Darts world championship 2022/2023

Darts world championship 2022/2023



1,351 posts

44 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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This year’s final should be outstanding!

Roll on tmw.


883 posts

157 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Yet more pub darts, when's it going to improve? moan

I bet Humphries is glad the other Luke is getting the majority of the attention, it takes a lot of pressure away.
I can't predict who's going to win tomorrow, looking forward to it.


6,574 posts

24 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Betting on Humphries tomorrow, but it’ll be mega if they both deliver.


17,553 posts

192 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Saw the news about him winning and just wondered is he really 16? He looks a lot older than that. Its not meant as any sort of insult but if someone asked me how old he was I would say late 20s maybe even early 30s?

Is darts a sport where you can say what ever age you want or is he really 16?


1,792 posts

47 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Considering he is about the most talked about person in the country just now, and he is either still at school or just left, I am sure if he wasn’t 16 a lot of people would have all ready been in touch saying they went to school with him 10 years ago and he has been working in Runcorn Maccie D’s since, if he was lying.

Also he may be a new name to people who don’t follow darts, but those that do, know he has been on the county scene for a good few years and been winning all the junior events. Everyone in darts knew he was a very good player capable of the darts he has played. What no one expected was how he has handled the new experience of being on the big stage and all the pressure that brings.


17,553 posts

192 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Fair enough - good for him clearly talented!


1,792 posts

47 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Handling the exposure is going to be the lads main problem, Even a seasoned pro normally has a big dip in form after winning the worlds with all the extra media commitments causing fatigue.

This lad will have all that x10, plus a tournament schedule which is already busy, lots of people wanting him for exhibitions and the fact he is 16 with half a million in his pocket leading him astray .

Even if he decided not to bother playing on the tour next year he could probably book 200 exhibitions for next year at a £1000 a time.

The last 3 weeks have been life changing for him, I just hope it’s in a good way and he can handle it all.


1,254 posts

126 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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It should be a great final tonight. Whatever the outcome Luke Littler will go down in history and should have an outstanding future ahead of him if he mixes with the right people and can avoid the distractions. I would imagine he will get a Tour Card, and perhaps even a spot in the PL. It is all somewhat similar to the furore with Fallon Sherrock a few years ago. But this time it’s different. This boy is staggeringly good. A precocious once in a generation talent. Let’s hope it all works out for him. One thing I will say though, and this is by no means taking anything away from his performances, is that no one has really put him under too much pressure so far. Most of his opponents have missed far too many doubles at crucial times after good set up play and you simply can’t do that against him when his finishing is so clinical. The 132 yesterday was just sublime, and a perfect case in point. He is so quick mentally, goes for combinations that no one expects, and the spotters and cameramen can’t keep up with him! I thought Cross had rattled him a little bit in the early stages in yesterday’s semi final, and if he had taken his chance to go 2-0 up who knows what might have happened. The break after the first set really came at the wrong time for him. Based on last nights performance Humphries may not be so generous though. We shall see. But fingers crossed the match lives up to its billing. Good luck to both players. BRM.


1,916 posts

26 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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gotoPzero said:
Saw the news about him winning and just wondered is he really 16? He looks a lot older than that. Its not meant as any sort of insult but if someone asked me how old he was I would say late 20s maybe even early 30s?

Is darts a sport where you can say what ever age you want or is he really 16?
I also thought that he should change his diet.


10,409 posts

158 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Alickadoo said:
gotoPzero said:
Saw the news about him winning and just wondered is he really 16? He looks a lot older than that. Its not meant as any sort of insult but if someone asked me how old he was I would say late 20s maybe even early 30s?

Is darts a sport where you can say what ever age you want or is he really 16?
I also thought that he should change his diet.
I know Darts is a sport that requires limited movement, but some of these guys are quiet big. Cross who lost yesterday is 33 apparently, he looks 40+.

Ajax Treesdown

160 posts

131 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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I'm looking forward to tonight's final. It should be a good spectacle. Both players play at a good pace so should be a free flowing game.

