


Original Poster:

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Monday 16th January 2023
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A friend posted pics from Chippenham parksplash!

Shocking to see the volunteer isn't wearing a lifejacket smile ( on Saturday for context)


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214 months

Monday 6th March 2023
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I think that the number of people travelling long distances to parkruns is probably quiet low - we notice when we cancel numbers at local events don't go up, so most people won't travel further than their local event, never mind going a long way!

Anyway, Saturday, my 75th different event (mostly done locally or because I was away for another reason, hols, car events, visiting rellys) first in age category (and last!!) and 399th run, next Saturday 400th so can start the long slow countdown towards 500!


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214 months

Monday 6th March 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
...Hopefully we'll have enough tokens...
We've printed extras for single use other events have used raffle tickets, when we had 860 one Christmas we ran out but only had a dribble of finishers so there was time for someone with a clipboard standing at the end of the funnel to write down position and Athlete ID. Enjoy it smile


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214 months

Monday 13th March 2023
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Waitforme said:
Did the park run yesterday and got an age grading 74.57%, was pretty pleased with that.
Just need to focus a wee bit more on training with some efforts thrown in.
Currently doing a couple of 5 milers a week plus the PR.
Any tips ?
That's a pretty impressive %, but to improve don't just run 5m / 5km, you need to practice running at a faster speed so try repetitions such as replacing 1 of those runs with 10 x 500m, 5 x 1k or 2 x 2.5k at target 5k pace.

Google will find various plans, example - this will work for other times, not only sub 20, adjust pace to fit your target.


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214 months

Sunday 26th March 2023
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ch37 said:
Went to Henstridge for the first time today, loved it. Part (active) runway, part apron, part underwater field.

Completely flat, as you'd expect of an airfield course, first briefing I've heard where they say if a car comes towards you with lights flashing evacuate the course immediately!

Only 80 runners, they had months off due to flooding issues but I'll certainly be going back, really enjoyable and incredibly friendly.
If you fly in, you get your landing fee refunded if you parkrun! (Well, used to, I assume it still applies)

I know someone who did it - his friend needed to fly enough hours to keep her licence going so rather than flying in circles for a few hours took him to Henstridge!


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214 months

Tuesday 28th March 2023
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JuiceTerry said:
(recorded on strava as printer conked out on me when I tried to print my barcode)
You can have your barcode scanned from your phone.


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214 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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Did anyone spot this? I didn't until someone pointed it out, April 1 messing about!

Running Challenges Chrome Extension, badges rotated.


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214 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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Preston Park 10th birthday today, a post-covid record of 650, the mayor came to say Go and cut the cake, some runners came with their skiffle band, local radio came, I was RD and the sun came out!

I'm looking forward to running next week when I can enjoy it, being RD on a busy week means I hardly get to chat to people and am always on busy looking out for things going wrong!




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214 months

Friday 5th May 2023
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madbadger said:
RizzoTheRat said:
You still there? We flew out Thursday and had several days glorious sunshine before Mondays sleet. First time I've ever been on a plane that's been de-iced yesterday biggrin Lovely city, beer's not cheap though.
Back home yesterday.
Was a lovely weekend. Looking forward to the NL in a few weeks time.
Holland double unfortunately clashes with holiday so can't do it this year but it's in the diary for next year. That will complete my alphabet (until Xi Min Ho parkrun starts smile )


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214 months

Sunday 14th May 2023
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Someone calculated the probability of stopwatch bingo, I think 270 was the average number of runs, anyone who says less then 100 is cheating or lying and the worst is over 500.

I did mine in 201 - fortunately I'd completed it by the time it was invented, otherwise would have driven me nuts!


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214 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
Despite enjoying a bit of tourism (102 different locations so far) I don't tend to bother with all these challenges, and I think some of them are starting to become a problem. Kingston have their 610'th event next week, which is a Fibonacci number, and they're trying to discourage tourists because if they have over 500 people they'll have to cancel because that's the maximum the venue will allow.
I do some of the challenges, but none of the silly Nelson, Fibonacci, Prime etc numbers, agree they're becoming a problem, it was discussed yesterday on a closed FB group and one of the members (who's an ED, 500+runs, 500+ vols, Ambassador) has mailed the guy who created the 5k app to ask him to remove the number challenges. He included stats that show before the 5k app numbers didn't go up for those challenges and now they do. (There may be other factors but 5k app is certainly one of them)

Not sure he'll have any success because so many people are so stuck on doing the challenges they'll probably start a Google doc to take it over but at least new people won't be as encouraged to start.

