2024 Six Nations


Kermit power

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216 months

Sunday 10th March
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Catweazle said:
Kermit power said:
mcpoot said:
Alickadoo said:
Come to think of it, all the Scotch commentators are poor. They are all so biased.
Thinking is obviously not your forte. The word is Scottish. Scotch is for whisky, egg or pie.
Tsk... amateur...

What of Bonnets? Or Corners? Broth? Terriers???

Will nobody think of the terriers???
Not forgetting mist.
Indeed! Looks like we've well and truly scotched mcpoot's plan to strictly limit the number of things that can be given a Scotch moniker! hehe

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Monday 11th March
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mcpoot said:
DodgyGeezer said:
dickymint said:
pocketspring said:
Kermit power said:
Catweazle said:
Kermit power said:
mcpoot said:
Alickadoo said:
Come to think of it, all the Scotch commentators are poor. They are all so biased.
Thinking is obviously not your forte. The word is Scottish. Scotch is for whisky, egg or pie.
Tsk... amateur...

What of Bonnets? Or Corners? Broth? Terriers???

Will nobody think of the terriers???
Not forgetting mist.
Indeed! Looks like we've well and truly scotched mcpoot's plan to strictly limit the number of things that can be given a Scotch moniker! hehe
I'm going for Scotch tape.
Hop Scotch was fun to play back in the playgroundhehe
Guys, guys - stop stirring, or at least use the correct implement

Well I'm calling foul on Terriers as they're also Scottish.
Keep going with others and I'll give you a yes or no.
If you're going to call foul on Scotch Terriers because they're also called Scottish, then I'm afraid we're going to have to call foul on kilts because they're also called skirts! tongue out

Kermit power

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216 months

Tuesday 12th March
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
See, we don't mind that. We call them across the ditch Shackle Draggers and they call us Sheep Shaggers. Only one of those descriptions is accurate, obviously. But we take it in good humour, makes them feel wanted.
Well I knew that the use of leg shackles was banned in Australia after a Royal Commission in 1898, but I must say it's remarkably good of you to provide first hand confirmation as to the continued veracity of the other allegation! hehe

Kermit power

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216 months

Saturday 16th March
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I don't mind Jiffy being very Welsh-biased, but how on earth can the man live with himself after saying "less defenders" instead of fewer???

Animal! banghead

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Saturday 16th March
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
Off to watch my local team beat Bude this afternoon.
Are you sure about that? It's showing as an HWO on the RFU fixtures & results page!

Kermit power

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216 months

Saturday 16th March
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dickymint said:
XCP said:
dickymint said:
phil_cardiff said:
No way Wales don't get whitewashed today. And frankly, it's time the chickens came home to roost and the WRU realise just what a mess they've made of professional rugby.

Unfortunately it's a near sell out so the WRU may believe that the golden goose is still laying eggs.
Yep yes And here's a prime example that you'll remember - Pontypool RFC - "Pontypool have won the past three Championship titles, but been denied promotion to the Premiership because of ring-fencing of the semi-pro top flight..."


So this was 2 years ago.
I am betting the situation hasn't improved? All very sad.
Finally last year they made it to the Premiership by winning every game clap

Happy to see that! One of their props was the bouncer in the pub I worked in for my first year at Uni. biggrin

Kermit power

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216 months

Saturday 16th March
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Mr Magooagain said:
You won’t hear much malice about England in the Irish camp. There’s been plenty of scrapping over the years but mutual respect from what I’ve seen.
I wonder how much of that has its roots in England famously turning up for the game back in 1973?

Edited by Kermit power on Saturday 16th March 15:31

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Saturday 16th March
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
Kermit power said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
Off to watch my local team beat Bude this afternoon.
Are you sure about that? It's showing as an HWO on the RFU fixtures & results page!
Yeah, Bude couldn't raise a front row but still turned up. Uncontested scrums and match given to Tiverton. Played anyway and abandoned halfway through the second half by mutual consent. 90-0 to Tiv at that point.
Good on them for turning up at least!

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Saturday 16th March
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Supporting Scotland really does feel staggeringly weird and just a little bit dirty! hehe

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Saturday 16th March
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Pretty dull first half!

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Saturday 16th March
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Bonefish Blues said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
basherX said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:

I think not.
Why not? Dropped it?
Yeah, I reckon. But a Welsh try was given earlier and they dropped it.
It was dropped but don't think that there was separation until after there had been downward pressure on the try line, but once the on-field call is no try the odds are against it being given.
The on field decision wouldn't have changed on that one regardless of what the decision was.

As it was, the TMO couldn't comprehensively state that the ball had not been fully lost - arm contact would've sufficed - but equally on field try would've stood because the TMO wouldn't have been able to categorically say that the arm had remained in contact the whole time.

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Saturday 16th March
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Boom!!! biggrin

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Saturday 16th March
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
England are in trouble here. They're not going to win this.
Ah, what a vintage quote that is! rofl

Kermit power

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216 months

Sunday 17th March
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cherryowen said:
I'll caveat all of the following with "IMVHO":-

The final score for the WAL v ITA game flattered Wales; in possession, they were directionless headless chickens. Dire.

