Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!

Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!



Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Thursday 30th June 2016
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Things I learnt last night: A newbie rolling for the first is ALWAYS a fight to the death (for them).

Paired up with a guy who's been training for a month or two, not rolled yet but he fancied it so I obliged (it was open mat last night).

He mentioned that he wasn't overly confident so I told him we'd go slow and I'd take it easy. Mistake.

Due to a busy class size we started on the ground, within 10 seconds he had stood up and gone for my back and a crude RNC at 100% effort. At this point I'm starting to consider the concept of tapping to this guy but luckily he'd not sunk the RNC particularly deep or got the hooks positioned so I managed to hitch out sideways slowly (and painfully as he attempted to squeeze through my jaw / face).

Feeling slightly aggrieved I got up, took his back and sunk my own RNC, REALLY deep and finished it. Close call.

The entire session was open mat but I enjoyed it, got loads of rolling in, worked on Ezekiel Choke (loop choke) that I've been studying on youtube and finished it a couple of times. Also pulled a bow and arrow for the first time.

By some absolute miracle of god I set up blind leg triangle (it even caught my experienced opponent off guard) but I was unable to finish it due to not knowing which leg to apply pressure with (I couldn't see my leg set up)


6,381 posts

224 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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Any update on progress? You should be around 6 months in now aren't you?


7,484 posts

207 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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ben5575 said:
Any update on progress? You should be around 6 months in now aren't you?
Probably made blue belt and stopped :lol:

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Sunday 13th November 2016
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I provisionally made blue belt about 6 weeks ago, but I practise atem (Japanese) Ju-Jitsu and our syllabus is very different to BJJ and has formal gradings and is much quicker to get to black belt. I've been training for 2 years now but I also practise wado-ryu Karate (brown belt) so there is crossover between the 2 to a certain extent.

I got through the technical part of my grading fairly easily this time, but haven't done the ground fighting part yet (5 continuous 90 second rounds versus fresh opponents) as we ran out of time at the end of the grading. A combination of work, holidays and injury have prevented me from completing this part and also from competing in the recent tournament we had last week.

Injuries seemed to have cleaned up now so hoping for a good run

A couple of the lads from the class have been to a BJJ class locally to work on ground work, it's a Gracie Barra club so presumably very similar to the ones mentioned previously on this thread. Thinking of taking my lad along to it to supplement his traditional ju-juitsu as he really likes groundwork but not sure if I can justify the extra cost and drain on time on top of what we already do.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Saturday 19th November 2016
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Took my 10 year old to Gracie Barra Barnsley last night for a trial session and he loved it. He's done a bit if Japanese jujitsu and fancied something a touch different.

He loved it and has been mentioned on this thread the network looks really good and a great setup.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2016
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lemmingjames said:
ben5575 said:
Any update on progress? You should be around 6 months in now aren't you?
Probably made blue belt and stopped :lol:
Ahah! Nice, I like it.

I started on March 14th, so 8 and a bit months in. I've managed to maintain a training routine of 2 x 3 hour sessions and 1 x 2 hour session per week, average 8 hours per week. By my rough estimations that's 35 weeks, 280 hours minus 20 or so for weeks away with work smile so 260 hours.

Cant remember the exact time I last posted but I entered my first no-gi comp in August, lost to Americana (I know, I know), but learnt a lot about the environment, the nerves, working on my mount escapes and Americana defense. My belt currently has 3 rather tatty looking stripes on them, 1st stripe in August, 2nd in October and then a surprise stripe last week (which was nice).

My next competition is actually this Sunday in Nottingham (Nottingham open), looking forward to it a lot on the basis I'm 100% more prepared than the last one!.

I fully appreciate I'm still pretty much a newbie in the grand scheme of things but I've noticed little plays coming into my game, go to moves, natural reactions etc. I've become a big fan of lapel and lapel tail chokes from either mount or side. At the moment I'm focused largely on sweeps from guard, side control and mount escapes (so pretty much working the fundamentals!)

