


151 posts

189 months

Saturday 20th September 2014
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So how did everyone get on this morning?

I set a new PB of 20.26. Not too pleased because I managed better in training last week, and my current goal is sub-20 but still it's progress.

I faded a bit in the third km, doing it in around 4 mins 20 but I just went for it at the 4km mark. I was running in a pack and I think they were slowing slightly which slowed me a bit. Still, 2 more weeks of training and I'll have another crack at sub 20.

It's very useful having the volunteers tell you the time at each km checkpoint, it really helps to keep pace.


25,480 posts

195 months

Saturday 20th September 2014
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Way to humid, I was sweating buckets. On form for a PB at the half way point but lost the best part of a minute on the second lap.


2,216 posts

147 months

Saturday 20th September 2014
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Did my first parkrun and first run in 4 months today. Was a wet but not very windy Edinburgh parkrun.
I'd lost interest in running after getting into cycling but decided last that I needed to man up and get back into it. Time was 22:01 down from a PB of 19:52. Despite this it felt pretty good coming across the finish line. Definitely need to make it a more regular occurrence!


57 months

Saturday 20th September 2014
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1940 today, a minute down on where I want to be. But it was my 1st parkrun after a summer filled with niggly injuries. Usually takes 2 or 3 to get back into the 5k groove (eyes out from the gun!)


Original Poster:

6,365 posts

214 months

Saturday 20th September 2014
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Someone asked if I could pace him to 25 mins, I'm suffering from tight calf so was relieved when he blew up at 4k! But then I did manage to pace someone else we picked up along the way to a 30 sec PB so all wasn't lost.

I need to do more foam rolling and stretching so that I can get back towards my PB (23:45 this year).

We had an almost record attendance of 324 and then HQ servers had a bit of a funny turn so we couldn't get the results in til later.


11,597 posts

247 months

Monday 22nd September 2014
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Did my 10th venue this weekend. Quite enjoy being a parkrun tourist.


11,705 posts

276 months

Monday 22nd September 2014
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Managed a PB of 24.54 so well chuffed. Started off far to quickly trying to keep up with the front runners who were doing 6:00min/miles and then realised that as I'm carrying about 3 or 4 stone and 20 years on most of them I resorted to going back to my usual 8min/mile. I recon there is more time to be saved though.


25,480 posts

195 months

Monday 22nd September 2014
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madbadger said:
Did my 10th venue this weekend. Quite enjoy being a parkrun tourist.
I like a bit of tourism too. Managed 16 different venues so far (in 52 runs), but there's some bloke who's done 198 different parkruns!


Original Poster:

6,365 posts

214 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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RizzoTheRat said:
I like a bit of tourism too. Managed 16 different venues so far (in 52 runs), but there's some bloke who's done 198 different parkruns!
That's 198 in the UK, Paul Freyne's done 208 worldwide

Makes my 8 look a bit feeble, although I do have got 5 more that I will do in the not too distant future.


3,163 posts

232 months

Saturday 27th September 2014
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I think I've run at 13 different events now (in 91 runs). Heading to the inaugural Bath Skyline parkrun next Saturday though. Then Hereford a few weeks later.

x 7usc

1,423 posts

198 months

Saturday 27th September 2014
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Just found this thread so thought i would say hi, just completed my 5th parkrun and have to say I'm really enjoying them, I'm finding it quite hard going but i am a beginner to running anyway. Great weekly event and i actually look forward to it every week, i run Bushy Park, along with 999 others!!!


Original Poster:

6,365 posts

214 months

Saturday 27th September 2014
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x 7usc said:
Just found this thread so thought i would say hi, just completed my 5th parkrun and have to say I'm really enjoying them, I'm finding it quite hard going but i am a beginner to running anyway. Great weekly event and i actually look forward to it every week, i run Bushy Park, along with 999 others!!!
I'll be at Bushy next week, so there might be 1001 if you're going as well! (Actually there will probably be a lot more than that!) Nice to know that you're enjoying them. Unfortunately it's always hard work because as soon as you manage one target time, there's another to go for!