The final score for the IRE v SCO game flattered Ireland

The penalty that finished off England was 50 / 50 at best, and was a harsh call. But, at least, England seem to have a platform to build on (as opposed to Wales who - for me - only have Wainwright / Winnett / Ferrell as ongoing prospects).

Player of the Tournament?

Can't decide between Earles and Menoncello.
I take it you mean Reffell?

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Sunday 17th March
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Mr Magooagain said:
Link to next years fixtures!
That's harsh!

You'd have thought that after this year they might at least have started with a different fixture so that Wales could enjoy not being bottom of the table for a few hours! hehe

Kermit power

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216 months

Monday 18th March
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That makes you wonder just how far the poor Welsh could actually drop.

They're so far adrift of South Africa that a loss shouldn't impact their ranking score, but if Australia them twice, they could potentially drop below Fiji, Japan and Georgia by the look of it.

Absolutely criminal really! Rugby without a strong Welsh side just doesn't feel right.

Kermit power

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216 months

Monday 18th March
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Alickadoo said:
Mr Magooagain said:
Alickadoo said:
Mr Magooagain said:
Link to next years fixtures!
I see they are sticking to the same stupid kick off times?
Is that a question?
Starting times seem ok to me. We have plenty of notice to organise ourselves I would say.
The question mark was intended to invite comment.

Why do we have the odd quarter of an hour kick off time?

"Shall we kick off at 3p.m.?"
'No, that's too obvious, we'll kick off at 2p.m.'
"Hang on, why not make it 2.15p.m.? That will keep everyone on their toes".

'O.K. then 2.15, it is then. What about the evening game?'
"Evening game? Why do we have to have an evening game".
'I don't know. We just do, I suppose it's so that people struggle to get home at that time of night. I gives the hotels some income.'

Right, that's decided then. 2.15, 4.45 and 8p.m., but we will make one of them kick off at 8.15p.m., just to keep everyone on their toes.
It's a French thing.

Most of the French clubs ( thanks to the Nazis, believe it or not!) are in the Southern third of the country, and outside the current Olympic cycle the games are invariably played in Paris, so regardless of kick off time, fans traveling up are almost certainly going to have to stay overnight anyway, so they schedule a lot of the test matches for the 9pm prime time TV slot.

Weird, I know, and hardly designed to draw kids into the game, but it does at least mean that if you're going to the ground you can have a decent not-to-early dinner before you go! smile

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Monday 18th March
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u-boat said:
Boom78 said:
It looks like an accurate ranking to me, we’ve been rubbish. For the last 20 years we somehow managed to find decent players, they were naturally talented and driven rather than a product of the regions/WRU. Our club/regional structure has always been this bad, these now retired ‘golden generation’ (hate that phrase) players gave a veneer of success to our structure, we’re now seeing the cold reality. To be successful you need the foundations, governance and finances in place, we don’t have any of these. Totally agree on your last point, the 6N does need a strong Welsh team but it must be earned.

My worry is the talent will be drawn to the school academy structure then whisked off on scholarships to England, it’s already started to happen a bit. I think Gatland was saying on Scrum V the English schools and clubs are paying 15-20k as salaries/annual sponsorships to these players, we pay nothing.
I think you’re right.

National identity is far less of a factor for young people particularly sportsmen and even more so when there’s financial incentives to play for a neighbour which you might have reasonable connection to and your own country isn’t doing well or offering the chance of success.
I think "neighbour" is really apt there. You might expect Scotland to suffer a similar fate until you realise that for an age grade Scottish player to join an English academy it does effectively require a boarding school scholarship or their family moving home - and having seen first hand the ruthlessness with which the DPP and Acacemy programmes will drop kids in the blink of an eye, screw that for a laugh! - whereas much of the Welsh rugby heartland is within an hour or so drive of Glaws, Bristol or Bath.

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Monday 18th March
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bigothunter said:
towser said:
Absolutely - I trudge along to Murrayfield 2 or 3 times a year. This “golden generation” has flattered to deceive. They can pull off a one off sublime performance - although that hasn’t happened this 6 Nations.

Townsend has to shoulder a large portion of the responsibility for that but maybe we also have to accept that this generation isn’t as golden as we were lead to believe. Finn Russell - on his day is a game changer but those days are few and far between, maybe we need a more pragmatic number 10.

We’ve maybe got 2 years left with the spine of this team and nothing is coming through the junior ranks - SRU arrogance and being asleep at the wheel to thank for that. So I’d like to see Townsend gone and at least try a different coach for a final crack at winning something as we’ve got a long barren period coming up. Sadly - this is as good as it’ll get for a while.
Scotland needs more South African players biggrin


Oh. Sorry. It was just my irony detector exploding at the juxtaposition of this post and the user name of the poster!

Kermit power

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29,038 posts

216 months

Monday 18th March
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bigothunter said:
Stella Tortoise said:
File under gormless trolling, the Thunter is well known for it.

Edited by Stella Tortoise on Monday 18th March 17:34
You are a humourless turd.
Whereas we are all, of course, in complete awe of your incisive rapier wit! hehe