Hope you're all still training, I don't regret my decision to start BJJ one bit. I'm lucky enough to travel with work and get time to train at other clubs, this year in China and Switzerland, for example. Everyone I've met and rolled with have been spot on.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2016
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Tony Angelino said:
Took my 10 year old to Gracie Barra Barnsley last night for a trial session and he loved it. He's done a bit if Japanese jujitsu and fancied something a touch different.

He loved it and has been mentioned on this thread the network looks really good and a great setup.
Hi Tony,

The Barra clubs are good, I'd certainly consider one if I wasn't 1 hour 30 away from my nearest smile.

Glad your lad loved it, my daughter has been doing BJJ for a week longer than me and she's made amazing progress, not only in here JJ but also confidence, attitude and demeanor. Its tough for her because the first belt wont come until she's been a year but the strips she has keeps her happy and committed.

It's getting to the point when she takes the back of her opponent (they do controlled and supervised rolling) shes naturally reaching for the RNC/gable grip choke (which I've told her to hold off until her instructor teaches them proper technique and safety).


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Monday 28th November 2016
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Back from Nottingham, lost by a single advantage point (which I felt was a little dubious to being with - a very slack cross collar choke I easily defended and was no where near tight) but hey ho. Looking on the positive side there was no submission and I didn't get swept (standing or on the ground).

Onwards and upwards, back to training. Decided I no longer like competing in the open weight category! so time to cut down below 100kg. Switched up my gym routine this morning to include some cardio with weights and a 10 minute run at 10kmh. Found the run quite easy to be honest but I'm trying to start slow and build it up.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Monday 28th November 2016
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Pete102 said:
Back from Nottingham, lost by a single advantage point (which I felt was a little dubious to being with - a very slack cross collar choke I easily defended and was no where near tight) but hey ho. Looking on the positive side there was no submission and I didn't get swept (standing or on the ground).

Onwards and upwards, back to training. Decided I no longer like competing in the open weight category! so time to cut down below 100kg. Switched up my gym routine this morning to include some cardio with weights and a 10 minute run at 10kmh. Found the run quite easy to be honest but I'm trying to start slow and build it up.
Great effort pal, takes guts to compete - even at my lowly level it's still nerve wracking. Remember what they say, you never lose -you win or you learn. Weight categories in my tournament are 90kg and over and I'm about 93 so in a similar situation myself.

Signed my lad up for the Gracie Barra after his second session, he's just getting used to starting sparring on his feet as a posed to sat back to back like he's used to.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Tuesday 29th November 2016
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Thanks Tony. Really pleased your lad has decided to keep it up, are they actively teaching take downs at the moment? There was alot of guard pulling going on at the weekend (standard fare for a comp really).


27,428 posts

282 months

Tuesday 29th November 2016
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I can relate to this.

Similar story with me, except I am 20 years older than the OP!!

My kids have been doing Hapkido (Korean MA) so I asked the instructor whether they did adult beginner lessons. Next minute I was in! Been going about 3 weeks now.

Can relate to being the only newby in shorts /T shirt when everyone else was in the right kit.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Tuesday 29th November 2016
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Pete102 said:
Thanks Tony. Really pleased your lad has decided to keep it up, are they actively teaching take downs at the moment? There was alot of guard pulling going on at the weekend (standard fare for a comp really).
Not something they have covered yet, infact he struggled a touch in the sparring on the last session as the other kid simply got him in the traditional judo arm and lapel grip and simply sprawled or even just stepped back keeping him at arms length. His previous experience of rolling has always been on the deck, starting from a sitting position back to back.

He has not really been tought any takedowns that can be used "live" yet only really basic ones at the Japanese jujuitsu class when he's with a compliant partner.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Wednesday 30th November 2016
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Ah ok, I'm sure it will come.

I'm luck in the sense my instructor is a 1st Dan Judoka so we get plenty of take down practice. Doesn't always work in live sparring through, as I found out at the weekend spending a minute or two stood up trying to fend off / initiate take downs.

Back on the mats tonight, quite looking forward to it actually. I'm also giving some serious thought to entering a load of comps next year (at least 6).