If you live near Bushy you have a good choice runs not far away, eg Old deer park, they only had 87 runners this week so a little different to Bushy.

I was feeling slightly guilty during the week that the guy I was pacing to 25 mins last week blew up and finished in around 26:30, but this week he PBd with 25:02 so I feel a bit better about it now!


53,012 posts

186 months

Saturday 27th September 2014
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What routines do people follow to improve their PR times?


3,581 posts

181 months

Saturday 27th September 2014
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Took part in my first Parkrun at the first Banbury Park run event. Excellent turnout ~200.
Happy with my sub 24min time.

As for the above Q. I've been following The Bupa training programme. It needs a reshuffle once you're at week 8 and want to continue with 1 long distance run a week.


Original Poster:

6,365 posts

214 months

Sunday 28th September 2014
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Halb said:
What routines do people follow to improve their PR times?
I found this useful Don't worry about it saying sub 20 if you're trying for sub 30, the same ideas apply.

The main thing is that if you always run (in training and at parkrun) 5 minute k pace then all you do is get used to running 5 minute k pace. What you need to do is learn to run 4:55 or 4:50 pace, so in training do a shorter distance at a faster pace - it can be 1k reps at 10 secs faster or 400m at 30 faster or any mixture, it just has to be faster and then gradually it will all build up together to give a faster 5k.

You can even use parkrun to do it, do the first k fast, the second gentle, 3rd fast, 4 gentle, 5 fast or take is easy for the first 2 or 3 and do the last 3 or 2 at your target pace just to get to learn what the faster pace feels like.


1,963 posts

171 months

Monday 29th September 2014
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Did a spot of parkrun tourism with my little boy on Saturday with a trip to Finsbury Park.

He got carried away down the hill for his first 500m (in about 7 min/mile pace) so stuggled a bit with the next hill. Overall though a new PB for him at 29:54 and his first sub 30 minute parkrun.

Think his mum is a little worried about how she is going to keep up with him in the Great Eastern Fun Run in a couple of weeks time!


25,480 posts

195 months

Monday 29th September 2014
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Nice they're hitting main stream media


Original Poster:

6,365 posts

214 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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RizzoTheRat said:
Nice they're hitting main stream media
And some more

There will also be a bit on BBC breakfast this Saturday 4 Oct (when we're all getting ready to go to parkrun :¬ )to coincide with the 10th anniversary, filmed a couple of weeks ago. If what the Mail say is correct, could be on the news on Thursday when PSH goes to Windsor to get his CBE (I haven't seen confirmation of this other from that Mail article)

To some extent we don't want it on mainstream media, there's enough people turning up to run without loads of Wail readers as well wink We had 325 last week, we'll need a bigger park soon.


1,963 posts

171 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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john2443 said:
RizzoTheRat said:
Nice they're hitting main stream media
And some more

There will also be a bit on BBC breakfast this Saturday 4 Oct (when we're all getting ready to go to parkrun :¬ )to coincide with the 10th anniversary, filmed a couple of weeks ago. If what the Mail say is correct, could be on the news on Thursday when PSH goes to Windsor to get his CBE (I haven't seen confirmation of this other from that Mail article)

To some extent we don't want it on mainstream media, there's enough people turning up to run without loads of Wail readers as well wink We had 325 last week, we'll need a bigger park soon.
The numbers that turn up at each venue is an interesting one. I normally run Orpington and there are usually somewhere between 100 and 150 runners. Bromley 3 or 4 miles away gets about 300-400.

Last Saturday I ran Finsbury Park which given its location in the middle of a large city you might expect a big number but there were only about 160 people - now whether that that is to do with the other parkruns not far away or simply the area dempgraphic I don't know.


25,480 posts

195 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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I did one on holiday in South Africa and there were 22 runner (I came 20th). That was only their second week and they're up over 100 now though.

Given the rate new ones are opening up you'd think the numbers at other local venues would drop, but they don't seem to decrease by much, and every week we've usually got 20 or so first timers and Frimley.