


Original Poster:

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Monday 19th June 2023
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downthepub said:
Evanivitch said:
They considered there was a greater risk of injury by introducing a lead bike than it provided benefit.
Fair enough, I’d wondered if it was a reaction to any specific occurrence, or as a pre-emotive safety improvement.
I haven't heard that it was a reaction to a specific event, although it may have come from reviewing incident reports.

I think the idea of a lead bike was one of those things that carried over from races when parkrun originally started and have gradually been removed.


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Saturday 24th June 2023
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Just checking Rizzo ...I've been invited to join people going to Zuiderpark on 5th August, no cancellation planned is there?


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Saturday 24th June 2023
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Andy BUTCHART did his first parkrun today...13:45 in Edinburgh. 3 secs faster than Andy Baddeley's 2012 record!


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Sunday 25th June 2023
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smn159 said:
That's a great result... however - was posted in the parkrun discussion group on Facebook. Cue loads of moaning about it not being a race, comments of 'who cares' from someone who obviously cared enough to post about it and a couple of people moaning about Olympic athletes taking part in an amateur event, asking how anyone is ever supposed to beat it who's not a 'professional'.

Weirdos hehe
Ah! The parkrun drama group smile Always upset about something. Doesn't make their run any worse by having an Olympian finishing ahead of them, I think it's quite exciting to have someone like that running with me (well, running the same route smile )


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Sunday 25th June 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
We've had a few people ask about the 5th because they've seen the " Crazy Sexy Cool festival" is on in Zuiderpark Rotterdam. We're not expecting this to to be a problem for parkrun in Zuiderpark Den Haag biggrin

Big group of you coming?
No, only 3 or 4. We picked that weekend because we have to cancel due to Pride.


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Sunday 2nd July 2023
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Running channel podcast

- Andy B interviewing Andy B about parkrun record

- Other presenters taking the pee


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Tuesday 11th July 2023
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MesoForm said:
(Quote from May)
Latest update on the 5k app removes the Nelson, Primes and Fibonacci challenges at the request of parkrun, the update says parkrun will be releasing a write-up about it this week.
Statement -

Hopefully removing from the app and other sites will discourage people, although when the app announced they were removing the number challenges, people were replying with 'You can manually add them back in" but that will only apply to people who can be bothered to do it!


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Monday 24th July 2023
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Mankers said:
Made me chuckle though 500M in to the start, when I commented to the guy next to me that the 21 min group will have some interesting’ splits, given the pacer was running between 5:55 /mi - 6:05 /mi pace! He must have heard as he slowed from that point.
A couple of weeks ago we had pacers and after 400m the 30 pacer was followed by the 31 and the 28 was next, with me - they settled down after a while!

It's difficult at the start when there are 500 people trying not to get boxed in so often they go off to fast!

Alex@POD said:
I'm always impressed at how quick the little kids can run, I'd have no chance of keeping up laugh
Lad ran 5:58 at Inverleith yesterday! Is 15 this week though, so not little but his last chance to set a juniors record.


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214 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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DKL said:
Can anyone explain exactly how the age percentage works. I have yet to see anything that explains how it's calculated, when it changes etc.
Age grade = World record (for 5k at officially timed events, not for parkrun) for your age and gender divided by your time so if record is 15 mins and you run 30, age grade is 50%, 20 mins is 75%.

For older people, particularly women, it gets a bit inaccurate, so there are sometimes results over 100%; there are lots of 25 yr olds who've recorded times but very few 90 or 100, the oddest is the outright one set by Fauja SINGH - 179% at age around 100 which doesn't mean he was stupidly fast, more that the official record was pretty slow.

Your % changes every birthday, for me I get around an extra 3 secs per year per k.


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214 months

Monday 7th August 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
Got a puncture on the way to parkrun with the kit! We made it to the park at 8:50, set up while the briefing was going on, and managed to start at 9:02! Slightly stressful start to the day but probably worse for the rest of the volunteers standing in the park with a big crowd of tourists and no kit

My key takeaway here is that I could have an extra 15 minutes in bed on a Saturday morning and still manage to start on time! hehe

And as an added bonus met John2443. wavey
Zuiderpark on Saturday, wondered why there was a big crowd of runners but no flag, cones, finish funnel etc until briefing told us the kit was on the way but delayed due to a puncture smile

The friend I travelled with told me the weather forecast suggested flippers, snorkel and lightning conductor were appropriate, but it turned out completely dry.