7,484 posts

207 months

Wednesday 30th November 2016
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Tony Angelino said:
Not something they have covered yet, infact he struggled a touch in the sparring on the last session as the other kid simply got him in the traditional judo arm and lapel grip and simply sprawled or even just stepped back keeping him at arms length. His previous experience of rolling has always been on the deck, starting from a sitting position back to back.

He has not really been tought any takedowns that can be used "live" yet only really basic ones at the Japanese jujuitsu class when he's with a compliant partner.
Once he gains more knowledge from Trad. you/he'll be surprised how much works with a non-compliant partner regarding throws or how he can modify something to suit - pending on his age/maturity etc. Plus from TJJ, hell learn that he needs to relax when being thrown to save himself from injury which will cross over to BJJ where he'll need to be relaxed to flow with it.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Saturday 3rd December 2016
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Gah, managed to bend my little finger back under the weight of me and my sparring partner last night. Pretty sure I heard crunching/cracking as it happend so today its strapped to the nearest finger but feeling very sore.

Hoping its going to heal quickly as I'm not keen on any sort of extended lay off. Really seem to be making progress at the moment.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Sunday 4th December 2016
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Pete102 said:
Ah ok, I'm sure it will come.

I'm luck in the sense my instructor is a 1st Dan Judoka so we get plenty of take down practice. Doesn't always work in live sparring through, as I found out at the weekend spending a minute or two stood up trying to fend off / initiate take downs.

Back on the mats tonight, quite looking forward to it actually. I'm also giving some serious thought to entering a load of comps next year (at least 6).
You were right, this weeks lesson involved working on a basic takedown from judo grips. Basically (excuse the spelling, gone for phonetics) oh soto ga-rye sweep, left arm pulls down and towards, right arm pushes up and away putting all weight onto opponents left leg that is swept away after stepping through. The lads started to see a link between the stuff he's done already and the Bjj. In the sparring at the end he managed a pretty crude version of it and just about got into side control.

There's a parents and kids lesson weekly so I'm tempted to have a bash as the club seems to have a brilliant balance between friendliness and technical proficiency.

Are the competitions specific to your club/association or open types?


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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The local competitions are pretty much open to any association/person who wants to enter them, with the exception of IBJJF where the academy you are associated with needs to verify your status as a child / adult brown or adult black belt, but these are few and far between to be honest.

Osoto Gari are great for kids since they don't tend to be so defensive in stand up positions. As an adult I tend to base my hips and legs as far back as possible to avoid the Osoto Gari, however, it can open space for other throws.

You should give the classes a go, if you're anything like me you'll be hooked and it provides some really nice common ground with your son.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Pete102 said:
The local competitions are pretty much open to any association/person who wants to enter them, with the exception of IBJJF where the academy you are associated with needs to verify your status as a child / adult brown or adult black belt, but these are few and far between to be honest.

Osoto Gari are great for kids since they don't tend to be so defensive in stand up positions. As an adult I tend to base my hips and legs as far back as possible to avoid the Osoto Gari, however, it can open space for other throws.

You should give the classes a go, if you're anything like me you'll be hooked and it provides some really nice common ground with your son.
Taken the plunge and signed up for Gracie Barra, first session great working on sweeps from guard. Going back for more tomorrow. Just need to scrape the dosh together for the rather expensive gi.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Thursday 5th January 2017
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Awesome! (although the Barra standard Gi is a small downer). Thankfully we don't have any Gi restrictions, other than no outlandish colours or patterns e.g. Camo!


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Monday 30th January 2017
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A little update from me smile - apologies to anyone who might have seen this in the health/martial arts thread.

Received my white belt 4th stripe last night, now to start honing techniques for the blue belt test. I'm hoping to get a couple of competitions in before the summer as well.

My daughter is still training, she's just moved schools actually and is doing very well. During sparring last week she hit the most perfectly timed trap and roll into mount, modified mount and finally back take with seat belt control to stall out the rest of the round (they don't allow subs yet).

What made it extra special for me was that the girl who originally got mount was a couple of inches taller and atleast a year older smile technique rocks!