Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!

Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!


Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Sunday 24th July 2022
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Nice, who we got on there as well? Is it Ben Poppleton 2 from the right?

(Just noticed he logo top right, D'oh!)


12,742 posts

174 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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Nice! I'm on hiatus at the moment as had my first kid at the end of last month.


2,146 posts

170 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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Tony Angelino said:
Nice, who we got on there as well? Is it Ben Poppleton 2 from the right?

(Just noticed he logo top right, D'oh!)
Yes that’s Ben next to John Nicolson(my black belt instructor far right). He’s mad as a box of frogs is Ben. Cracking laugh.


2,146 posts

170 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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Roberto “Gordo” Correa 6th level black belt. Some of the details were mind blowing but simple.
He showed us this sweep as well as a few others from bottom half.

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Monday 28th November 2022
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I have dipped my toe back into the grappling water.

MMA (no gi, standing to take down and ground work) grappling. I've no intention of fighting MMA and I still train boxing.

At 45, I should know better. I'm more than twice as old as almost everybody else (and 10 years older than the oldest).

I've been along twice now, two hour sessions. Really enjoying it. It is quite tough, but it is coming back to me. From my background, I tend to use pressure and speed (for an older chap... ) and I know that I'm currently relying far too much on my reasonable body tension, static strength, bridging and endurance to resist submissions or to hold/clamp/submit opponents with pressure rather than technical mastery.

I know I should just swallow my pride, try to keep it moving and just tap early if necessary -which I did begin doing towards the end of last night.

There were some better grapplers there on the second visit.

One guy was 6'5 and 120kg too, and I'm only a middling 77Kg, so I can't use huge mass to help.

It will either go well or I will get injured, again...

Must not over-do it.... Once a week enough.

Ps. I was a bit stiff rolling out of bed after the first time. I'm less stiff this time, although I appears to have mildly strained the muscle on the outer/upper arm/shoulder. I know I'm too old, but hey!

Edited by MC Bodge on Tuesday 29th November 08:50

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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Good to hear, I'm mid 40s too and in more or less the same position in our gym. The Mrs keeps reminding me of this fact after every session!

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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Tony Angelino said:
Good to hear, I'm mid 40s too and in more or less the same position in our gym. The Mrs keeps reminding me of this fact after every session!

I'm still quite fit, although I know that I'm on borrowed time.

Very few of my peers are still interested in doing activities like this, but I just love a bit of rough and tumble.


12,742 posts

174 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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I competed for the first time a year ago at 79kg (under 82kg) in Gi.

A year later, I now have a 5 month old boy, have trained about 3 times in last 4 months and am approx 20kg heavier.


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Friday 2nd December 2022
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Still plodding along smile I like to think I am a fairly decent purple belt, I can hold my own at this level and white / blue belts generally dont post a huge issue.

Training on average 3 or 4 times a week for 1.5 hours at a time, although recently I have been focussing more on NoGi and also escaping from bad positions (mount, side control etc.). Injuries seem to be staying away for the moment so all good.

Happy to see everyone still grinding away, even if its not as regular as you would all like.

7 years in March...where did the time go since I started this thread.

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Tuesday 6th December 2022
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Last night felt like a bit of a turning point. It was all groundwork, which is where I'm least experienced.

Having been thinking about it a bit and watching some videos, I had remembered a few things.

Drilling sweeps from half-guard felt quite natural.

Whilst rolling, I felt much more relaxed, able to take stock of positions, my balance was better and I gave myself more time to improve my position before acting. It all seemed to have slowed down, less frantic. Quite pleased with that after only three sessions.

There was a range of abilities and sizes. I achieved submissions other than pressure submissions and could see how the opponents were working towards their own positions and wriggling-out/counteracting them.

If we got into a stalemate position, I just called a halt and re-started, rather than just clamping down and holding out. I let some of the less experienced opponents gain positions rather than just dominating them.

I'm still more "explosive" than some of the chaps who have come from a BJJ background, it feels instinctive to get away from a bottom position ASAP.

I think that some of the others are a bit confused by a smiling, bald, lean bloke the same age as their Dads sweeping them and scrambling for a dominant position. They may have looked at their Dad differently when they went home wink

I do prefer no-gi. There is less tangling up and far less stress on the fingers.

I did a bit of light boxing sparring, for the first time in a few months, afterwards too.

I have a lot to learn in grappling, as I do only know the basics, but it is all quite enjoyable, and hopefully sustainable at this rate.

Edited by MC Bodge on Tuesday 6th December 13:48

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Wednesday 7th December 2022
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Is grappling/BJJ less popular than it was a few years ago?

Pre-pandemic BJJ was everywhere. Judo appeared to be declining.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Thursday 8th December 2022
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MC Bodge said:
Is grappling/BJJ less popular than it was a few years ago?

