


15,822 posts

230 months

Tuesday 25th June
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lufbramatt said:
To be fair its probably sensible waiting to let the younger ones do the whole 5k. Younger kids joints are not developed enough to be running longer distances. Under England Athletics guidance the furthest an under-13 athlete is allowed to race is 3.5km, and for 9-10 year olds it's currently 2km max. In cycling events the younger kids have to use easier gearing to protect their knees. I think in reality there is some leeway and a 9 year old will be fine doing 5km but I'd be careful how much mileage they are doing.
My son is fit from being constantly on the move since he started crawling at 5 months, plays football a few times a week, occasionally cycles with me, doesn't do any running training. He does maybe 10 events a year, just filling in when there's a quiet weekend.

The UKA guidance is terribly conservative though, it's really appropriate to kids training to be the best they can be at that age and with an eye on them making it as good senior athletes later rather than being a sensible limit for occasional athletes. I mean when I was running half marathons over the Lakes Fells at 14 it didn't do me any harm, no way that would be allowed now!

I've seen countless kids train from an early age and struggle to keep going when they get to their late teens or when the have to compete against seniors and stop winning races so I deliberately don't push my kids to be anything other than fit through sport. If they want to join the local club when they're a bit older, great, but not yet.


8,843 posts

166 months

Chosen tomorrow to make my Parkrun debut. Hoping for around 19 minutes (or just under hopefully!).


11,594 posts

247 months

Rosscow said:
Chosen tomorrow to make my Parkrun debut. Hoping for around 19 minutes (or just under hopefully!).
Good luck! Although you should really target 25 minutes or so then get a PB each week for a bit, otherwise you might just get slower indefinitely. smile


8,843 posts

166 months

madbadger said:
Good luck! Although you should really target 25 minutes or so then get a PB each week for a bit, otherwise you might just get slower indefinitely. smile
Don’t worry, I run a lot but have just never run a Parkrun or 5km race before!


2,216 posts

147 months

Edinburgh parkrun cancelled again for the second week due to our lovely travelling community, who’ve set up camp on the promenade.


8,943 posts

278 months

Rosscow said:
Chosen tomorrow to make my Parkrun debut. Hoping for around 19 minutes (or just under hopefully!).
Don't forget your barcode smile From my scanning experience most people just show the email with it in but there are phone apps (purple 5k app) and watch apps that store it.


17,524 posts

200 months

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spikeyhead said:
my first run in a month after tearing my hamstring a month ago. Only jogged round, and strolled a couple of hundred metres towards the crest of a long hill, so a crap time, but happy to have got round and had another reasonable run this morning.

Hopefully I can have a good few months injury free.
Better today, ran all the way, time still poor but much quicker than last week. I'll continue to take it easy until I'm feeling fit again, and then will try and not push too hard.


8,843 posts

166 months

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Came 9th out of 423 in 18:12! Very enjoyable!


20,744 posts

125 months

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Rosscow said:
Came 9th out of 423 in 18:12! Very enjoyable!
Nice! That's a decent quick course and crowd!

I've managed third with 22 minutes before laugh


1,461 posts

172 months

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Well done Rosscow. Great time.
P5 for me out of 225. Fair bit slower than you in 20:24 mind! Within 90s of my son though (P1) which is closer than I usually am these days.


1,142 posts

215 months

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A year ago I never thought I'd get close to my parkrun pb again being 10 years older. Well today 11 years later I managed to match it. A faster course for sure but still very pleased. I think I can duck under 19 in next few months. Now 42 years old for reference, running average 30 miles/week.
To keep me grounded the winner today whizzed round in 15:45.


897 posts

80 months

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A very Saturday off Daddy Taxi duty meant I was able to do my first ParkRun in about three years… since then ive moved house and my new local one is A) significantly hillier than the one I used to do regularly and B) a lot less busy - about 70 there today which I found surprising as my previous ones was over 300 each week.

Very enjoyable… hope I don’t leave it another three years to go get another go!


1,924 posts

171 months

Yesterday (08:32)
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cslwannabe said:
Well done Rosscow. Great time.
P5 for me out of 225. Fair bit slower than you in 20:24 mind! Within 90s of my son though (P1) which is closer than I usually am these days.
Better than me, I ran a PB for East Grinstead - 23:07 - was 12 places (13th) and over 6 minutes behind my eldest son (1st)


8,843 posts

166 months

Yesterday (09:03)
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cslwannabe said:
Well done Rosscow. Great time.
P5 for me out of 225. Fair bit slower than you in 20:24 mind! Within 90s of my son though (P1) which is closer than I usually am these days.
Thanks, wall really pleased with my time!

P5 is great, well done!


8,843 posts

166 months

Yesterday (09:06)
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Tim330 said:
A year ago I never thought I'd get close to my parkrun pb again being 10 years older. Well today 11 years later I managed to match it. A faster course for sure but still very pleased. I think I can duck under 19 in next few months. Now 42 years old for reference, running average 30 miles/week.
To keep me grounded the winner today whizzed round in 15:45.

Great work!! I’m also 42, so definitely achievable!


1,142 posts

215 months

Yesterday (21:25)
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Rosscow said:
Great work!! I’m also 42, so definitely achievable!
Thanks, will focus on sub 19 and no injuries then decide If sub 18 is realistic later this year.