The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint

The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint



27,428 posts

282 months

Thursday 19th April 2012
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dangerousB said:
Ayahuasca said:
first triathlon DONE!

The swim - it was fairly choppy and as luck would have it the waves were from my breathing side (not mastered bilateral breathig yet). For the first few minutes I thought I would need to be rescued! - started too fast, hyperventilated, swallowed a lot of sea water, etc. Once I relaxed and got into a rhythm (and remembered how to swim) it was surprisingly enjoyable. There was a srong lateral current but I allowed for this and made a straight line to the end. I ended towards the back of the field, but by no means last! Result!

The bike - mostly road, lots of steep ups and downs, managed to overtake a few people. Was on a high from surviving the swim! There was a nasty off-road bit of 6km on a loose dirt / stoney track with massive hills. Everyone pushed the bikes up the worst. Crossed a river. Some came flying down the hills, me I was afraid of cartwheeling and breaking my neck (first time 'mountain-biking') so rode the brakes. Realised it was possible to 'lose the back end' on a pushbike!

The run - one of the hardest 5ks ever, there was no water and the sun was intense - 40 degrees in the shade - but no shade to be had. Plodded rather than ran, but crossed the finish line a very happy bunny.

Would definitely do it again - it was good fun!
Bloody good effort mate!

Tri runs are an absolute killer - as you now know, they have to be experienced to be understood . . . especially the first few minutes!

I'm amazed there weren't any water stations given the heat, but good on ya for getting stuck in seeing it through thumbup
Cheers! There were water stations, but only at the end of the run!

I will be entering the longer version next year - 1600m ocean swim, 38k mountainbike and 10k cross-country run. It was great fun, much more enjoyable than a marathon. I am toying with the idea of a 70.3 next year if my training goes well.

dirty boy

14,728 posts

212 months

Friday 20th April 2012
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Just seen this thread...i've signed up for a cross country tri in September - my first one!

I've not done any real fitness for a few months (was swimming 1 mile twice a week, cycling 60 miles - no running other than 6-a-side)

Struggling with my achilles again though, so don't know when i'll hit the road. My training starts in earnest on the 1st May (resting the injury properly)

Looking forward to a 1km lake swim, a 20km ride and an 8km run, cross country! bit mad for a first even, but seemed more interesting, I can't stand road cycling and running (my preference only of course).

Will pop in here for updates. Looking forward to the summer as i'll be able to practice open water swimming more at the beach (we have a beach hut which is useful).

Will have to somehow make my cycle home from work a 20km one too....then figure out how i'm going to do the run!


27,428 posts

282 months

Friday 20th April 2012
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3,678 posts

186 months

Friday 20th April 2012
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Ayahuasca said:
looks great!

(i hate that song with a passion though)

Why is it I haven't seen any fit Tri girls yet? I need to get over to where you are..

nick s

1,371 posts

220 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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So ít's race week for me and i have my first sprint Triathlon on Saturday. Couple of questions if anyone can help though;

Socks or no socks? I can see how wearing no socks would cut a fair chunk from my transition time, but am i going to be in pain on the run?
Also, if i don't go for any socks, what would be best to put in my running shoes. Vaseline/body glide so my feet can't rub, or talcom powder?! Anyone had any experience of this?


1,026 posts

223 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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I tend to run anything Olympic and under without socks. I haven't found it uncomfortable, and haven't suffered with blisters.

However, I think everyone is different, and it's best to experiment in training first. I would suggest running with socks this time if that's what you're used to.

My feet are 'quite disgusting' according to my wife, to the point I could probably run barefoot and they'd still look the same at the end. They've had a rough life carrying my frame through various events!

nick s

1,371 posts

220 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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Fourmotion said:
I tend to run anything Olympic and under without socks. I haven't found it uncomfortable, and haven't suffered with blisters.

However, I think everyone is different, and it's best to experiment in training first. I would suggest running with socks this time if that's what you're used to.

My feet are 'quite disgusting' according to my wife, to the point I could probably run barefoot and they'd still look the same at the end. They've had a rough life carrying my frame through various events!
Mine aren't too bad, I have some hard skin aronud the normal blister points from so much running etc, so i should be ok.

I'll do and easy 5k tonight without socks then and see how it goes! Do you put anything in the shoes? Talc etc?

Another quick question.. I never cycle or run with glasses on, but all the tips i have read mention glasses. Is it advisable to wear them?!


1,026 posts

223 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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nick s said:
Mine aren't too bad, I have some hard skin aronud the normal blister points from so much running etc, so i should be ok.

I'll do and easy 5k tonight without socks then and see how it goes! Do you put anything in the shoes? Talc etc?

Another quick question.. I never cycle or run with glasses on, but all the tips i have read mention glasses. Is it advisable to wear them?!
Yes, sorry, should have mentioned. I tend to drop a bit of talc in my runners. I leave my bike shoes attached to bike wide open ready to jam my feet in, so nothing needed there. Good trick is to get have a towel in transition and just step on it when leaving (no need to wipe). That way you don't waste anytime and the soles of your feet are dry.

