The Fly Fishing - And Now All Types of Fishing Thread!

The Fly Fishing - And Now All Types of Fishing Thread!



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Monday 31st August 2020
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Bonefish Blues said:
Rod is only transferred to the left hand for lure retrieval and playing fish.
Exactly. You will be holding the rod in your left hand but you are in fact controlling it with your right. When you hook a fish it's your right hand that actually strikes into it and controls the rod. Bit like a golf club if you see what I mean.


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Thursday 3rd September 2020
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nigelpugh7 said:
PurpleTurtle said:
Run To The Gills!!

As a journalist you would wait an entire career to write a headline like that about the Iron Maiden guitarist being mad on fishing!! hehe

He's got a book out - 'Monsters of River and Rock'

Wow! That’s amazing, so I wasn’t far off the mark when it comes to fishing celebrity types then!
Here's another and what a character...........


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261 months

Friday 4th September 2020
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Ian Anderson one of my favourite musicians (Jethro Tull) used to own a Salmon farm back in the seventies...............

And yes I may be "thick as a brick" but I'm also "too old to rock and roll but too young to die" hippy


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Sunday 6th September 2020
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^^^ They really are works of art nowadays thumbup

You've probably already done this but if not and you've never used one before - Youtube as many videos as you can on "birdsnest" and learn how to set up the brakes and tensioner. Trust me you DO NOT want to find out on your first trip how to remove a birdsnest or even worse have to cut the whole line off and fit new. If you have a spare spool with that reel then take it with you loaded with line just in case!

I learnt the hard way whilst beach casting where distance is important as well as limited time to fish due to the tides. I've seen many a newcomer to multiplier reels almost in tears. Take it steady and I think you'll love the accuracy and control it will give you thumbup

Oh and as i just had to type "thumb" for the smilie It reminded me I used to wear a thumb cut off a Marigold glove hehe


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261 months

Thursday 10th September 2020
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nigelpugh7 said:
coppice said:
Keep the thread , as a generic 'fishing ' one will become dominated by carp fishng , so popular has it become . But , given this thread's occasional drifts , rename 'flyfishing and light lure fishing '? They are very similar disciplines, often attracting the same people.

Severn looks lovely , but when I see it I tend to think of Brummie Bonefish , aka barbel, more than the usual suspects..That said , if you have access to a boat especially , there are humoungous zander go be caught on lure.

I'm just planning a jaunt with a chum next Spring for some wild brownies on the Lugg - never fished it but on a foodie/ Prescott/Welsh borders jaunt OH and I made last year to Ludlow we crossed the Lugg and it looked lovely. Anyone fished it ?
A good point John, I was also thinking we should change the title, so perhaps a few more “ Viators “ could find the thread? wink

It’s not my OP though, so Dicky Mint would need to change the thread title.

As far as the Lugg is concerned, it was one river I don’t think I have ever fished, so it’s on my plan.

The BAA have a section here which I’ve been thinking about.
No objection here. Coppice is spot on in that any new title needs a bit of thought. My thoughts are on the lines of ...

"......apart from sat on your arse (or sleeping in a tent) waiting for an alarm to go off thread" hehe

Anyhow I'll have to ask the Mods to change it so let's have a few more suggestions first thumbup


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261 months

Friday 11th September 2020
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nigelpugh7 said:
boxy but good said:
I agree to a certain degree but maybe another thread encompassing all types of fishing, including course and sea fishing, may entice more folks to share their experiences.

Shall I start one, and see how it goes ?
Feel free to!

But I’ll wager it will become dominated by that there “ Carp Crew” !
This is reminding me of the 'single model wars' that us "Wedgers" had with the TVR Car Club many years ago rofl


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Sunday 13th September 2020
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nigelpugh7 said:
coppice said:
Better look away now Nigel ...On a 2 " paddletail jig meant for Mr Perch, and caught in fast flowing water . Quite a scrap on a 7-6 light lure rod ... Rubbish picture I am afraid

Oh wow John! He’s ace, well done.

I’m not that much of a coward when it comes to Pike really you know!

Would just love to catch one ! And soon hopefully!
I've never caught a Pike or eaten one but would love to do both one day. I understand that it's a pain to de-bone them?


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Sunday 13th September 2020
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And there it is Nige as I'm sure you watched lt - you now know what a "clonker" is hehe


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Sunday 13th September 2020
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otolith said:
dickymint said:
I've never caught a Pike or eaten one but would love to do both one day. I understand that it's a pain to de-bone them?
I have eaten them, not caught be me, but fish caught from a large clean lake in survey nets. They were weighed and measured and opercular bones removed for ageing, and then filleted and the meat given away to whoever wanted some. As a poor postgrad student I was up for a bit of free food! They were very tasty. I used to take the bottom of the fillet to deep fry in batter (no bones) and used the bony bit for casseroles. The French classically make fishcakes out of them.
Cheers, that lead me to to search a supplier and found this............

Seems that even fillets have bones in them (I can deal with that) that are difficult to remove. Nice link in the product information to a pike choking on a Zander too!!


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Monday 14th September 2020
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coppice said:
dickymint said:
I've never caught a Pike or eaten one but would love to do both one day. I understand that it's a pain to de-bone them?
Err , it's very bad form to kill pike, or any coarse fish in England . Not illegal - the law allows a single pike of less than 65cm to be killed. But if you do so, be very discreet as you'd be risking abuse or worse from some pike anglers .

