GOLF - 2024



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Tuesday 2nd April
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The addition of the CR-Par element for course handicap calculation will not affect anyone's handicap in any way*. It is purely to make the idea of "playing to handicap" clearer. Golfers used to say "I get 10 shots" and think that was to par, but it wasn't - it was to course rating. Now, it's how many shots you get vs par for the course, which makes way more sense, and is how everyone thinks about it anyway.

The reason it won't affect handicaps is because par was never part of the handicap calculation.

\*I'm not sure how it affects net double in stableford, that's the one part I haven't spent enough time thinking about to work it out. It's possible that you "get shots" on different holes now and that might affect indexes. Not sure


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Friday 5th April
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Blackpuddin said:
No rain predicted for the afternoon woohoo but it's just making way for the wind. curse
It's one, or the other, or both, but never neither. You should know that by now!


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Monday 8th April
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Blackpuddin said:
This guy reckons Rick Shiels is an 18 handicapper and explains why he thinks that.
I'm not even going to waste my time with the video because it's clearly complete nonsense.

I'm an 18 handicap and Rick would wipe the floor with me.

In his most recent video he shot a 2- or 3-under front nine, and 18 cap isn't doing that.

andyA700 said:
On his videos he is often talking right up to where he takes the club back, which is not good for concentration.
I used to think that, but it's the editing. I mean he might do it once or twice, but it looks as if he does it every shot.


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Thursday 11th April
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Praying for a Rory win


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Thursday 11th April
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Tycho said:
I'd be happy with Rory, Tommy, Tiger or Rickie but I think Scheffler will do it or Rahm could defend.


Edited by Tycho on Thursday 11th April 14:59
I really like Tommy as well, would be happy to see him win... but not if he just pips Rors!


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Friday 12th April
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Lord_Howit_Hertz said:
Sorry to chirp in on the Rick Shields bit.....

He's friends with a few of my mates, all came through Mere G&C, no way is he close to scratch or a plus golfer despite his pro status.

The time I had a round with him at Worsley, I was playing off 6, describing him as an 18 handicapper isn't far off. There was no cameras or distractions that day, his game was hacking at best.

He got a break with American Golf at the Traff Centre and to be fair to him, hes done so well, but I wouldnt want a lesson off him.
I think you might have forgotten just how poor an 18 cap can be. How long ago was this round?


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Friday 12th April
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Nezquick said:
I'm free too.....I have no idea what date it is, but i'm free! biggrin

Re Rick, I wish he'd just start aiming at the flag. I'm convinced that he messes up most of his rounds by trying to play these cuts, or baby fades, or big draws. Just aim at it man!
If he's really an 18 cap he should just be aiming at the middle of the green...


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Wednesday 24th April
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PXG 0811 XF Gen 4 driver, 10.5 adjusted down (I think), regular flex.

Cobra Fly-Z 3w, regular flex

TM Stealth irons 5-PW, regular flex

Kirkland wedges (52, 56, 60)

Odyssey 2 ball

Typically play Kirkland or Vice Pro balls

GX Gloves

Bag atm is a TM Flextech lite stand bag, green. Have a TM cart bag for when the fairways have dried back out and I get the trolley out again in summer


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62 months

Monday 29th April
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Got out on Saturday for the first time for ages after becoming a bit of a range rat lately. Was hoping things that were improving on the range would carry over to the course.... guess where this is going yet? hehe

Didn't even break 100. Back 9 (apart from the 11th) was actually good and I played to handicap but the front nine, particularly the first 5 holes, were woeful. Driver was putting me in trouble, then the irons weren't exactly helping. Chipping and pitching I was really happy with but I couldn't hole a putt. The greens were absolutely immaculate, almost too quick for me and I was running everything past, so three putts galore.

The 11th was a classic. First ball OB right, second drive was good and would've been 230-240 had it not hit a tree and started back the other way. Left with a pitching wedge onto the green, I flushed it - the type where you just know it would have been prefect - then it hit the single overhanging branch and dropped straight down. Then the punch out shot hit the trunk of the tree and bounced OB again rofl Think I got a 10 on that hole.

