

irish boy

3,562 posts

239 months

Saturday 24th February
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Volunteering today, 20 minute pacer. Close enough lol


17,579 posts

200 months

Saturday 24th February
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Another new PB for me on my local hilly course.

I should try and get to a flat course and see if I can finally crack the 60% age grading


1,516 posts

166 months

Saturday 24th February
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Me and the core team cancelled our event this morning due to much of the course being covered in ice and frost. Left me with plenty of time to head over to Aston Hall parkrun, which had been called off for the past fortnight due to lack of non-running volunteers.

Lovely event. More visiting tourists than regulars, unsurprisingly, numbers boosted by many other local cancellations. Everybody in good spirits. I do hope Aston Hall can find a group of willing core volunteers, though I suspect this won't happen until the event goes into a period of prolonged dormancy.

Bumped into a tourist I ran far-flung Groe parkrun with just before COVID lockdown. Nice to catch up after a global pandemic!

Edited by Cybertronian on Sunday 25th February 06:45

Master Bean

3,801 posts

123 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Edgbaston Reservoir cancelled due to you know who.


1,516 posts

166 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Master Bean said:
Edgbaston Reservoir cancelled due to you know who.
Literally came on here to say the same thing!

We've asked our ambassador for the area to make a formal complaint to Birmingham City Council, as it makes a mockery of the system. I suspect nothing will happen as the council has bigger issues to deal with...


2,527 posts

206 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Cybertronian said:
Master Bean said:
Edgbaston Reservoir cancelled due to you know who.
Literally came on here to say the same thing!

We've asked our ambassador for the area to make a formal complaint to Birmingham City Council, as it makes a mockery of the system. I suspect nothing will happen as the council has bigger issues to deal with...
I don't

Randy Winkman

16,663 posts

192 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Abbott said:
Cybertronian said:
Master Bean said:
Edgbaston Reservoir cancelled due to you know who.
Literally came on here to say the same thing!

We've asked our ambassador for the area to make a formal complaint to Birmingham City Council, as it makes a mockery of the system. I suspect nothing will happen as the council has bigger issues to deal with...
I don't
What's occurring? confused


1,516 posts

166 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Rocup 5k is a startup 5k in the Birmingham area.

They became infamous locally when they 'rocked up' to Edgbaston Reservoir on a Saturday morning and prevented the parkrun from taking place.

No permissions or approvals to be there, unlike parkrun which has gone through all the right channels with the council etc.

They had apparently come to an agreement with parkrun. Seems they didn't honour the agreement.

Randy Winkman

16,663 posts

192 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Cheers. That's a shame. Any idea what the story behind ROCUP is?


1,516 posts

166 months

Saturday 2nd March
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I believe it's run by a former inmate who's looking to turn his life around.

From what I've seen, you have to request the location from them almost like some sort of flash mob.


5,814 posts

226 months

Sunday 3rd March
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Yeah but to intentionally go and disrupt parkruns is just wkerish. FFS - what did the parkruns ever do to them? All Parkrun has ever been about is encouraging people to get moving. All free, every week. Staffed by volunteers

Complete tossers mad

Randy Winkman

16,663 posts

192 months

Sunday 3rd March
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Would prefer to hear both sides before taking a view but it does seem stupid to do it at the same place and at the same time. It's easy to find out when Parkrun takes place. Even I know and I don't do it.


1,516 posts

166 months

Sunday 3rd March
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Randy Winkman said:
Would prefer to hear both sides before taking a view but it does seem stupid to do it at the same place and at the same time. It's easy to find out when Parkrun takes place. Even I know and I don't do it.
A representative from Rocup 5k publicly gave the Edgbaston Reservoir team their assurance it wouldn't happen again back in January.

The first time can be chalked up to simply not knowing or naivety from the Rocup 5k team. For this to happen again in the space of just 5-6 weeks...

Master Bean

3,801 posts

123 months

Friday 8th March
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16th March Perry Hall.


1,516 posts

166 months

Friday 8th March
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Master Bean said:
16th March Perry Hall.
Thanks for the update.

I've let the local ambassador know, though suspect she's already aware.

Master Bean

3,801 posts

123 months

Saturday 9th March
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Did the little one in Cheltenham. Just 50 people in total. Compare that to the Pittville one which had over 500!

lost in espace

6,231 posts

210 months

Saturday 9th March
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Stevenage is getting good attendance, when a few local parkrun were cancelled due to rain we got 550. Today 450 participants.

Now at 205 parkruns and 100 volunteers, although I walk and run a bit with my wife at the moment but we managed 48:30.


1,201 posts

142 months

Monday 11th March
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Master Bean said:
Did the little one in Cheltenham. Just 50 people in total. Compare that to the Pittville one which had over 500!
I did the Pitville one on Christmas day when there was 775 people. On a path two people wide you can have three people trying to overtake a fourth person at the same time thanks to it being a four lap course. Not much fun at all. Unfortunately for Cheltenham the two runs are the wrong way round, in as much as Pitville has huge numbers of people and, over winter at least, very little space. Whereas the King George V playing fields has tons of space and few people.

I did my 100th run yesterday at Uckfield. It was the hardest run I've done by miles thanks to the ridiculously muddy conditions. I was struggling to keep my shoes on as my feet were regularly completely enveloped in thick mud. Then you have a long uphill which again is essentially a quagmire. I would expect to run around 22mins these days and it took over 27. Quite fun in its own way, but i don't think it's a particularly inclusive run. I'm staggered they keep it open in those conditions because unless you're a decent runner, it could very well become a long slow walk through grim conditions. A few of the locals were wearing football boots as trail shoes are instantly overwhelmed.

I've been trying to order my black T-shirt this morning, but whatever passwords I've tired haven't worked so i requested a reset email and 3 hours later i still don't have it...


20,901 posts

125 months

Monday 11th March
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Snubs said:
Whereas the King George V playing fields has tons of space and few people.
Being almost entirely on grass, it doesn't lend itself well to high footfall in winter though.


17,579 posts

200 months

Monday 11th March
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Snubs said:
I've been trying to order my black T-shirt this morning, but whatever passwords I've tired haven't worked so i requested a reset email and 3 hours later i still don't have it...
you just need to put your parkrun number in