The PH Monthly shoot thread...

The PH Monthly shoot thread...



Original Poster:

23,817 posts

224 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Houston, we have a problem….
I’ve been trying to speak to Grimsthorpe all week, but found out they only open wed- Sunday or something .

Anyway, upshot is they have a ladies day this Saturday so we need an alternative venue…..


Original Poster:

23,817 posts

224 months

Wednesday 19th June
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This Saturdays shoot is at Barby shooting ground Warks.

10am for 10.30 start

All welcome


Original Poster:

23,817 posts

224 months

Saturday 22nd June
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wildoliver said:
So chaps (turn7) how does this WhatsApp group thingy work then?
Hiya, If you want to get involved, pm me your mobile, and I'll add you to the group.

As it stands currently, we have a member Liverpool way, and then yourself, so we are a little sparse up north.

We need more people like yourself, who want to get involved , to make the group grow and allow more off the cuff shoots to happen.

This is why we are currently running these montly shoots at various locations in the country.

As I said, we are planning a bit of a Northern skirmish later this year, to try and get things going up there.

The group is good fun, non abusive and involves car type banter as well all shooting stuff.

PM me if you have further Qs...

Cheers !


Original Poster:

23,817 posts

224 months

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Unfortunately, due to previous commitments for many of our group, we are very thin on numbers for July, so whilst I am more than happy to meet anyone that wants to shoot at Barbury, it won’t be our usual group size.

Also open to random ad hoc shoots off the calendar.