The Tennis Thread

The Tennis Thread



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Wednesday 30th January 2013
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anonymous said:

to name but a few

oh I will also add the tiny lady known as Henin


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246 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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Ten Four said:
Tomic is a right but this details how stupid our speeding laws are
Tomic The Tank Engine, what a tosser, also pretty sure the motor in question is an M3 GTS but the press have to big it up and call it a Ferrari smile


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246 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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JNW1 said:
chippy17 said:

to name but a few

oh I will also add the tiny lady known as Henin
Can't believe you missed JP McEnroe out of that shortlist! I guess the argument might be that some of those players above didn't have a backhand that was a good offensive weapon but I agree with your sentiment; Djokovic and Murray both have two-handers that are offensive weapons but for the most part I think the double handed backhand is just different from the single-hander as opposed to better.

On your issue with carpet courts, are you wearing indoor shoes with the smooth soles? Outdoor shoes do tend to grip more than you'd like on occasion and that's when twisted ankles happen; I've done it once on our carpet courts (wearing a brand new pair of outdoor shoes!) but since swapping to indoor shoes I've not had a problem. I know some indoor shoes can be like playing in clogs but it may be worth investing in a decent pair if you play a lot on carpet?
imo McEnroe bh was not an offensive weapon but correct me if you disagree, I think the poeple named in that list have a 1hbh that can be classed a a proper weapon, yes even Fed, posssible exception Laver, one has to also take out of the equation player with awesome fhs that may have given the viewer the thought that their 1hbh was a not, such as Sampras and Lendl

doh! I am such an idiot, of course wearing the wrong shoes, i hardly ever play on it so cannot justify buying indoor shoes but that is the reason you are quite right, thanks


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246 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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anonymous said:
no I haven't you need to go and watch some reruns, Sampras backhand extremely underrated and as i said people are blinded by the fact that they had monster forehands, Becker and Rafter had superb bhs, same goes for lendl the inventor of the modern forehand
Muster and Guga were monsters on clay with 1hbh that tells you all you need to know


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246 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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FourWheelDrift said:
Sampras and Federer are primarily serve and volley players, two handed back hand isn't a serve and volley trait. Can't think of anyone who did that. That's why they did so well at Wimbledon and so badly at the French.
relatively speaking I would agree with you re Sampras but Federer is one of the best clay courters of all time just happened to come up against the greatest


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246 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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anonymous said:
as have I many times, even had a beer with the guy (top bloke btw) yes it was perhaps not the best choice for my list but i still think underrated, as a junior he had a 2hbh but changed:

as i have said many times and I have not disagreed with your point; the modern game on the slow courts of today favours the 2hbh but my argument is that it does not make the 1hbh redundant, as Stan showed this year it can be devasting and almost put Djoker out early


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246 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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anonymous said:
have to agree with the moose, Fed grew up on clay and is primarily a baseliner, fed has a pretty nice 2hbh as it happens:


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246 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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anonymous said:
he has been missed (even though I am a huge Fed fan!) but is on his way back and has rearmed himself smile


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246 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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anonymous said:
oops sorry about that, but your sentiment is very true, I for one am looking forward to his return

assuming most people contributing to this thread are regular players it would be interesting to me to know what racquets and strings you use or say if you have changed your racquet recently etc?

I guess we all know that most pros stick with one racket most of their careers and for the top guys only the paintjob is changed, and of course that these racquets are not the same as retail racquets


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246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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Robbo66 said:
chippy17 said:
as for bh slice being a cop out shot well I guess you are not doing it correctly...
Really...perhaps you could enlighten you hardly ever play and still hit, by your own admission, some sublime 1hbh winners.
Natural talent or a natural embellishment of the actuality ?.

Since you ask...BLX Pro's either Yonex S/S poly at 55lbs or when arm playing up, Bab RPM blast and Prince Synth crosses at 55lbs.

