


Original Poster:

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Saturday 20th September 2014
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Someone asked if I could pace him to 25 mins, I'm suffering from tight calf so was relieved when he blew up at 4k! But then I did manage to pace someone else we picked up along the way to a 30 sec PB so all wasn't lost.

I need to do more foam rolling and stretching so that I can get back towards my PB (23:45 this year).

We had an almost record attendance of 324 and then HQ servers had a bit of a funny turn so we couldn't get the results in til later.


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214 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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RizzoTheRat said:
I like a bit of tourism too. Managed 16 different venues so far (in 52 runs), but there's some bloke who's done 198 different parkruns!
That's 198 in the UK, Paul Freyne's done 208 worldwide

Makes my 8 look a bit feeble, although I do have got 5 more that I will do in the not too distant future.


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Saturday 27th September 2014
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x 7usc said:
Just found this thread so thought i would say hi, just completed my 5th parkrun and have to say I'm really enjoying them, I'm finding it quite hard going but i am a beginner to running anyway. Great weekly event and i actually look forward to it every week, i run Bushy Park, along with 999 others!!!
I'll be at Bushy next week, so there might be 1001 if you're going as well! (Actually there will probably be a lot more than that!) Nice to know that you're enjoying them. Unfortunately it's always hard work because as soon as you manage one target time, there's another to go for!

If you live near Bushy you have a good choice runs not far away, eg Old deer park, they only had 87 runners this week so a little different to Bushy.

I was feeling slightly guilty during the week that the guy I was pacing to 25 mins last week blew up and finished in around 26:30, but this week he PBd with 25:02 so I feel a bit better about it now!


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Sunday 28th September 2014
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Halb said:
What routines do people follow to improve their PR times?
I found this useful Don't worry about it saying sub 20 if you're trying for sub 30, the same ideas apply.

The main thing is that if you always run (in training and at parkrun) 5 minute k pace then all you do is get used to running 5 minute k pace. What you need to do is learn to run 4:55 or 4:50 pace, so in training do a shorter distance at a faster pace - it can be 1k reps at 10 secs faster or 400m at 30 faster or any mixture, it just has to be faster and then gradually it will all build up together to give a faster 5k.

You can even use parkrun to do it, do the first k fast, the second gentle, 3rd fast, 4 gentle, 5 fast or take is easy for the first 2 or 3 and do the last 3 or 2 at your target pace just to get to learn what the faster pace feels like.


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Tuesday 30th September 2014
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RizzoTheRat said:
Nice they're hitting main stream media
And some more

There will also be a bit on BBC breakfast this Saturday 4 Oct (when we're all getting ready to go to parkrun :¬ )to coincide with the 10th anniversary, filmed a couple of weeks ago. If what the Mail say is correct, could be on the news on Thursday when PSH goes to Windsor to get his CBE (I haven't seen confirmation of this other from that Mail article)

To some extent we don't want it on mainstream media, there's enough people turning up to run without loads of Wail readers as well wink We had 325 last week, we'll need a bigger park soon.


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Tuesday 30th September 2014
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Starting another run has hardly any effect on nearby ones, it just draws in new runners. We (Preston Park) are only a mile away from Hove Park, we averaged 200 a week in our first year and the average number at Hove went down by.....4

I guess there will be a saturation point but we don't seem to have reached it yet.


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Saturday 4th October 2014
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x 7usc said:
Happy 10th anniversary parkrun!

Well it was busy today, Bushy Park is my local and where it all started, today i was one of 1705 runners!!! Loads of visitors from other parkruns came and joined in.
4 of us from Brighton were amongst them, had a good time, PSH wearing his CBE, best I could manage was my 100 shirt! Had a chat to him and Danny and Nicola from the parkrun Show plus other people who I only knew by email and facebook so nice to put real faces to names.
I expected PSH to be surrounded by loads of people all the time but he wasn't (apart from at the presentations beforehand) so it was quite easy to have a chat.


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Sunday 5th October 2014
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x 7usc said:
Aha, i was talking to a lovely lady at the start who had traveled from Brighton, also wearing a 100 shirt if my memory serves me.
This is what i like about parkrun, it's all so friendly, my first run 8 weeks ago i was struggling, as a new to running runner, to get round without stopping, i was about 1km from the finish and having a breather when a very kind chap encouraged me to keep going and actually ran the last km with me!
That might have been Bernie.


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Friday 10th October 2014
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Inaugurals - there have been hints recently that parkrun France might come along soon. Weekend roadtrip being considered smile (or train trip if it's in Paris!).

Hopefully the first one won't be in Marseilles, that's rather a long way to go to run for 25 mins!


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Monday 10th November 2014
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For anyone who just can't get enough of parkrun or wants to drop hints about a stocking filler. Not available yet but due to be out before Christmas. I think there's also a coffee table photo book to follow as well.


