


Original Poster:

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217 months

Sunday 20th March 2022
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Age grade goes up every year, not just when you go up a category.


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217 months

Monday 11th April 2022
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Birdster said:
Has anyone else stopped receiving their finisher email/time?

It shows up on the results page of which ever parkrun I do and counts toward milestones as my new tee shirt is available to purchase. Not going to junk and email address not marked as spam. I looked at their FAQ and it more relates to not having a time at all.
Where emails have been bounced a few times by the provider then no more are sent, this came up on a parkrun group somewhere a few weeks ago. Could be because of your email or because your provider has decided all parkrun emails are spam. I still get the emails and texts.


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6,385 posts

217 months

Saturday 30th April 2022
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Eventful morning!

My home event was cancelled at 0850 because of an event in the park that the council hadn't told about parkrun (also we hadn't contacted the event because we've never had a problem before, most events either set up the night before or are still in bed at 9am!)

I was volunteering at another local one (resting due to parkrun wave of Westminster Mile tomorrow, anyone else going?) and we had a serial offender dog harness runner who said she "wasn't parkrunning, just happened to be at a parkrun location at 9am, stood on the start line with everyone, set off with everyone, ran the route with everyone, but didn't cross the finish line". She knows the rule full well as she had words with the RD at a different event last week, but because she's never had anyone trip over her lead doesn't accept that there is an issue!

Referred to ambassador and HQ to sort out, it's above my pay grade to deal with it!

Apart from that, a good day, sun out, good breakfast, chat and coffee afterwards!


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6,385 posts

217 months

Monday 2nd May 2022
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RDM said:
Surely if someone wants to jog on public land there’s very little to stop them?
Sort of, but if they stand on the start line of an organised event and follow the course they are quite frankly, taking the piss.


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6,385 posts

217 months

Saturday 2nd July 2022
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Post lockdown PB today smile 28:08, first run in VM65-69, just need to get 12 secs off to get to 60% age grade. (I used to be able to do 70% but not any morefrown )

PS, Nice to bump into Cybertronian by pure co-incidence at Beacon parkrun Lichfield last week (and I think MadBadger was on the Ambassadors call with HQ on Thursday night??? )


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6,385 posts

217 months

Wednesday 20th July 2022
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Snubs said:
In other news, I was down in Cornwall last weekend and did the Eden Project ParkRun, which i would recommend. It's quite a hilly course as you're essentially running up and down the side of a quarry, but you get a great view while you're at it. I'm not sure the course distance is correct though as my watch measured it at 4.85km. Whilst that could be an error with the watch GPS as to the best of my knowledge GPS measures longitude / latitude more accurately than altitude, the fact that i matched my previous PB set on a flat course with a final km much faster than the previous two, i think the distance is ineed a bit short. Which is fine by me smile
Because the course is so zig zag GPS can easily miss a bit out - IIRC it doesn't track you all the time, it takes a point every second and draws a line between them, so if one point is just before a hairpin and one just after, it thinks you've gone straight from one to the other, not out to the bend and back.
But anyway, as you say, no one's going to complain that a really hilly course is short smile


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6,385 posts

217 months

Tuesday 9th August 2022
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I saw the posts from Eastleigh - all very considerately written.

It's made me re-send our emergency procedure out to the team and ask them to re-read it so they have it in mind if anything happens.

It's always shocking when there's a fatality at parkrun, but we have to keep in mind that he could have been running on his own on a Thursday evening and no-one would have been there to help, and that numerous people have their lives saved or enriched by it, sadly we can't win them all.

On more cheerful subject! Congratulations on your wedding smile I either missed the pics on facebook or have forgotten that I saw them, that's what reaching VM65-69 does for me!


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6,385 posts

217 months

Tuesday 9th August 2022
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PS for ambassadors - have you checked your parkrun email (I just have, don't do it very often!) Conference in October smile


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6,385 posts

217 months

Tuesday 9th August 2022
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KTF said:
RizzoTheRat said:
That might also explain why they seem keen to send us our own one when we already have 4 around the course.
I thought there was an update sent out recently saying that you cannot rely on other AEDs in the park, etc. and that the event should have its own (and cancel if its broken)?
Definitely said cancel if broken,
Some events seem to have been told they should have their own, we haven't been told and I don't know what we will do if we are - we fundraised for it before they became compulsory and had it put in a cabinet outside the cafe at Start/Finish and we maintain it.
If we have to have our own not sure how we ask runners to donate for another one and if we do, who will maintain the one that's there or do we withdraw it from public use and keep it locked away for 99% of the week?

madbadger said:
Very sad to hear. Without being unsensitive I do think generally if you are going to have a cardiac arrest you have much better odds at a parkrun than most other places. Sometimes (the majority?) though if you time is up then there is nothing that will change that. I also think using the parkrun network to tell people will undoubtedly of helped.
This is slightly out of date, but interesting. Summary - 65% of cardiac arrests at parkrun survived, normally only 10% outside hospital. That's about 31 survived compared to 5 if they'd arrested somewhere else.


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217 months

Saturday 13th August 2022
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5pen said:
I volunteered at Tonbridge parkrun this morning and scanned the finish token for local hero Dame Kelly Holmes. She hung around for a quite a while afterwards encouraging others which was great to see.
She ran at our event a few years ago, was happy to have selfies and chat to people, she very much gets parkrun rather than just turning up, running, going home.


