


1,461 posts

172 months

Saturday 11th May
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Given a time of 19:58 this morning but I reckon my time was more like 20:12. Position matched the token I was given, but times and positions look adrift by about 4 places. Comfortable course pb either way. It’s probably my quickest parkrun to get to, but not my nearest. Not been there for almost 6 years so figured I was due a return visit.


6,232 posts

218 months

Saturday 11th May
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lizardbrain said:
I’ve been running the local parkrun with doing any of the formal stuff and keeping myself to myself. What is the thing they give you the end? How do you sign in?
You go to the parkrun website, where you create an account and they give you an account number in the form of a barcode. You download that barcode, have a screenshot of it, a printout, a wristband, whatever takes your fancy.

At the end of the run, the timekeepers record the time for each finish position, and someone gives you a token for that position (that's why you have to stay in order in the funnel).

A little further on, someone scans both that token and your own barcode, to assign that finish position and finish time to you.


3,075 posts

174 months

Saturday 11th May
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Strange one today. The course was flat but you can tell it’s usually muddy as it was very rutted. Was over a minute slower than my normal hilly course.


25,460 posts

195 months

Saturday 11th May
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Thursday was quicker than I've been for a few months, today my calf started playing up again about 2 km in.
A bit pissed off as its our extra day next week so had the chance of 4 parkruns in 2 weeks, but might volunteer on the Saturday instead now.


1,750 posts

68 months

Monday 13th May
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Was down in Totnes visiting a friend this weekend and we hit the relatively new 'Sharpham Estate' Parkrun....a beautiful setting nestled into hillside adjacent to the River Dart and with the sun shining, it was really quite stunning.....except for the hills!! If your not climbing, your dropping rapidly - really quite testing. I ended up at +3 minute on my usual time...yet one of the lads there still managed an 18:16! yikes Nonetheless, really enjoyable run and there's a great spot for a coffee afterwards at the Steam Packet Inn.


24,330 posts

223 months

Monday 13th May
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Have been unable to do our parkrun due to an ongoing knee problem but intend rejoining once I've dropped a few stone (which was the reason for doing it in the first place). I've been having very gentle 'jogs' along the beach on compacted but soft sand for now which I seem to manage.


8,948 posts

278 months

Monday 13th May
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biggbn said:
Have been unable to do our parkrun due to an ongoing knee problem but intend rejoining once I've dropped a few stone (which was the reason for doing it in the first place). I've been having very gentle 'jogs' along the beach on compacted but soft sand for now which I seem to manage.
Is walking it an option? Or marshalling at a point that is out on the course so you get a walk in on a Saturday morning? Obviously I don't know about your knee problem so don't know it's an option!


24,330 posts

223 months

Monday 13th May
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MesoForm said:
biggbn said:
Have been unable to do our parkrun due to an ongoing knee problem but intend rejoining once I've dropped a few stone (which was the reason for doing it in the first place). I've been having very gentle 'jogs' along the beach on compacted but soft sand for now which I seem to manage.
Is walking it an option? Or marshalling at a point that is out on the course so you get a walk in on a Saturday morning? Obviously I don't know about your knee problem so don't know it's an option!
Walking would indeed, be an option, and it's now what we do on a Saturday morning, out with dogs for about the same distance as the Parkrun, sonetimes more, sometimes less. Knees aren't shot or anything but I exacerbated an old injury previously, doc said it is little stress fractures and impact is bad for this, he suggested I jog on grass or sand and we have a lovely beach so sand it is


9,206 posts

229 months

Monday 13th May
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I'm back to pre holiday time after 2 runs but long way off my quickest (over 2 mins I think).

Aim is to get under 23 mins this year before the hockey season starts in late September.

At 59 I can't do Parkrun sat am then play 70 mins in the afternoon.

My local is Belton House which is a lovely setting but you need to be wary of the rabbit holes smile


8,948 posts

278 months

Tuesday 14th May
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GreatGranny said:
My local is Belton House which is a lovely setting but you need to be wary of the rabbit holes smile

What a great looking venue for a parkrun! I wish the 5k app would add in a challenge for running all the National Trust locations so we could easily see where they are, certainly much more interesting to me than "7 Cs and an R" or "EIEIO"!