Edited by Robbo66 on Wednesday 30th January 21:47

Edited by Robbo66 on Wednesday 30th January 22:02
we could meet up for hit and I could show you wink i am just saying that a slice can be a very useful shot

I am not playing, at present, as much as i would like to mainly due to weather, currently once a week indoors for a couple of hours, but in better weather I try to play 3 or 4 times a week, as for sublime winners i hit 2 good 1hbh in over 2 hours of play so hardly covering myself in glory!! i am simply a half decent club player nothing more who loves the game

nice racquet, the 95? yes i would imagine strung with full poly it would certainkly hurt my old arm


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246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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J98 said:
Got myself a new toy to try out as well, been wanting to try one of these for ages, just need the weather to brighten up a bit.
well there's a coincidence, i played with these since they came out until about a year ago, fab racquets. used to have 2 still have one in my bag but sold one to a friend. had to change as they were starting to hurt my arm so needed something with more flex.

Currently in my bag are:

PS95 6.0 strung with synthetic gut no idea what tension!
wilson k factor ps88 with full poly, an absolute beast that i hardly ever use, so difficult to play with, i am simply not good enough
3 x Pro Kennex Type C Redondo 98 my everday racquets, flexy enough to take full poly with no arm issues, currently have then strung with Signum Pro Plasma HEX-treme 1.25mm at 52lbs although playing around with a hybrid set up as well


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3,740 posts

246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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J98 said:
chippy17 said:
assuming most people contributing to this thread are regular players it would be interesting to me to know what racquets and strings you use or say if you have changed your racquet recently etc?
I was going to ask the same thing, I like rackets too much... getmecoat

I play with Head Prestige Mids, got an i.Prestige, a Youtek and a Microgel, leather grips bright green overgrips (I'll find a picture), I got bored so matched the YT/MG to the i, which means they're all now 376g, did swing weights as well, got them all to pretty much 350ish, they were amazing when I played nearly everyday, not so much now.
Strung with Lux Alu mains, cheap co-poly crosses to soften it off a bit at 58lbs
wow those are heavy racquets, not sure I could handle that weight for a whole game


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246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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anonymous said:
nice, i know frames are very difficult to replace, it took me a good 2 years to find something i could get on with and move on form the PSs

i did hit with a Donnay pro one 97 the other day, that is a lovely racquet


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3,740 posts

246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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anonymous said:


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3,740 posts

246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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J98 said:
chippy17 said:
wow those are heavy racquets, not sure I could handle that weight for a whole game
The weird thing is, the i.Prestige came out the factory like that, it's got no lead, only a leather grip and an overgrip, so much for Head quality control...

If I was playing matches everyday I don't think I could live with them, but as all I was doing was hitting/help coach/squads most days they were fine.

It's fun, it's sort of like playing with an Iron bar.
aren't they supposed to be approx 340g? my PKs are around that (unstrung) and that is about my limit, very headlight though compared to the prestige


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246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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Robbo66 said:
chippy17 said:
a bit of lead at 3 and 9 gives it a bit of oomph
...and trash your arm even more.

'Lead'.... normally used by wannabe club 'gear junkie'....he's always good for a giggle in the bar afterwards whilst listening to him extolling the virtues of lead placement in their mixed double 'plate' final...;)
going to trash arm anyway with this racquet and i bit of lead will make no difference to that aspect

whilst I have no lead on any other racquet a bit on this makes a difference, much like bh slice perhaps you are just doing it wrong

if you are insinuating that I am a gear junkie you are very wrong, same racquet and bag for over 15 years

you seem to not like my online persona and are having a dig at me at any opportunity which is fine but don't make assumptions

and what may i ask is wrong with being in the mixed plate final? are you nationally ranked?