Pre-pandemic BJJ was everywhere. Judo appeared to be declining.
I think numbers increased pre crovid maybe on the back of Khabib's rise to fame? Fair enough it was sambo rather than BJJ but the grappler beating the striker gave good PR to various systems. Our numbers have been hit and miss really since we came back, the usual steady stream of newcomers and drop outs. Wrestling seems to get more and more popular round here.

I'm currently out of action after ankle reconstruction, be while until I'm straight foot locking again.

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Thursday 8th December 2022
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Tony Angelino said:
I think numbers increased pre crovid maybe on the back of Khabib's rise to fame? Fair enough it was sambo rather than BJJ but the grappler beating the striker gave good PR to various systems. Our numbers have been hit and miss really since we came back, the usual steady stream of newcomers and drop outs. Wrestling seems to get more and more popular round here.

I'm currently out of action after ankle reconstruction, be while until I'm straight foot locking again.
What sort of wrestling is popular?

Submission wrestling (for MMA) or freestyle? The class I'm going to is grappling for MMA -basically no-gi submission wrestling, with some of the BJJ inspired guard stuff.

It does appear that some sports have suffered post Covid pandemic.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Friday 9th December 2022
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Mainly freestyle, but a lot of the MMA guys do do it so it's got elements of more general sub grappling too.

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Friday 9th December 2022
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Interesting. I associate Freestyle with US high schools, although there are a few long-standing clubs around here. I would have liked to have wrestled at High School, alongside rugby.

NW England has a long history of wrestling of various forms. It has always seemed odd that Japanese (and then Japanese by way of Brazil) martial arts became so popular at the expense of the home-grown styles.

Ps. This thread now appears to be fairly dormant.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Saturday 10th December 2022
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MC Bodge said:
Interesting. I associate Freestyle with US high schools, although there are a few long-standing clubs around here. I would have liked to have wrestled at High School, alongside rugby.

NW England has a long history of wrestling of various forms. It has always seemed odd that Japanese (and then Japanese by way of Brazil) martial arts became so popular at the expense of the home-grown styles.

Ps. This thread now appears to be fairly dormant.
Yes, I'd agree with that. I think the problem with the English style is it's just too brutal for the hobbyist, all the spine locks, neck cranks and grovits etc. make getting up for work the day after a real pain for us casuals. I think the popular/fashionable styles have evolved more into pass times and sports rather than catch that hasn't really changed from being designed purely to do severe damage very quickly.

Side note: I've got loads of CACC instructional's if anybody was interested (Billy Robinson, Josh Barnett etc.)

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Sunday 11th December 2022
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Tony Angelino said:
MC Bodge said:
Interesting. I associate Freestyle with US high schools, although there are a few long-standing clubs around here. I would have liked to have wrestled at High School, alongside rugby.

NW England has a long history of wrestling of various forms. It has always seemed odd that Japanese (and then Japanese by way of Brazil) martial arts became so popular at the expense of the home-grown styles.

Ps. This thread now appears to be fairly dormant.
Yes, I'd agree with that. I think the problem with the English style is it's just too brutal for the hobbyist, all the spine locks, neck cranks and grovits etc. make getting up for work the day after a real pain for us casuals. I think the popular/fashionable styles have evolved more into pass times and sports rather than catch that hasn't really changed from being designed purely to do severe damage very quickly.

Side note: I've got loads of CACC instructional's if anybody was interested (Billy Robinson, Josh Barnett etc.)
You are possibly correct. BJJ appears to have become very technical, and possibly less of a "fight". The fighting from the bottom on your back is a useful skill, but doesn't feel desirable to me.

Even in the MMA class, a quick/dynamic judo/wrestling type approach from. An older chap seems to surprise a few people.

Ps. What format are the instructionals in? They might be interesting.

Edited by MC Bodge on Sunday 11th December 19:47


Original Poster:

2,065 posts

189 months

Monday 12th December 2022
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MC, I'm inclined to agree with you. In my opinion, pure BJJ appears to be falling aside somewhat and making way for a hybrid Judo-BJJ-Wrestling approach.

If we take the recent ADCC trials, the best performers all had excellent wrestling and BJJ. Personally, I take 2 wrestling classes a week and very quickly started to see the integration of techniques, not just standing but pinning and control concepts on the ground.

Equally, with Judo I also take from this, obviously in standup again but also side control and back attack techniques.

I strongly believe that those with pure BJJ will start to get left behind, much in the same way that Gracie JJ has succumbed somewhat to "sport" BJJ. It's a natural evolution of styles, accelerated by the nerdy nature of BJJ and those who practice it.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Monday 12th December 2022
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You're right I think, look at what Owen Livesy is doing - a world class Judoka turned wrestler come BJJ hybrid doing great stuff all the way up to ADCC at short notice.

I've got hundreds of hours of instructionals of all styles, all uploaded - if I can get a link to you somehow you're welcome to them.

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Monday 12th December 2022
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Tony Angelino said:
I've got hundreds of hours of instructionals of all styles, all uploaded - if I can get a link to you somehow you're welcome to them.
Thanks. You could send me a message via PH?