Google translate did a great job, showing a volunteer role of "Fish tank regulator", changing my surname to a word that doesn't exist in English and finish times from 18:35 to 6:35pm (that wasn't me, it leaves slower times alone)

And as an added bonus met RizzoTheRat. wavey


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Saturday 19th August 2023
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Queen Elizabeth country park today - the last one I needed to complete the alphabet (if anyone starts one starting with X, I'll kill them smile )

Great route, a bit hilly, but the downhills are excellent, I was really flying down...but struggling going back up!


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Sunday 3rd September 2023
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Kingdom parkrun yesterday (near Tunbridge Wells, Kent) nice 3 lapper on old mountain bike route. nowhere near as hilly as the run brief suggested!

My friends are only10 events into their alphabet so I just tag along when they go to places I haven't been - my 85th different, gradually getting to 100,


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Saturday 9th September 2023
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French government are supposed to be announcing removing the need for a medical cert at running events which will mean parkrun can restart.

Well, I was told that a few months ago and as far as I know they haven't announced it yet!

I was pleased to be Run Directing today not running! Runners were looking very hot and sweaty and we're fortunate to have lots of shade, must have been scorchio at unshady runs.


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Friday 20th October 2023
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Welcome to the RD team smile Hopefully you'll find it as satisfying as running, just in a different way!

At least you have sensible numbers at Oaklands - the first week our newest RD was in charge we had 720 so even though we'd trained him, he'd shadowed us etc there's no way other than in at the deep end!


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Saturday 28th October 2023
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Numbers down this week, only 336 instead of 500 as it was persisting down!

One the plus side I was pleased with 27:59 - my watch said 28:00 so the extra second was a bonus! and more importantly hit my target of getting over 60% as part of my very slow return to form. When I was a few yrs younger/pre coved/pre injury/pre various other excuses, it was 70% but I'm happy with 60 for now!


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Wednesday 8th November 2023
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Waitforme said:
Thanks for the reply.
I’m going to start running every second day up to 5 miles. Today was a 5k at 4:30 pace with a 3k jog warm down.
I’m thinking in a week or two I’ll introduce an interval session once a week and take it from there.
Once I plateau then I’ll have to get a bit more scientific if I want to dip below 21 for the PR.
Also unscientifically, based on me (parkrun plus 2 runs or sessions per week) and a friend (runs every day) who are 66 - he's close to 21 min, I'm slower; he's frequently injured, I'm not, I'd prefer to be able to run 25 min every week than 21 min on the weeks I'm not injured and not at all on others so I'd say take care, certainly initially, to balance speed against injury risk.


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Monday 13th November 2023
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Someone on here a while ago said they'd run wearing a football shirt with 25 on the back, and were thanked for pacing - I was reminded of that on Saturday when I was following the 26 min pacer, someone with a purple 25 T and a guy with a 27 footy shirt - I wonder if anyone was confused by them!.


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Monday 20th November 2023
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Abbott said:
Parkrun HQ must do some sort of due diligence before approving a new venue. I do not see it making sense to have too many runs in the same catchment area
It's difficult to know how many is too many - when we set up Preston Park, a mile from Hove Park some people said it was too close but we both get big numbers...and there are now 3 more in the city, we have a bigger density of events than Birmingham and less population.

I guess when Aston started HQ were led to believe the team would stay with it, not run away as soon as the hard part was done.


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Saturday 25th November 2023
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James6112 said:
Maybe I imagined it
But wasn’t the parkrun record set by a runner pulled by a dog, close to the 5k world record!
Yes, Ben Robinson. He did something like 12:25 which is faster than the no-dog (mainstream, not parkrun) world record; various pr facebook groups went into meltdown because "it's cheating" etc. He's won multiple British/European/World champs.

As Rizzo said, it was marked as assisted so doesn't show up as a record which makes the moaners point a bit pointless.


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Monday 18th December 2023
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Well done for getting there, hopefully will be easier now you've seen how it works, know that everyone's supportive and no-one apart from you are very bothered whether you to 15 mins or 40.

The good thing about arriving late for the first one is that you're pretty well guaranteed to be faster when you arrive on time!

Volunteering - some people find it good for their well-being / mental health, some find it too stressful and prefer to run so at least to start with, do whichever is best for you.