myself though. I'm well aware that i may burn out early if i go off too hard!


961 posts

222 months

Friday 17th February 2012
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Hi Guys,

Good thread, nice to know there are other nutters out there wink

I've run a few marathons in my time and I'm just getting back to fitness following an operation on both knees last year. My good lady wife is the real triathlete in the family and is doing the Outlaw later this year and the 1/2 Ironman (The Beaver?!) in a few months time.

In her ultimate wisdom, she has signed me up for a supersprint in June and a sprint at the London triathlon in September… together with the Caledonia Etape in the next few months… so I'd better get training!


1,631 posts

211 months

Saturday 18th February 2012
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I'm planning to do a few this year, probably sprint distance.

I cycle to and from work every day (8km each way) and try and do a long weekend ride. Also try and run a couple of times a week, either a couple of 5km runs or maybe a longer one at the weekend of around 20km. Also trying to swim a couple of times a week over olympic distance. Generally only making once a week at the moment, need to find some more time. Logging all my times and seeing an improvement already, which is good!


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Saturday 18th February 2012
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nick s said:
I'm doing it at Dorney lake just down the road from me, so it's an open water swim in the lake!
Ah, that's one of the Human Race events - if you've got a couple of mates who also compete, have a look at this race - basically 3/4 of an Olympic team time trial that's draft legal - did it with my bruv and a mate and we had a right laugh! It's a cracking race.

drgav2005 said:
In her ultimate wisdom, she has signed me up for a supersprint in June and a sprint at the London triathlon in September… together with the Caledonia Etape in the next few months… so I'd better get training!
Good man! I take it you'll be arguing over who's turn it is for the endless pool soon then? biggrin


1,233 posts

240 months

Saturday 18th February 2012
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yeah .. good to see some other triathletes on here!

Good luck to all you all in training and racing.

I've done a few - started on sprints and Olympics and then did the Vitruvian. Did Ironman UK in 2010 and Ironman Switzerland last year.

Haven't signed up for one this year .. but I may try and get a late spot later on.


57 months

Saturday 18th February 2012
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we all hide in pedal powered... there are threads about darts and archery here in "sports", anything that doesnt make you sweat isnt a sport.... wink


961 posts

222 months

Saturday 18th February 2012
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dangerousB said:
Good man! I take it you'll be arguing over who's turn it is for the endless pool soon then? biggrin
laugh Thankfully it hasn't come to that yet hehe


303 posts

214 months

Monday 20th February 2012
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Having done no sport for about 10 years after University I started cycling in September 2010 and decided that the Triathlon was the way forward due to the tough nature of the sport and I quite like running as well as cycling. I have entered the London 2012 Olympic Distance Triathlon and my training started in earnest in January which currently consists of 2 X 4.5 mile jogs per week and 30-50 miles on the bike at the weekend. Looking to do warm-up races in May and July as well.

The cycling is going to be the easy part as last Summer I was regularly doing 100+ miles per week on the bike (no wind and a flattish road I can comfortably achieve 23mph av.) and I think my run base level will build up over time (currently jogging at 7.20 mph av.), however, the swimming is going to be another matter altogether...I've bought a wetsuit....does that count as some training? :-)


1,233 posts

240 months

Saturday 25th February 2012
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Having done no sport for about 10 years after University I started cycling in September 2010 and decided that the Triathlon was the way forward due to the tough nature of the sport and I quite like running as well as cycling. I have entered the London 2012 Olympic Distance Triathlon and my training started in earnest in January which currently consists of 2 X 4.5 mile jogs per week and 30-50 miles on the bike at the weekend. Looking to do warm-up races in May and July as well.

The cycling is going to be the easy part as last Summer I was regularly doing 100+ miles per week on the bike (no wind and a flattish road I can comfortably achieve 23mph av.) and I think my run base level will build up over time (currently jogging at 7.20 mph av.), however, the swimming is going to be another matter altogether...I've bought a wetsuit....does that count as some training? :-)
Good luck with London ... I did that race a couple of years ago. A word of caution though - take it easy on the bike - the race is full of newbies who cannot ride a bike to save their life - they are even worse when they are tired.

Unable to take high speed bends and swerving or straying into your path when you are overtaking is common. So take care.


12,548 posts

215 months

Saturday 25th February 2012
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nick s said:
I'm doing it at Dorney lake just down the road from me, so it's an open water swim in the lake!
TBH the swim is the most daunting bit for me, but two of my mates are triathletes and regulalry do open water swimming sessions in the lake when the weather is better, so i'm planning on tagging along with them!

Definitely need to pace myself though. I'm well aware that i may burn out early if i go off too hard!
Dorney is a bit featureless with the worst headwind! And is by far the coldest water (it's man made on gravel of course)

If you're not sure about training just emulate what Jan does


And if you can, try and get to the TCR show next weekend. Some of the seminars will be informative. Especially liked Steve Trews 5 second explanation of swimming.

Stand up.
Twist at your hips so left shoulder in front of your chin
Repeat to the opposite side
That's swimming biggrin

Edited by Rich_W on Saturday 25th February 23:06


1,631 posts

211 months

Sunday 26th February 2012
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Just acquired myself a Garmin Forerunner 910XT and have to say first impressions are very good. Only used it running at the moment, but the level of data capture and accuracy of the GPS even in central London is very good.

Looking forward to using it to bring some more science to my training. Will let you know how it performs.


1,026 posts

223 months

Monday 27th February 2012
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johnnywb said:
Just acquired myself a Garmin Forerunner 910XT and have to say first impressions are very good. Only used it running at the moment, but the level of data capture and accuracy of the GPS even in central London is very good.

Looking forward to using it to bring some more science to my training. Will let you know how it performs.
I've been waiting what seems like a lifetime for mine! I had a load of vouchers to use at Wiggle so I don't want to cancel and buy it elsewhere. They still state their stock is expected late February. So I'm expecting a note soon to say March. It better come with a proper sized bag of Haribo to make up for the wait...

Do let us know what you think of it.