


Original Poster:

6,364 posts

214 months

Monday 17th June
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Morden (SW London) started this week and was kept secret to prevent silly numbers turning up.

I keep an eye on the inaugural parkrun FB page (to know where new events are, not because I'll go to one!!) and people are going mental about how it infringes their human rights to not be told of an inaugural and how HQ are not being inclusive - would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

I imagine week 2 will have silly numbers now the cat's out of the bag.


Original Poster:

6,364 posts

214 months

Yesterday (08:09)
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elvismiggell said:
parkrun said:
In 2005, the average finish time for completing a parkrun was 22:17. In 2020, it was 32:30.
Obviously that will be skewed to some extent by people that only do it very occasionally and that's their only running or walking activity. Many of the folks in this thread can reassure themselves that they are considerably faster than average. (The rest of us can congratulate ourselves for getting out there at all, regardless of time.)
Week 1, in 2007, the event I started at had 17 finishers, last place was 26:24.

This week P17 was 20:28 and 153 finished in under 26:24 (plus 200 people behind them), the slower average makes it sound like we're getting worse, but in fact, overall we're getting better, sort of! (I'm not, I'm just getting older and slower smile )