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6,385 posts

217 months

Saturday 3rd September 2022
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Abbott said:
I did Paris Runpark this morning. An unorganised run in the park by people who used to enjoy Parkrun.

Anyone with the ear of Parkrun event directors could remind them of the problems in France just to keep pressure on Parkrun HO to find a solution.
I'm not sure that there will be a solution, the issue is that when reading the small print HQ realised that they weren't insured (I guess for the previous few years no-one had read it or had decided to just keep their fingers crossed.)

It all hinges on the medical certificate required for races in France so either parkrun will have to start checking those every week (lots of effort for event teams) or somehow persuade the French government to relax the rule (that'll be easy to do biggrin ). I'm sure it will come up at parkrun conference in October, will report back if there's any news.


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6,385 posts

217 months

Saturday 3rd September 2022
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Abbott said:
Thanks for your feedback. It would be a really shame if a solution cannot be found. I understand the Medical Certificate requirement fro competitive sport in France as I have got one for organised half marathons etc and golf however they are for competition. eg I do not need a medical certificate if i want to play golf only if I want to enter a competition. Not sure why that does not apply to jogging in the park.
Jogging in the park is fine, but parkrun is timed and looks like a competition even though it (arguably smile ) isn't. Clearly you're just as likely to have a health incident running on your own as your are at parkrun, but unfortunately rules is rules, whether they make sense or not!


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6,385 posts

217 months

Friday 9th September 2022
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You'll probably see this elsewhere, but HQ say they aren't expecting events to cancel this weekend but they can choose to so check facebook/webpage before you go!

Edit - I am seeing rumours that all National Trust PRs are cancelled.

Edited by john2443 on Friday 9th September 14:05


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6,385 posts

217 months

Saturday 10th September 2022
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By chance, we had out team meeting last night, the republican side of the table thought we shouldn't have a silence on the start line, the monarchist side thought we should!

A bit of discussion followed and we decided not to - we were never going satisfy everyone but felt that there are plenty of opportunities for a silence and what we do is organise a run and we should just get on with it and if people want to do a silence they can do it somewhere else.


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6,385 posts

217 months

Friday 16th September 2022
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Master Bean said:
My local one has been cancelled this week because of the funeral. Makes no sense but time for some more tourism.
Events have been given freedom to make their own decision, most on the cancellation list seem to be due to other events or landowner decision rather than local event team being royalist!


Original Poster:

6,385 posts

217 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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James6112 said:
madbadger said:
James6112 said:
@ the age of 60, I took my 4 year old grand-daughter around her first parkrun today.
She did good, was a bit clingy during her first 1k, then took off!
She wants to do it again next week.
My work is done wink

My parkrun number is 45xxx
Hers is 7xxxxxx
Great stuff.

I'm a junior ED and we often get just turned 4 runners turning up with a new barcode.

Just had a look and A7902446 is out there, so we aren't that far off 8 million.
Good work on being a run director.
It depends upon those like you.
Appreciated smile
Some interesting stuff about Parkrun barcode numbers on google!
I'm 51xxx and when I registered (late 2009) I thought "Wow! That's a big number, I'm a bit late joining in with this" Turns out I was quite early!


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6,385 posts

217 months

Monday 3rd October 2022
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OK guys, come on, admit who registered as Rutter the fker, then changed it to Anne RSole then Tess Tick-Hall in our results!

Registered as 20-24 but surely must be a 12 yr old or a PHer smile


Original Poster:

6,385 posts

217 months

Monday 10th October 2022
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madbadger said:
john2443 said:
OK guys, come on, admit who registered as Rutter the fker, then changed it to Anne RSole then Tess Tick-Hall in our results!

Registered as 20-24 but surely must be a 12 yr old or a PHer smile
Nice to meet you at the weekend John. thumbup

What a busy weekend tough!

Yes, very busy! I got home and went straight for a nap, then early night after dinner, feeling a bit better today. Huge Newport PB for you, I guess you were running with wife/kid last time!

Our stupid named runner emailed yesterday to ask why he wasn't in the results, I explained why and he's mailed back apologetically smile


Original Poster:

6,385 posts

217 months

Saturday 22nd October 2022
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Steve vRS said:
Is there a list of the fastest courses?

I’m up in Whitehaven next weekend. I might go and do Whinlatter!
It's difficult to know exactly which are fastest, these are the stats from Tim Gross (Mr Power of 10) which are calculated based on finish times which is as good a way as any, but if there was a tough course next door to the Kenyans UK base it would have lots of fast times but a flat tarmac course in a quiet corner of Scotland where no quick people ever went, the results would be biased. Oh! and some courses may be more or less than 5k!

Full list

Top 20


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6,385 posts

217 months

Thursday 3rd November 2022
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Waitforme said:
I’m 63 and fancy having a wee go at running again, good effort going sub 20 thumbup
If there's a parkrun nearby, just go and do it - if you're fit enough to walk at a reasonable pace it'll only take 45/50 mins and from there you can run/walk gradually increasing the running time and reducing the walking. A bit of training during the week will help but not absolutely necessary, depends how seriously you want to take it.

Couch to 5k is good to get you going, ease in gently to start, don't just go for a full on 5k or you'll be knackered/, injured or put off.