I have eaten them in France and they taste like fish flavoured cotton wool with a side order of random bones . Enjoy catching one and let it live to fight another day
Yeh I know that which is which is why i've never targeted them. I do remember a time many years ago though that on my local reservoir at LLandegfedd we were urged to kill them if caught and leave them on the banks! Again from memory this all changed when Pike fishing became very popular and a "money spinner". Also Rugby Legend Gareth Edwards caught *allegedly the then British Record 45 pounder.

  • there are a lot stories suggesting it was a setup nuts

Edited by dickymint on Monday 14th September 08:41


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Wednesday 23rd September 2020
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coppice said:
An Indian Summer day high up on the North York Moors yesterday , on the lovely little river Seven (no 'r') . Nowt big , but feisty little wild brownies on upstream nymph and dry fly. Not easy - accurate casting needed and a lot of stealth .

She looks a picture , no ?

Upstream nymphing now that is an art thumbup

Edit: especially sideways like that wink


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Friday 2nd October 2020
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coppice said:
Cripes -where I fish you'd risk encountering a Typhoon or F15 with your drone. The buggers fly so low that on a still day, you even get a whiff of their fuel.

But it was all quiet on my last day of the season's river fly fishing , which always feel poignant , never more so than this year . A mixed bag of trout and grayling . no monsters but delightful - 16 all told. All on 6ft Shakespeare #3 weight with 10-12ft leader and a small PTN. Joined by a busy family of long tailed tits as I fished the last pool . A day to tide me through the winter. And now it's pike/perch.chub/barbel time ...

Lovely pan size fish or do you grill em?


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261 months

Friday 2nd October 2020
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coppice said:
dickymint said:
Lovely pan size fish or do you grill em?
I put back nearly all wild trout - because

-I don't fish to eat

- I don't especially enjoy eating them anyway

- we have a catch and release policy

- even if we didn't , I'd put them back. The upper length(15 ,miles plus ) of my river have never been stocked and being able to capture such lovely , indigenous creatures is reward enough.

The only fish I kill are big stock rainbows which I get smoked .
Well I certainly read the photo wrong and assumed as he was on the bank he'd felt "the priest" angel
Fish I return are shaken off and not "landed".
Our stretch of the Usk is stocked yearly but they have to be specially bred from the indigenous strain.
I take a max of one for me and one for Wifey and only pan size.
No Rainbows in the Usk but was amazed when I caught one about fifteen years ago! Nobody has any idea how it got there.


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261 months

Monday 9th November 2020
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Just watching "Fishing On The Bank" Predator fish on the fly at Chew Valley thumbup

Edit: BT Sport 3


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Monday 7th December 2020
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Fishing On The Bank BT Sports2 looks interesting on now


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Monday 14th December 2020
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nigelpugh7 said:
nigelpugh7 said:
Surprised no one has commented on last nights program?
I was really looking forward to it, but I’m sorry to report it left me a bit cold, and I can’t put my finger on why?
I thoroughly enjoyed it but I think I know what you mean - It sort of made me feel a bit voyeuristic (probably the wrong choice of word) as though it was very personal to them and maybe not meant for 'us' to watch?

But anyway I saw a lot of my past in there and it made me smile all the way through it.

Edit: I just love their friendship.

Edited by dickymint on Monday 14th December 22:00


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261 months

Monday 14th December 2020
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Bonefish Blues said:
Longer thread in the TV section
Cheers for that....bookmarked beer


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Sunday 28th March 2021
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My stretch (Town Water at Usk) has been open all month. I haven't got a clue what Covid restrictions were in place but It's not been very appealing anyway. I started keeping bees last year and that's likely to take up most of my spare time. But I'm sure i'll get the urge as soon as I see a rise.


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Wednesday 23rd August 2023
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coppice said:
He's not the only one to have written on that subject (he said, immodestly). Try A Dream of Jewelled Fishes and The Glorious Uncertainty by ....err... me . Both cover the subject , as well as lots of other stuff.

Edited by coppice on Tuesday 22 August 18:44
thumbup Bought your first book just now on Amazon. Looked at your second one but it's 40 quid and a used copy yikes I'll shop around once i've read the first hehe


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Saturday 9th September 2023
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timbob said:
So, I booked myself and went on an introductory morning session/casting lesson at my most local stillwater the other morning. Obviously with the current weather, it was bright blue skies and approaching 30 degrees by lunchtime, so not the best conditions - but perfect still weather for a bit of casting practice.

It seemed to go quite well, I picked up the cast timing quite well and was able to get the line to out straight ahead. Wasn’t quite able to translate that to shooting very much line though - I think, in retrospect with the index finger grip on top (rather than the more natural thumb on top for me), I was struggling to get a firm enough “stop” on the forward cast. Plenty to practice. We had one fish on, late morning, when a fish took the fly straight away as my instructor cast under a tricky tree and was handing the rod over. Didn’t quite keep enough tension on and it got away…

I shall definitely be back in a week or two when the weather turns - just got to kit myself out now with enough essentials to fish independently!
Well done timbob that's great news clap you'll soon pick it up. As for 'shooting the line' it's all about finding the sweet spot of your rod and line combo and the amount of line in the air before final release - have a google of 'double hauling' in fact here's a good one...........

Best advice is fund a field to practice on thumbup