1,217 posts

167 months

Sunday 19th May
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Managed a 21:23 this week , 5 seconds improvement from last week.
Going to continue with the 5 x 1k intervals and a 6 mile or so tempo run each week in addition to any other running.
I can’t see how I can drop those 24 seconds I need to do sub 21 but hopefully will get there over the summer.


2,163 posts

40 months

Sunday 19th May
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Decided to take it easy on the local trail park run this week, feeling a bit sore, so walked up all the hills, and had a bit in the tank for the descents . Didn't look at my watch. Beat my PB by 10 seconds! Usually i aim for a constant pace but might need to explore this a bit more


25,460 posts

195 months

Sunday 19th May
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We were expecting to it to be busy on Saturday ahead of the Netherlands extra Whit Monday parkrun, but we had nearly 3 times a many as last week and had a 20+ meter queue of people waiting to take a photo with our sign both before and after the run! That's a marshal in the middle taking everyone's photos to try and get the queue down a bit!

Edited by RizzoTheRat on Sunday 19th May 11:30


1,935 posts

171 months

Sunday 19th May
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Number 305 for me yesterday. A 20:36 - 35 seconds slower than my overall PB but an age graded percentage of 71.6% is over 2% better than my actual time based PB. Seems like even at 50 a sub 20 might not be beyond me.


12,968 posts

220 months

Monday 20th May
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Waitforme said:
Managed a 21:23 this week , 5 seconds improvement from last week.
Going to continue with the 5 x 1k intervals and a 6 mile or so tempo run each week in addition to any other running.
I can’t see how I can drop those 24 seconds I need to do sub 21 but hopefully will get there over the summer.
Interesting - similar pace to me! What pace are you doing the intervals at? I'm having a break from marathon training for a bit and fancy a crack at a faster 5K


1,217 posts

167 months

Saturday 25th May
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Another ( this decade ) PB for me , 3 in a row now since I started doing the intervals.
21:11 , 78.44% age grade.
I’m doing the 5 x 1k intervals at approx 4:05 pace , couple 2 secs below , couple 2 secs above with 90 secs recovery.
The 10x 0.5ks are just sub 4 with 60 secs recovery.
After each set I’m pretty grubbed.
I’ve cut the cycling down and trying to do a min of 3 runs a week, this week it was the 5 x 1k intervals on Monday with another 5k jogging.
Tuesday recovery
Wednesday 50 miles cycling
Thursday 10 x 0.5k intervals, 8k total
Friday recovery
Sat park run
( I’m 64 and find I need more recovery days or my legs are sore )

Edited by Waitforme on Saturday 25th May 12:48


8,948 posts

278 months

Saturday 25th May
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First time barcode scanning for me today (9th time volunteering, I'm trying to keep a 10% ratio), I found it quite fun and more social than the marshalling I normally do as that can get a bit lonely out on the course clapping people round and only seeing people for a few seconds at a time!
Impressed with the app, even when a lady came to me with two halves of a barcode on wet, sodden paper we put it together and it scanned OK! I did check the number matched what was on my screen...


17,529 posts

200 months

Saturday 25th May
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Torn hamstring, so a couple of weeks off for me


1,461 posts

172 months

Saturday 25th May
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Well done Waitforme.

I do similar interval sessions to yourself only 6x1km and 12x0.5km. I only do one of those a week if I’m planning on a hard parkrun. So that’s 2 sessions for me in a week, not 3 like you.

I also do 16x0.4km and then approx 1 week in 4 do a Jo Pavey hill session instead of my intervals just to mix it up.

Some of my intervals are slower than my parkrun pace but it’s all about the effort as they’re not on a great surface. If the local cricket field ever dries up, I’m a fair bit quicker there.

5 years ago I could do an interval session on a Friday morning and not feel jaded at parkrun the following day, but not anymore!


7,132 posts

222 months

Saturday 25th May
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Well, having never run (used to cycle a lot) I started running a couple of weeks ago with a colleague before work.

1.5 / 2miles so wondered how hard a 5k could be.

Answer; 32:32 official time…. Last time I ran a 5k was in 1979 so quite happy with that… a line in the sand to compare with next month.