The Fly Fishing - And Now All Types of Fishing Thread!

The Fly Fishing - And Now All Types of Fishing Thread!



6,096 posts

193 months

Sunday 13th March 2022
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Bonefish Blues said:
Shortly after my last post on thread I went to the Bahamas for 10 days, which was nice. Slightly strange trip, mind, not least because of travel regulations, but it all came off OK. It was ever so slightly out of body though - I spent quite a lot of time walking the Flats, and not casting, and certainly wasn't fishing with my usual intensity.

Odd story - we arrived in a lodge on Acklins Island and there was a group of 4 Americans already there. Over dinner, we exchanged the usual 'where are you from?' questions, and it took about 30 seconds to establish that they all knew my next door neighbour hehe
What a fabulous place to fish bud!

I’m sure a lot of bonefish were caught.

Bonefish Blues

27,714 posts

226 months

Sunday 13th March 2022
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nigelpugh7 said:
Bonefish Blues said:
Shortly after my last post on thread I went to the Bahamas for 10 days, which was nice. Slightly strange trip, mind, not least because of travel regulations, but it all came off OK. It was ever so slightly out of body though - I spent quite a lot of time walking the Flats, and not casting, and certainly wasn't fishing with my usual intensity.

Odd story - we arrived in a lodge on Acklins Island and there was a group of 4 Americans already there. Over dinner, we exchanged the usual 'where are you from?' questions, and it took about 30 seconds to establish that they all knew my next door neighbour hehe
What a fabulous place to fish bud!

I’m sure a lot of bonefish were caught.
Not all that many, as compared to normal, tbh - and I'm not fussed, which is very odd as I say, but we also spent a couple of days chasing permit (unsuccessfully). I think that spending the time with my fishing buddy, who's getting on, and who I only see on these trips, is more important to me.

I caught the odd one, mind smile

Not this one, mind wink


10,952 posts

193 months

Sunday 13th March 2022
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Just returned from Dever Springs. Everyone was catching except for me. rofl


8,731 posts

147 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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My trout campaign will start on a North Yorkshire beck on 25 March and will continue , on and off, until October on river and lake and beck. I'm an allrounder though , and have had a fabulous run of good fortune since Christmas . Lots of river pike to mid doubles on light lure gear, a trio of 2 lb grayling to 2-12 on trotting gear and an astonishing succession of big river perch - five three pounders and a 4-1 PB ! God knows why - lucky to have been in right places at the right times. Here's the 4 - the forceps are 6inches long BTW -


57,085 posts

207 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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An excellent perch!


10,952 posts

193 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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otolith said:
An excellent perch!
Missing a parrot here wink


6,096 posts

193 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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coppice said:
My trout campaign will start on a North Yorkshire beck on 25 March and will continue , on and off, until October on river and lake and beck. I'm an allrounder though , and have had a fabulous run of good fortune since Christmas . Lots of river pike to mid doubles on light lure gear, a trio of 2 lb grayling to 2-12 on trotting gear and an astonishing succession of big river perch - five three pounders and a 4-1 PB ! God knows why - lucky to have been in right places at the right times. Here's the 4 - the forceps are 6inches long BTW -
Wow what a fab Perch!

I’ve seen lots of people posting about catching big perch lately, I wonder if something, weather or another related event has caused them to feed and grow to such sizes?

And the same seems to be true with Pike as well, as you have also found John there are some great double figure pike being caught all over at lots of sites.

I need to get out more, just renewed both my BAA and Lure anglers memberships recently, which probably means my EA rod licence is due for renewal again soon for too!

Once again, tight lines boys!


57,085 posts

207 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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nigelpugh7 said:
Wow what a fab Perch!

I’ve seen lots of people posting about catching big perch lately, I wonder if something, weather or another related event has caused them to feed and grow to such sizes?
One suspicion is that they are eating signal crayfish.


8,731 posts

147 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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Perch sizes and population are very cyclical. At the moment they are doing well , with lots of big fish reported . I struck lucky - but I had a rubbish Autumn and early winter perch fishing .

Youtube is full of hoodie clad hipsters often spouting ill informed nonsense about perch fishing . If I hear the word 'structure' once more I will retch . An inconvenient truth is that the big fish I have had this year , without even one exception, came from open water , mid river.