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Saturday 29th November 2014
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HoHoHo said:
I had used the little lad as a pace setter earlier in the run and then left him but didn't expect a go form him in the latter part of the run!

Obviously I can't compare Horsham to anywhere else but it has a bit of path, lot of grass (read that as mud!) and some mild slopes which require a spurt to keep the pace up.

Will be interesting to have a go with no mud, I fell once and I'm sure other tip-toeing around lost me valuable time.

Onwards and upwards as they say!
Lots of options not too far away that are mud free, Tilgate, Hove, Clair park Haywards Heath (but lots of hills), Preston Park Brighton (my event).

I will be at Horsham in the new year one week, not worked out yet when.


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Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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m444ttb said:
100th parkrun done! Nice easy jog round in good conditions at Swindon. Next week I think I'm going to volunteer as we're a bit short.
Well done smile Take care of the T when it arrives, it's a long time till the 250 arrives! I'm on 112 and was working out how long until I get the 250....allowing for weeks I'm run director it's minimum of Jan 2018!


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Wednesday 3rd December 2014
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madbadger said:
Did my 50 in Copenhagen and appear to be in the club on my profile, but no email about the t shirt. Wondering if the system has got confused as I wasn't at home to do it.
It should be OK doing it in Copenhagen.

Have you filled in the size choice? I wrote an explanation here of where to do it.

There seems to be a bit of delay still in sending out shirts, but as they are free we can't complain too much!


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Wednesday 3rd December 2014
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madbadger said:
That is what I'm missing. It just says I am in the 50 club with nowhere further to add anything.

I have emailed them and they are having a look into it.

Not really complaining but it took a fair bit of effort to earn it in a year.

Fortunately when you mail support you're talking to people who have the ability and sense to sort things out, they won't reply and says 'Computer says no', they'll either be able to fix it or tell you why you can't have one yet!


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Monday 8th December 2014
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If anyone asks what you would like for Christmas...


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Tuesday 9th December 2014
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madbadger said:
john2443 said:
madbadger said:
Did my 50 in Copenhagen and appear to be in the club on my profile, but no email about the t shirt. Wondering if the system has got confused as I wasn't at home to do it.
It should be OK doing it in Copenhagen.

Have you filled in the size choice? I wrote an explanation here of where to do it.

There seems to be a bit of delay still in sending out shirts, but as they are free we can't complain too much!
That is what I'm missing. It just says I am in the 50 club with nowhere further to add anything.

I have emailed them and they are having a look into it.

Not really complaining but it took a fair bit of effort to earn it in a year.

OK, I have an update on T shirts. There are exciting changes coming after Jan 1 (I don't know what they are so can't tell you, I'm not sure if HQ know the full story yet, but they are busy working on it).

At the moment you can't order your T, you will get an email as soon as the new system is up and running.

They are still committed as always to people getting free Ts, you will get yours but it won't be for a little while.

I'll update as soon as there's anything to tell you, although it will probably come out in an email to everyone so I might not know anything til the same time that you do!


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214 months

Thursday 25th December 2014
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1104 at Bushy eek

I wasn't there, we had an informal run and about 20 of us were there - I got a seasons best, partly because I could set off at full pace instead of being in the middle of 300 as usual.


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Saturday 27th December 2014
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lost in espace
Your attendance sounds typical for a new run, you can ignore the inaugural attendance they are always abnormally high, then dip and gently rise, often with a leap after New Year (resolutions) and Summer (people see photos of themselves on the beach). In a year's time you'll look back at the days you only had 80 and realise how easy it was! We won't be surprised if we get 400 on New Years Day.

Looks like you had a decent turnout, 87, including a VM90-94. I hope I can still do 5k when I'm that age even if it does take an hour. We have a lady who used to take an hour, but we agreed that she'd start at 8.45 so the vols didn't have to stand around waiting for her, she self times and we add her manually to the results, might be worth considering if he keeps coming.

Feel free to PM me if you need help while your EDs are away, I've been ED and RD over the 83 runs at Preston Park Brighton.

I wasn't patient enough to wait for Christmas for the book, so bought it myself as soon as it came out!


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Wednesday 31st December 2014
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Cybertronian said:
There were a few rumours floating around which have turned out to be true: Adidas and Parkrun part ways:
..and Tribeports take over, including volunteer shirts


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Thursday 1st January 2015
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Halb said:
Anybody know why?
No. I guess it's just down to commercial reasons, the same as why F1 and football teams change sponsors.

Seeing that I hadn't heard of Tribesports before this (had the rest of you?) it's going to give them a huge amount of publicity, they might have to give away a lot of T shirts, but that's probably quite cheap compared to paying for advertising.

On annoying thing about the change is we can't use our parkrun flag any more cos is has a big adidas logo in the middle.