As for glasses, it's a comfort thing. On the longer races I do to stop my eyes drying out on the bike, but for the run it depends on conditions. I've never done a sprint, got my first in June, but I probably won't bother. I'd probably choose a visor over glasses on the run.


27,428 posts

282 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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2seas said:
Why is it I haven't seen any fit Tri girls yet? I need to get over to where you are..
yes The winner of the women's event was a former Miss Universe contestant.

Which was nice.

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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nick s said:
So ít's race week for me and i have my first sprint Triathlon on Saturday. Couple of questions if anyone can help though;

Socks or no socks? I can see how wearing no socks would cut a fair chunk from my transition time, but am i going to be in pain on the run?
Also, if i don't go for any socks, what would be best to put in my running shoes. Vaseline/body glide so my feet can't rub, or talcom powder?! Anyone had any experience of this?
Unless you know you'll be OK, I'd go for socks every time. Otherwise, you're leaving it to chance. You could get bad blisters in the space of a mile - then it's a long way home.

nick s

1,371 posts

220 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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Randy Winkman said:
Unless you know you'll be OK, I'd go for socks every time. Otherwise, you're leaving it to chance. You could get bad blisters in the space of a mile - then it's a long way home.
Tested it out last night and did 5k with no socks.. no problem! biggrin I took a pair in case, and also put talc in the shoes. Felt the same as wearing socks! no rubbing whatsoever. Gave me a chance to test out my new lock laces aswell. Can't see any reason to go back to normal laces now either!

Another question though. How much should i be tapering this week? I normally train 5-6 days a week for 45mins each time approx. I go pretty hard each time, so i'm thinking of only doing 3 medium intensity sessions of 30 mins each up until Wednesday, then having thurs & fri off before the Saturday race. Does this sound like a decent plan?

I'm also planning to load up on carbs thursday and Friday, e.g brown rice, wholemeal bread etc. Is 2 days long enough or should i be doing longer? I normally cut carbs right down during the week and don't eat any for dinner at all!


3,678 posts

186 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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Ayahuasca said:
2seas said:
Why is it I haven't seen any fit Tri girls yet? I need to get over to where you are..
yes The winner of the women's event was a former Miss Universe contestant.

'Ridiculously fit woman'

Which was nice.
Holy. Moly.


3,678 posts

186 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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For anyone who hasn't already seen it, this never fails to crack me up:

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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nick s said:
Tested it out last night and did 5k with no socks.. no problem! biggrin I took a pair in case, and also put talc in the shoes. Felt the same as wearing socks! no rubbing whatsoever. Gave me a chance to test out my new lock laces aswell. Can't see any reason to go back to normal laces now either!

Another question though. How much should i be tapering this week? I normally train 5-6 days a week for 45mins each time approx. I go pretty hard each time, so i'm thinking of only doing 3 medium intensity sessions of 30 mins each up until Wednesday, then having thurs & fri off before the Saturday race. Does this sound like a decent plan?

I'm also planning to load up on carbs thursday and Friday, e.g brown rice, wholemeal bread etc. Is 2 days long enough or should i be doing longer? I normally cut carbs right down during the week and don't eat any for dinner at all!
Your taper plan sounds good to me. Can you partially load up on energy drinks? I'd not stuff to much grub if I were you. You want to get to the start line lean and mean.

nick s

1,371 posts

220 months

Wednesday 16th May 2012
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Randy Winkman said:
Your taper plan sounds good to me. Can you partially load up on energy drinks? I'd not stuff to much grub if I were you. You want to get to the start line lean and mean.
That's what i'm worried about! I'm not going to go overboard. Just think for lunch and dinner tomorrow i'll introduce some decent carbs in the form of a handful of brown rice etc, but i think i'll supplement it with some carb nergy drinks as you say!

Getting a bit nervous now, but buzzing to get out there and get stuck in! biggrin

lost in espace

6,223 posts

210 months

Wednesday 16th May 2012
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Did my first tri on Sunday, brilliant fun. I am a runner, and only had a mountain bike, and my swimming was rusty but still finished 170 out of 200.

Selling the mountain bike and getting a road bike, and will get in the pool. Next time I will get to about 100 out of the 200 I would think.


3,678 posts

186 months

Wednesday 16th May 2012
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I've just entered for my first ever Triathlon. The Thames Turbo Sprint on 4th June, which is 0.426k swim / 21k bike / 5k run

I have no idea what time I should aim for. I typically ride around 15mph average (and do distances of 30-45 miles). I last did a 10k run in 48 mins. And I swim at about 1min/50m.

So I guess 8min swim, 46min bike (avg speed of 17mph) and 25min run. 1h19m not including transitions. How long are the transitions typically? I guess I should factor in a bit of a slower pace on the run for fatigue build up.. So, aiming for 1h30m overall - is that respectable?