Anyway, it started to pick up again as I said and I think I played the last 7 holes in +6, with just the putting being the problem. That's what I get for not using the practice green beforehand. No idea what the weather was like because I felt really warm but I could see my breath, so my brain couldn't work out whether it was coming or going.

Seems like the course is on an absolute knife edge though - it was "green" status when I played and lovely and dry, but after the rain on Saturday night (which tbf did sound quite heavy) it's now back at "red" again.

Rojibo said:
On top of the two broken irons I was just hit in the arm by an errant tee shot from the 17th that kind of runs opposite, when I was on the second hole. No shout of fore or anything, the guy did apologise and said it was his first time playing. It does fking hurt though.

Really not having a great run of golf related luck at the moment frown
Sorry to hear that. Hope you're recovering!

Edited by s94wht on Monday 29th April 13:23


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Tuesday 30th April
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fat80b said:
For me that would all be around expectation - and I used to suffer from this really badly - now, my only thought at the start of a round is that "I want to give 100% to every shot, hit some nice ones along the way, and most of all to enjoy it" - i.e. I don't ever start thinking about what number I need to get today.

A similar thing happened to my PP last week - He went out by himself and shot a score that would have got him a handicap cut and has been practising like a bandit (is that a thing), so come our Friday morning 9 holes, he was super keen to put a 9 hole card and register a good score. I mean what could possibly go wrong.....

Cue stuffing up the first (OOB out the back), topped drive on the 2nd....and the third, bogey at 4, double on 5., bunker on the par 3 6th.

Come the 7th and needing a decent drive, he pulled 3 balls OOB - what was interesting to me was that his pre shot routine was gone, and the negative spiral had well and truly taken over.

He was shell shocked and ended up with 57 for 9 holes and his worst score ever. I was gutted for him as the expectation gods well and truly kicked him in the nuts......
There's certainly a little bit of expectation. The first tee shot(s) were a bit of an eye opener but were funny more than anything. Frustration starts to creep in around the turn because I know I can hit a ball well and I just wasn't. Does make it sweeter when you start piping the driver again though smile


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Friday 3rd May
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I played with a guy last night (caught him up and we joined up) who's just moved here from Thailand to do his masters degree. He had been interested in golf for a month, and only played once before (in Thailand, this was his first game here). He said that he had been watching some coaching videos etc on YouTube - and his swing was amazing!

Honestly, I wish my swing looked like his! If he's only learned from YouTube then he must absorb information like a sponge. I would say he was slightly too upright/stood slightly too close to the ball which led to inconsistencies with thinned shots, but the way his head stayed so still and his arms dead straight etc was really impressive and his finishing position was spot on. Weight over the front foot, head, chest, knees and toes all in line. He stuck a shot from about 150 yards to about 10 feet with this high ball flight which was better than pretty much all the shots I'd hit hehe He struggled with short game/how hard to hit putts, and his driver was very inconsistent, but that iron swing was really impressive.

He asked me about buying golf clubs etc, I told him instead to get lessons before he gets into bad habits. He asked how long it takes to get better; I said, for you, not a lot of time at all!


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62 months

Tuesday 7th May
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I shot +7 through 9 the other day (where my handicap for that 9 was +8) and I felt like, for once, I was swinging my range swing. Everything felt so nice and steady, and my chipping was pretty good too. Just means that next time out I'll be rubbish again!


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62 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Tycho said:
Nice, it's great when that happens. I've been working at the range on taking a club more and swinging smoother taking my ego out of the game. Just need to take it on the course now.

We have the greenkeepers cup on Saturday with easy, hard and crazy pin positions so I just need to try and go for the middle of the green from wherever I am rather than thinking I am a single figure handicapper who can go for the flag.
I think it's one of the advantages of turning up and playing without much of a warmup - I took 7i off the first tee and just swung smoothly (would normally take 5i on that hole). The shot was arrow straight, didn't lose any distance really compared to a full swing (about 5 yards) and it just put me in a good mood all the way around. Need to bear that in mind for future - let the club do the work.


