Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!

Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!


eck c

347 posts

197 months

Saturday 24th December 2022
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I started BJJ earlier this year at the age of 50 when my eldest daughter turned 16 and moved up to the adult class.

Having been strength training (natty) for over 30 years I sit at +120kg at a height of 5' 8" this has both benefits and drawbacks when on the mat.
Working away from home means am typically for available 3 weeks of classes out of 8 which isn't ideal but I got my 1st stripe last week.
Minimal injuries thus far and mostly enjoying it.


1,840 posts

143 months

Thursday 29th December 2022
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Ive been doing BJJ for a few years now (blue 1 stripe) South Coast MMA in Eastbourne, used to train judo 4 times a week (1st Dan Black), covid hit and judo stopped, that threw me into BJJ. Im going to be working in Basildon for about 4 months, any suggestions for training?


2,146 posts

170 months

Thursday 29th December 2022
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I’m still plodding away.
The Reorg 24hr Rollathon was awesome at our place (missed it as on holiday) but the guys from Reorg came in and rolled with my mates Mark Ormrod in an inspirational guy.
Just broke the world record this week for triple amputee to swim 1km in open water.


2,146 posts

170 months

Friday 30th December 2022
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shambolic said:
I’m still plodding away.
The Reorg 24hr Rollathon was awesome at our place (missed it as on holiday) but the guys from Reorg came in and rolled with my mates. Mark Ormrod is an inspirational guy.
Just broke the world record this week for triple amputee to swim 1km in open water.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Tuesday 10th January 2023
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Fozziebear said:
Ive been doing BJJ for a few years now (blue 1 stripe) South Coast MMA in Eastbourne, used to train judo 4 times a week (1st Dan Black), covid hit and judo stopped, that threw me into BJJ. Im going to be working in Basildon for about 4 months, any suggestions for training?
Lamude BJJ, run by one of Rogers black belts. I dropped in there whenever I was training, great facility and owner.

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Tuesday 24th January 2023
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I was back on the grappling mats last night after Xmas, a dose of Covid and a dose of some general malaise.

It was an open mat, and I did a variety of practice and take-down/rolling sparring with a couple of other chaps. I felt quite relaxed. Encouragingly, I could see situations developing, and I had retained much of my fitness.

I then did an hour's boxing class.

I'm a bit sore today, but it was a great evening.


2,146 posts

170 months

Tuesday 28th February 2023
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Just back after November in America and then Dubai. Then a serious car crash resulting in 6weeks of work/gym. Whiplash and shoulder issues after being cut out of van.
Some shift this weekend. Friday normal session
Then Saturday and Sunday all day’s seminars with Ben Poppleton on passing butterfly guard and knee shield.
The minute details he conveys is just awesome.
Body (and neck sore ) but trained again last night.
Physio next week then 20 days in Maldives.

Another 7 black belts on the mats. Such knowledge.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Thursday 30th November 2023
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A long overdue update to the thread.

At the start of the year I never really hit a routine with training, motivation was low and this was compounded with guilt about paying gym fees but not going. Between February and June I didn't train too much at all, maybe a total of 15 times.

Then came June and I decided to make some changes, starting with freezing my membership and taking some time to improve my mental and physical health. BJJ training reduced to around 1 time per 2 weeks, sometimes less and this was at my original home club when I was visiting family. I did, however, take up a number of other sports in its place, namely trail running, kayaking, road cycling and hiking - it was very much a summer of outdoor activities.

At the beginning of June I weighed in at 118.8kg, this was very much at the top end of my weight over the years and it had to change. Implementing a strict approach to food alongside the new activities I have lost around 28kg and now sit comfortably at around 90kg, albeit with a much improved level of fitness.

Last week I decided it was time to get training again so, with a renewed sense of vigour (and body) I got back into it. I wont lie, its been rough, grappling with 28kg less weight means I am essentially learning Jiu Jitsu all over again. My traditional weight based smash game no longer works, now I must work on speed, agility and flexibility, adopting a looser guard passing and retention style.

The first few sessions I found this very tough, but slowly the pieces are falling into place, my style is changing and I am reaping the benefits of a very good level of cardio, although I need to work a little bit on strength.

I still love putting the gi on but my enthusiasm for No Gi is also increasing now, not feeling like a fat sausage definitely helps.


12,731 posts

174 months

Thursday 30th November 2023
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I've given up my membership for now, saving for a wedding.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Thursday 30th November 2023
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I'd forgotten about this thread!

I'm still plodding along at my own pace and really enjoying it. I had ankle reconstruction this time last year so I missed a fair bit of time but I'm back regularly 2-3 times per week now. Signed up for me first proper comp in January.

Hope everybody who is still training is enjoying it too.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Wednesday 10th January
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It had to happen eventually, following a decent run of training I was taken down heavy last Monday and landed square on my shoulder, immediately heard a pop. Luckily the health care system here in Switzerland is pretty efficient so following an X-ray and specialist examination it was diagnosed as a separated AC joint but thankfully only grade 1/2, no surgery required just recovery and rehab.


6,376 posts

224 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Ach, having done both of mine over the years, it is a horrible, niggly, PITA injury. A doctor described it as a 'noisy' pain - just constantly there talking to you then shouting whenever you try to put on a seatbelt or even go to sleep.

I want to be upbeat and I hope it's only a minor tear, but I would seriously start to get your head around focusing on your other training for a while. I was out for 18 months per shoulder, so three years of training lost due to mine. And that's just throwing punches and not posting with your arm behind you which is possibly the worst thing you can do with an AC injury - anything that involves putting your elbow behind your body.

Steroid injections were the only things that provided some respite.

Sorry for the stty post, but it's a stty injury. One that few people are familiar with.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Thursday 11th January
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Ach, no problem, its better to be realistic sometimes.

Generally its worse after an evenings sleep, loosening up as the day goes on. I have a follow up xray and appointment next week so I will see what the recommendations are re. physio and rehab. Luckily I don't have too much pain when doing normal things.


35 posts

6 months

Sunday 21st January
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I’ve got the orthopaedic spinal surgeon next week. Not trained since October due to neck issues again. Then caught shingles all on neck and shoulder just at Christmas.
So only trained about 8/9 weeks in total last year due to crash then new neck issues.
Depending on surgeon next week and mri etc I’ll see if I can get back on the mats.

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Sunday 21st January
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Is BJJ/grappling as popular as it was a few years ago?

Or has everybody been destroyed by it?!

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Sunday 21st January
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I did my first 'proper' comp last week, only 2 in my category and I 'won' silver..... Was OK on my feet and felt like I was moving my opponent round nicely and winning the stand up exchanges but I got worried that nothing much was really happening and I rushed a takedown attempt, messing it up, ending up underneath and never recovering before getting head and arm choked with about 40 seconds to go. Ah well, never mind!


5 posts

25 months

Saturday 23rd March
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I’ve only just seen this thread as it randomly popped up on a google search, combining 2 of my favourite things - cars and BJJ!

Does anyone here still train? I’m a black belt in Notts and I’ve been training for years (started way back in 2009 over in Bahrain when I was younger and less achey), and now teach as a hobby at a gym in Notts


12,731 posts

174 months

Saturday 23rd March
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I havent been for probably a year now

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Yeah, I'm plugging away once or twice a week at my own level and pace. Getting harder and harder to keep up with the young lads but I'm still really enjoying it.

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Sunday 24th March
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Is grappling/BJJ still as popular as it once was?

I suffered an arm injury last year, the club closed in the meantime and I have been busy at work.

I'd like to get back onto the mat, though.