Signals are undoubtedly a factor in big perch but they can turn up anywhere .A local commercial , with a tiny number of perch , produced a 4-6 recently - and on pellet too !


57,085 posts

207 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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Perch populations do tend to be cyclical, because of the high intraspecific predation they demonstrate, but that does not necessarily synchronise between different waters. I agree that the remains of a very strong year class can lead to a particular water being on fire for big perch for a while, though.

Commercials are an interesting proposition. I have some friends who have deliberately caught a lot of specimen perch from them, usually on prawns. You basically have a high stocking density water with an awful lot of enrichment going on and usually no other predators tolerated. I must say, though, they don't much appeal to me. Trying to avoid the mud-pigs is a pain in the backside, the rules tend to be restrictive, and quite often the water quality is nasty and the perch look washed out. Give me a clean river perch any day!

Bonefish Blues

27,714 posts

226 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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Most things coming out of them are pretty horrible in terms of their condition, as far as I can see


52,059 posts

287 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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Most of the pictures of carp from commercial ponds you see posted by the bivvie-boys on Facebook have badly deformed mouths. I feel sorry for the fish.


57,085 posts

207 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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We're going on holiday to Mauritius next month, and I have a webcam on the beach near where we're going open on one of my monitors.

I see people fishing there occasionally, and have once seen some major predator action going on at dusk.

This was earlier today - didn't see him catch anything.


57,085 posts

207 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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RichB said:
Most of the pictures of carp from commercial ponds you see posted by the bivvie-boys on Facebook have badly deformed mouths. I feel sorry for the fish.
Yep. I think if you run such a high stocking density that you have to start running aerators in the summer to keep your stock alive, it's reached a level of fakery I'm uncomfortable with. I've got an aquarium I can fish in instead.


8,731 posts

147 months

Monday 14th March 2022
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Bonefish Blues said:
Most things coming out of them are pretty horrible in terms of their condition, as far as I can see

You know, I expected that to be the case when a back condition forced me on to commercials for a time . Some carp can be a bit scratty , but on the well run lakes (and there are some ) the silverfish are often pristine , to my surprise. The perch are often very pale, because of the heavily coloured water but are often very hard fighting and plump . In one of my locals , they are a very worthy challenge in midwinter , and can be incredibly hard to locate and catch . The owner kindly allows me to lure fish on cold days when nobody else is around and I don't mind admitting I enjoy it . By- catch is fun - I've had pike which nobody even suspected were present, ide , chub and more than a few carp on lure . One I caught was 15-12 , and it ran me bloody ragged on my wisp of a Shimano Zodias 6ft rod !

But given a choice, I will take a river in empty countryside and a brightly coloured 'wild' perch any time please


6,096 posts

193 months

Sunday 29th May 2022
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Well it’s gone very quiet on here guys, so thought I would post my latest adventures.

I have decided to join a local river membership that has a stretch on the Blythe that is only 10 minutes from home.

I went up to look over the beats with the member secretary last night.

It on a section that’s close to Little Packington Ford, which we used to drive our old Land Rovers through many years ago, but it’s been closed to vehicles for many years now.

Anyway decided to have a quick trip down memory lane to see what it’s like now.

It looks beautiful, and very healthy too, and lots of mayflies hovering about.

I didn’t get any pictures of the club water stretch, was too busy walking and talking to the membership secretary!


6,096 posts

193 months

Sunday 29th May 2022
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And of course typically being a river in a stretch of farmers land there is the remains of an old cart of some sort in the river by the bridge, a complete axle and wheels, which looks like it’s been there for many years!


6,096 posts

193 months

Sunday 29th May 2022
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Did manage a quick short video as we were driving through the estate on our way out of the wild deer, and of course the immaculately maintained fields.


6,096 posts

193 months

Saturday 4th June 2022
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Just watched this.

It’s trying to be like the Mortimer and whitehouse series.

Spoiler alert it’s not!

Bonefish Blues

27,714 posts

226 months

Saturday 4th June 2022
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I don't think it is at all. I was sceptical but the first couple I've rather enjoyed.