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62 months

Tuesday 7th May
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48Valves said:
Sounds nice and positive.

As much as I advocate hitting driver as much as possible, a 7 iron off the tee on your 1st is not a bad play if you hit it long enough to clear the ditch. I’m happy to get to the 2nd tee without having lost a ball on the 1st biglaugh
Ah, this wasn't at Bar Hill. The first hole at this course is 250 with a bunker just short. OB right. Driver is out and I don't fancy a 3w first shot of the day, so it's usually a 5 iron for a 50-60y pitch.


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62 months

Wednesday 8th May
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fat80b said:
I can be quite a good putter but my putting ability tends to creep away from me over time as I make small adjustments each time I go usally then gets reset when somebody says to me, "why are you doing x when you are putting?" And then I realise that it has got away from me again.

My usual ones are gripping further down and down, or left elbow increasingly bent, or standing miles away, or some other odd looking thing that I havent noticed as it has just been a gradual change over a few months....

I keep saying to myself that I should try and use the indoor puttout matt a bit more but I very rarely do....
So you can speed up the process? hehe


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62 months

Monday 13th May
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Superb golf from McIlroy yesterday, unbelievable stuff. Love to see it. Going into Saturday he was 4 back and he ends up winning by what, 5? And could have easily been more. Cracking watch, delighted for him.


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62 months

Monday 13th May
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ArmaghMan said:
Obviously delighted for him as a Norn Oirish man.
Is the Masters a mental thing for him???
I'm not sure, his game had been all over the place, the left miss was killing him. Give him another crack at the Masters this week and he performs much better IMO


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62 months

Monday 13th May
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Jordan Speith-esque 9 holes today!

Par, 8, Par, 8, Birdie, Par, Double, Bogey, Triple

The frustrating thing is, it could've easily gone,

Par, Bogey, Par, Par, Birdie, Par, Bogey, Par, Triple (I was dreadful on the 9th, I'll admit that)

On the second I was green side bunker in two, then I fatted one and bladed the second out over the green, then onto the green and a 3 putt!

On the 4th, my PP told me he saw where my ball came down, so we looked for it, couldn't find it, dropped for four, hit a tree, punched out, then hit an amazing pitch in and two putted. On the way up the 6th we found my original ball some 60 yards from where we were looking, and although it was on the wrong fairway I had a clear look in and the way I was hitting my irons I think I could've got close.

On the 7th, I hit a tee shot which somehow sat on the wall of a bone dry bunker, meaning a big hook out to the base of a tree. Then clipped the very top branch of another tree, dropped down for about 20 yards distance gained, into a bunker, great splash out, 2 putt

On the 8th I had a brutal lip out denying me a good up and down.

One of those days. My PP had a terrible time out though so while I felt his pain it was a comfort to me!

The strange thing is getting in, and checking my Shot Scope stats, only to be told that I only gained shots Vs a 20 handicap on approach play. I shouldn't be surprised because of my score but it is still a kick in the bks.

Edited by s94wht on Tuesday 14th May 10:54


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62 months

Wednesday 15th May
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leglessAlex said:
fourstardan said:
Are all top golfers just selfish arsewipes?
I would hazard a guess most top athletes are.

Well, if not most, then a significant minority. I’d guess they often have egos, selfishness and an enormous desire to get what they want.

I think it’ll be a real shame if it’s some bad behaviour on his side, it’ll definitely make me think less of him, not that he’d give a st.

I don’t realise Speith just needs the PGA to complete the Career slam. I don’t think he’s really on it this year, but it would be fun to see. His commentary after after each shot makes me chuckle.
You have to be selfish to make it at the top level. I doubt anyone is calling Scheffler selfish for playing at the PGA having just had a kid.


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62 months

Wednesday 15th May
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bodhi said:
Haha not in the slightest - good to see them being used and about as clean as mine! They were the one set of Nike Blades I never got to experience other than the odd shots with me mate's set, seemed just as good as the other two though.

I like the two Drivers as well - what's the thinking behind that?
If he plays with someone who turns out to be a knob, he starts hitting the sasquatch