General cricket thread

General cricket thread



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162 months

Saturday 27th September 2014
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County season all done. LCCC relegated in a deciding march v Middlesex. Interested to hear others thoughts on the county game as it stands today. The gap between the first and second seems to be getting wider. Northamptonshire had a nightmare and looked one of the worst teams in the first division since the split. Leicestershire have now not won a 4 day game for 2 seasons. They seem to produce good young players but once they produce the goods they are gone a lot to Trent Bridge.
Chris Cairns has been charged with perjury. Interesting to see what is said at the trial.


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162 months

Monday 6th October 2014
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Over the next day or so we fill find a little more. Prior has been burned can't see him coming back. He has said on Twitter he will reply to what has been said. People who are in a clique rarely realise that they are. Making players who have dropped a catch apologise unless you were in the clique is nonsense. You can see why so many young players are in and out of the team. KP clearly wasn't faultless in all this , others have a share of the fallout of the last ashes to bare.


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162 months

Saturday 25th October 2014
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Looks like a Pakistan win tmw 8 wickets needed.

Wi are a shambles top to bottom , all involved would seemingly see WI cricket end up at Zimbabwe level before they work together.


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1,220 posts

162 months

Saturday 25th October 2014
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It needs someone from outside the WI to sort. I read the story on cricinfo so many problems its sad for the cricket world.


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162 months

Thursday 30th October 2014
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Pakistan making the middle east a tough place to win. Looks like finally have a decent opening partnership. Clarke tried everything even placed a fielder at straight hit , never seen that before now. Is this series on TV ?


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162 months

Tuesday 25th November 2014
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Currently in a coma , hospital will know more in the next day or so. Terrible news hope he pulls through okay.


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1,220 posts

162 months

Thursday 27th November 2014
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Terrible news for all. I hope those on the field at that time especially Abbot will recover. A sad loss. RIP

Edited by dav123a on Thursday 27th November 07:41


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1,220 posts

162 months

Saturday 29th November 2014
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Not just cook though the ease in which SL finished the game shows how far we are behind the best one day teams. Not convinced woakes is cut out for the international game ? Any one watch him at county level ? Where our weaknesses lie is clear to see , Dilshan opened with spin. It wasn't that long ago we were number 1 in the world not sure where exactly the wheels del off.

Brenden McCullum smashed a quick double hundred, NZ innings runrate was near 1 a ball. Bit of a surprise considering Pakistan recent form.


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1,220 posts

162 months

Friday 2nd January 2015
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Watched bits of it , Carberry had a good knock the other day. Quite a few English players in it this year. Not that many done a great deal though. What i have seen there is Morgan Hales Wright KP Carberry Bresnan any more ? Dan Christian was brutal yesterday his team still lost having scored 200+.


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1,220 posts

162 months

Wednesday 14th January 2015
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Eng have put another big total together in a warm up game. Runs across the board , it will be interesting to see how that translates to playing international teams.


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162 months

Sunday 18th January 2015
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A fantastic knock by ABDV , unbelievable watching it , some good shots wasn't as if he was slogging over cow corner. When his career comes to an end he will be up there as a SA great.


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162 months

Saturday 24th January 2015
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Seems as if Mohammed Amir could make a cricket comeback. The ICC are looking at if he could make an early return to domestic cricket. Mixed feelings on this he has served his time but this of thing goes against the fair play of the sport.


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1,220 posts

162 months

Thursday 29th January 2015
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I'd cull some of the counties , some add little to the competition , produce near zero England players , let alone produce young players through an academy.


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1,220 posts

162 months

Sunday 1st February 2015
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A getable score but above par. Need a hundred from someone.


Original Poster:

1,220 posts

162 months

Sunday 1st February 2015
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spikeyhead said:
NBTBRV8 said:
dav123a said:
A getable score but above par. Need a hundred from someone.
Not from a UK side though. Good luck.
I'll be glad if we get the total above 100
Done !


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1,220 posts

162 months

Sunday 1st February 2015
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About what was expected , Aus were favorite's and won easily. We have a long long way to go before looking good enough to win a world cup.


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162 months

Thursday 19th March 2015
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Well If he returns and scores 100s I'm not bothered what his team mates think of him.


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162 months

Tuesday 24th March 2015
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Maxwell and Finch at Yorkshire.


Original Poster:

1,220 posts

162 months

Sunday 12th April 2015
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First day of the county season today. Anyone regular go to county games ? I'd be interested to hear how you think your county will get on and your thoughts on player recruitment.
I'm hoping Yorkshire will win the title again though its unlikely to happen again because of England and Lions call ups. Hoping for a better showing in the 20\20s than in previous seasons. Looking forward to seeing even more academy players come though into the first team.


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1,220 posts

162 months

Monday 13th April 2015
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Well recovered Bell and Root .