If Kingston cancel. it doesn't solve the problem because the week after is still 610 unless they do a fiddle and put one unknown finisher in smile

It's not just the number challenges, inaugurals are now kept quiet to keep week 1 numbers down but week 2 is th enew week 1 - Thames Path had 149 week 1 and 437 week 2, it'll settle down but really isn't fair on new event teams for people to turn up en masse in the early weeks, unfortunately the people who do turn up don't /can't/won't understand why they shouldn't - I've seen comments like 'there were 637 and it all ran like clockwork' Anyone who writes that clearly hasn't been RD at a big event!
We cope with 5,6,700 with no problem but only because we've gradually built up from 200 and have people & kit in place to handle it but if we'd suddenly had 500 in an early week people wouldn't have got times or tokens or results!


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214 months

Saturday 27th May 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
Think we've just had a new female wheelchair parkrun world record. 13:36! I've never been lapped that early before!

ETA 108% age grading! yikes
Was she in her racechair? She usually uses a day chair with an extra wheel which isn't as fast but is easier to transport.
I know her because when she was first in a chair she was quite slow and used to ask for someone to run with her to help warn people they were about to get run over on the downhills. Not much chance of having a minder now!

Your course must be quite flat and well tarmaced.

She did 3hrs and a few seconds for London Marathon this year in the day chair +wheel which is womens world record for a non racing chair.


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214 months

Sunday 28th May 2023
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I wondered if that was an all comers wheelchair record but found this. Interestingly very similar %.

How gutted must Jake Wightman have been to run 14:48 but only be P2 smile


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214 months

Monday 29th May 2023
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Evanivitch said:
Is wheelchair part of your registration? If not, how would they know?
You can register as Mens or Womens wheelchair - shows as MWC or WWC where we would have VM50-54 etc.

There aren't many, out of 170,000 finishers at my home event (which is tarmac but has U turns and gentle-for-runners but significant-for-wheelers hills) we've only had 1 male and 1 female who've each done it once.

Dulwich is popular for WC (flat, tarmac, no tight turns) and has only had 9 people who've done it a total of 44 times.

I guess there aren't many people in wheelchairs, most other than serious racers aren't interested, most courses aren't suitable and a multi lap course full of joggers, buggys, dogs etc isn't very good if you're doing 13 mins!

Claudia, who Rizzo referred to, is unusual having done 212 parkruns, most WC have only done a few. Despite doing 13 mins, she isn't elite because of the way para classification works she can't get a classification so can't race, most races only allow classified athletes to use race chairs, others have to use a day chair.
One one hand it's mad because how do you encourage people to compete if it's difficult to get into it, on the other they don't want people to compete in classes that are easier for them to win.


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214 months

Wednesday 31st May 2023
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Snubs said:
... ran down at full pelt no sh*ts given ...
aka Brain and legs in neutral biggrin


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214 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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Cass is definitely obsessive and will travel stupid distances just to parkrun and come straight back - I feel a bit guilty when I go an hour away and mostly avoid going any further without combining it with something else. There's probably a thread in the Lounge for people like him!

I was thinking recently about people who've done multiple alphabets - would be really annoying if somewhere renamed and they suddenly lost a rare one! I recently lost a C when Cambridge re-started as Milton Country park which was a tiny bit annoying - I lost Pirates (7 Cs and an R) but as Cranleigh is my NENYD, when it finally restarts I'll get that back.

I suppose it takes all sorts and overall the carbon footprint is OK with the majority of people just going to their local event.


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214 months

Thursday 8th June 2023
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Following on from Rizzo's comment about higher numbers due to a Monday being an additional parkrun day in Holland, this week was Denmark Monday and Sweden Tuesday which mean a lot of UK tourists went for a long weekend.

Copenhagen/Malmo are only separated by a bridge, it looks like Malmo cancelled Saturday and Tuesday for fear of being overrun.

The 4 Copenhagen runs normally total about 200 runners, Monday was 1385, Växjösjön normally gets 20 but had 727 on Tuesday eek extra numbers mostly UK tourists.

Somewhat worrying, I wouldn't want to be RD at an event that went from 20 to 700! 700 is bad enough when you're used to it.

I don't know what/if there's a solution, if you want to wind people up, just say on a tourist FB group that it should be stopped and wait for the meltdown biggrin


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214 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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Evanivitch said:
Are Lead bikes allowed, not allowed?

I know they were stopped a few months ago, but ours was back again. Not sure if officially or just a habit he bike-runs now!
Not allowed!


Original Poster:

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214 months

Tuesday 13th June 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
Think we've just had a new female wheelchair parkrun world record. 13:36! I've never been lapped that early before!

ETA 108% age grading! yikes
After warming up by setting the record at Zuiderpark, Claudia's just become the first wheelchair athlete to do back to back Comrades! (Not sure if this will work if you aren't logged in to FB??)


Original Poster:

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214 months

Wednesday 14th June 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
Presumably back to back is pretty significant in a wheel chair as it means one of them was up hill.
I think 2022 and 23 were both down - something to do with construction work IIRC. Will be interesting to see if she goes again next year for an up!

Although down sounds easy, there's still 1200m of climbing and I don't know how easy it is constantly braking as that's just gloves on rim - probably uses a few pairs of gloves! I'll ask when I see her.