Luke Littler is a generational talent that's for sure. I feel it's the way he keeps his 3 dart average at a constant that makes him hard to beat. Most players seem to have a good spell where they average 110 such as Cross last night for 2 sets then fall away with a bad spell with an average of say 90-95 (Not bad by the way just the standard is so high now) where as Littler is a constant 103-105 across all sets and that makes him hard to beat. Once he is in front, he is a good front runner too.

Humphries is the biggest challenge in the final. The form player of the last 3 months, 3 TV Major titles and unbeaten on tv in 19 games. Now World Number 1 too. I like Luke Humphries, seems like a nice guy and is pretty ruthless once into the flow of his darts. His demolition of Williams last night was clinical. Once he knew, he was ruthless in getting rid of his opponent. Williams got exactly what he deserved. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke!

It's going to be close tonight. I just think Luke Humphries may have the edge and take it but it would be amazing for Luke Littler to win. I'm not really bothered who wins it. I've loved darts for so long and it's so good to see it being talked about now.

May the best man on the night win!


7,505 posts

196 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Challo said:
I know Darts is a sport that requires limited movement, but some of these guys are quiet big. Cross who lost yesterday is 33 apparently, he looks 40+.
The low centre of gravity helps stability....maybe smile


2,363 posts

157 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Amazing performance from the young man. As others say it is hard to picture him really being that age. Has he been on the beers since he was 5? Is he from the north?

Good luck to him though, great when young talent comes dramatically into sport like this.


7,505 posts

196 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Tom8 said:
Amazing performance from the young man. As others say it is hard to picture him really being that age. Has he been on the beers since he was 5? Is he from the north?

Good luck to him though, great when young talent comes dramatically into sport like this.
There's a picture of him doing the rounds aged 12 with tonight's opponent.He looked about 20 even then lol

Gob Beldof

10 posts

7 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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CypSIdders said:
Yet more pub darts, when's it going to improve? moan

I bet Humphries is glad the other Luke is getting the majority of the attention, it takes a lot of pressure away.
I can't predict who's going to win tomorrow, looking forward to it.
My money is on Luke


883 posts

157 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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J6542 said:
Handling the exposure is going to be the lads main problem, Even a seasoned pro normally has a big dip in form after winning the worlds with all the extra media commitments causing fatigue.

This lad will have all that x10, plus a tournament schedule which is already busy, lots of people wanting him for exhibitions and the fact he is 16 with half a million in his pocket leading him astray .

Even if he decided not to bother playing on the tour next year he could probably book 200 exhibitions for next year at a £1000 a time.

The last 3 weeks have been life changing for him, I just hope it’s in a good way and he can handle it all.
Darts barely gets a mention in the mainstream media for 50 weeks of the year.
I think all the talk of a media circus around him is just that, talk.
By next Monday he'll have already been yesterday's chip wrapper.
Whatever happens tonight, he'll go on to win many titles, all of which will go pretty much unnoticed by the press and the public in general.


883 posts

157 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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All these pub darts are rubbing off on me.
Just hit my first 180 of the year, in my first practice session of the year! bounce


843 posts

51 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Is this “pub darts” thing the equivalent of “bums” in the boxing thread or things being “stonewall” in football terms - ie lazy cliches from those who can’t string a more detailed opinion together?


1,351 posts

44 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Looking forward to coverage of the final down the Dog & Duck in an hour or so!

A Littler win would be truly historic to witness but LH is on a superb run and will clearly be very hard to beat.

Gonna plump for a 7-5 set score.


883 posts

157 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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If Littler won he would be the youngest ever player to win the world championship.
If he loses he's still got another 7 years to become the youngest winner, (assuming another youth doesn't come along to usurp him).

If Humphries plays as well as he did last night, I can't see him losing.
However, he was the pre tournament favourite, who knows how that affects him?

In some ways I think it would be better, in the long run, if Littler lost tonight, he'd get a year on the tour without the attention he's getting now, he'd have more experience under his belt to come back and win it.

It's going to be an interesting final.

Come on Luke! May the force be with them.