Edited by chippy17 on Thursday 31st January 13:42

Edited by chippy17 on Thursday 31st January 13:43


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3,740 posts

246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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Robbo66 said:
chippy17 said:
going to trash arm anyway with this racquet and i bit of lead will make no difference to that aspect

whilst I have no lead on any other racquet a bit on this makes a difference, much like bh slice perhaps you are just doing it wrong

if you are insinuating that I am a gear junkie you are very wrong, same racquet and bag for over 15 years

you seem to not like my online persona and are having a dig at me at any opportunity which is fine but don't make assumptions
I winked...and yes lead will make your arm worse as the weight of the head is increased and on the 1hbh top spin, it can be a killer if wrist rolls to any degree IMO.
Wasn't insinuating 'you' were the GJ, just in general it seems to be the case...'lead' and the Junior Babolat prodigy are inseparable.
Don't assume I don't like your 'on screen persona'....not having a dig. Must be 'doing it wrong'er' wink
I am sorry i was teasing you a bit but not very well

yes a head heavy racquet is always going hurt arm more but these are 12pts head light out of the box and i put a very small amount (gram or 2) and it really helped with the stability and i never felt it made my arm any worse than it was already did not think about wrist tbh yes good point

i always thought lead was the reserve of old boys like me who wanted to emulate someone like pistol pete, have you noticed the amount of lead Djoker has it is a lot

never got on with Babolat products, dislike their racquets and once tried RPM Blast string and i swear it damaged my wrist to the point where I have to sometimes take ibuprofen before playing now

I could easily be a gear junkie it is in my blood but I know I am not good ewnough to pull it off I would just look like a complete arse, in fact i deliberately go the other way, old bag old t shirts etc, would rather look awful and play ok than the other way round


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3,740 posts

246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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Robbo66 said:
chippy17 said:
and what may i ask is wrong with being in the mixed plate final? are you nationally ranked?

Edited by chippy17 on Thursday 31st January 13:42

Edited by chippy17 on Thursday 31st January 13:43
Haven't checked today, but probably...1 below you obviously wink
no def 1 above smile


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3,740 posts

246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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Robbo66 said:
chippy17 said:
I am sorry i was teasing you a bit but not very well

yes a head heavy racquet is always going hurt arm more but these are 12pts head light out of the box and i put a very small amount (gram or 2) and it really helped with the stability and i never felt it made my arm any worse than it was already did not think about wrist tbh yes good point

i always thought lead was the reserve of old boys like me who wanted to emulate someone like pistol pete, have you noticed the amount of lead Djoker has it is a lot

never got on with Babolat products, dislike their racquets and once tried RPM Blast string and i swear it damaged my wrist to the point where I have to sometimes take ibuprofen before playing now

I could easily be a gear junkie it is in my blood but I know I am not good ewnough to pull it off I would just look like a complete arse, in fact i deliberately go the other way, old bag old t shirts etc, would rather look awful and play ok than the other way round
No probs.
Lower flex circa 60 or below, 300 grams unstrung, 4pts + head light and strings at 55lbs sorted my arm. Lighter racquets also bad as don't absorb like heavier racquets, and can encourage 'flicking'.

Can't stand babolat, way too stiff. Always used RPM Blast, but mixed with Price S/G, softens everything up.
Downside is I get 10-12 hours max before break on the crosses.
Try the new blue Yonex Poly Tour String....lasts a faily arm friendly. Phenomenal on serve, but can be short on length as easy to over top spin.

Better watch it.....sound like a G/J.
what racquet is it? 300g ah you have womans racquet smile

yes thanks will give it a go as you know poly feels great for a short space of time so a long lasting poly is always worth a try

my PK has a flex rating of 57, 10pts head light and 343g

but the young like the lighter racquets I guess because you can get higher racquet head speed...


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3,740 posts

246 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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J98 said:
chippy17 said:
have fun with it though it is a nice stick, sweetspot is lower than most racquets fyi, nice old school feel a bit of lead at 3 and 9 gives it a bit of oomph and stability

perhaps you are younger than me (40) as it was never an issue until i went over 35

Edited by chippy17 on Thursday 31st January 13:19
Cheers, hopefully it decides to stop raining soon, thanks for that, I'll give it a shout after I've hit with it for a bit.

Yeah, just a bit (20 in May), got plenty of time to mess around with silly rackets then...
just a bit, half my age!!! I asked a 20yr old i was playing with just before Xmas (a good player, plays a lot) if he had heard of Borg, his reply was who? i aged quite a lot in that moment!

yes let us know what you think of it