57 months

Wednesday 16th May 2012
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2seas said:
I've just entered for my first ever Triathlon. The Thames Turbo Sprint on 4th June, which is 0.426k swim / 21k bike / 5k run

I have no idea what time I should aim for. I typically ride around 15mph average (and do distances of 30-45 miles). I last did a 10k run in 48 mins. And I swim at about 1min/50m.

So I guess 8min swim, 46min bike (avg speed of 17mph) and 25min run. 1h19m not including transitions. How long are the transitions typically? I guess I should factor in a bit of a slower pace on the run for fatigue build up.. So, aiming for 1h30m overall - is that respectable?
I expect your run will be faster than 25mins depending on the course. Overall, that looks respectable. The swim is a bit slow but that's the best bit to be slow at. You'll probably be in the top half. Your transitions will be about 1-1:30m maybe less, hopefully not more than 2 mins though.

Take a bit of time deciding how you will transition and plan it. You could easily save 1 min from both transitions if you haven't done any before, taking 2 mins of a run or bike is much harder. You could really work on your swimming and maybe save a minute.

You'll start the swim fired up and then arrive in the bike transition area like it's a Normandy beach attack. If you haven't thought very carefully what you're going to do you'll end up knackered and setting off the wrong way with marshals shouting at you because you've forgotten your helmet/race number/bike/whatever.

Spend some time getting on and off the bike quickly with your number helmet/glasses/etc on and get the sequence 100% down pat. You don't want to be worrying about basic stuff when you're underway. You'll love it.

Edited by el stovey on Wednesday 16th May 12:16


3,678 posts

186 months

Wednesday 16th May 2012
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el stovey said:
2seas said:
I've just entered for my first ever Triathlon. The Thames Turbo Sprint on 4th June, which is 0.426k swim / 21k bike / 5k run

I have no idea what time I should aim for. I typically ride around 15mph average (and do distances of 30-45 miles). I last did a 10k run in 48 mins. And I swim at about 1min/50m.

So I guess 8min swim, 46min bike (avg speed of 17mph) and 25min run. 1h19m not including transitions. How long are the transitions typically? I guess I should factor in a bit of a slower pace on the run for fatigue build up.. So, aiming for 1h30m overall - is that respectable?
I expect your run will be faster than 25mins depending on the course. Overall, that looks respectable. The swim is a bit slow but that's the best bit to be slow at. You'll probably be in the top half. Your transitions will be about 1-1:30m maybe less, hopefully not more than 2 mins though.

Take a bit of time deciding how you will transition and plan it. You could easily save 1 min from both transitions if you haven't done any before, taking 2 mins of a run or bike is much harder. You could really work on your swimming and maybe save a minute.

You'll start the swim fired up and then arrive in the bike transition area like it's a Normandy beach attack. If you haven't thought very carefully what you're going to do you'll end up knackered and setting off the wrong way with marshals shouting at you because you've forgotten your helmet/race number/bike/whatever.

Spend some time getting on and off the bike quickly with your number helmet/glasses/etc on and get the sequence 100% down pat. You don't want to be worrying about basic stuff when you're underway. You'll love it.

Edited by el stovey on Wednesday 16th May 12:16
Cheers for the tips!

My swim speed of 1min/50m is what I average for a 1500m set (with no breaks). In my peak (many years ago) I was 6min30s ish for a 400m. On the day I think 7min20s is probably a good goal. It's in a pool so I hope I wont get stuck behind others...

I'll definitely practice my transitions before the day and as you say get the 'sequence' right for kit. I'm guessing with a 1-2min transition there's no time to get changed from swimming shorts into bike/running shorts then! Wear them underneath for the bike? I'll have to do some reading up..

nick s

1,371 posts

220 months

Thursday 17th May 2012
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2seas said:
Cheers for the tips!

My swim speed of 1min/50m is what I average for a 1500m set (with no breaks). In my peak (many years ago) I was 6min30s ish for a 400m. On the day I think 7min20s is probably a good goal. It's in a pool so I hope I wont get stuck behind others...

I'll definitely practice my transitions before the day and as you say get the 'sequence' right for kit. I'm guessing with a 1-2min transition there's no time to get changed from swimming shorts into bike/running shorts then! Wear them underneath for the bike? I'll have to do some reading up..
I think you'll go a lot quicker than 1hr 30 mins from what you've said. I'm about the same as you for a 10k run and the swim, but am expecting to do the 20k cycle in around 38 mins (have you got a road bike?) And i'm looking to finish in around 1hr 12-14mins if all goes well. Hoping for;

Swim: 7:30
T1: 1:30
Bike: 38:00
T2: 1:00
Run: 23:30

That's if all goes to plan! biggrin

On a side note i did a bit of brick training last night (cycling then straighto nto the run) and i didn't take any fluid or carb drinks in on the bike for the first time, ad god did i feel it on the run! I faded out completely. Keeping hydrated on the bike is MASSIVELY important!

Edited by nick s on Thursday 17th May 09:19