The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint

The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint



1,671 posts

221 months

Thursday 16th September 2021
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Scabutz said:
Take your time and don't rush out with the crowd. If it's choppy try to time your sighting when you are at the top of the wave, otherwise you'll just get a view of some water. If the swim is parallel to the shore then breathe towards the shore. Otherwise you'll turn to breathe and get a mouthful of sea water.
Thanks, I'll definitely not be rushing out with the crowd. I think the swim is straight out to sea and back. Thankfully I can breath both ways so hoping I can go with the direction with the least waves hitting my face.


6,825 posts

179 months

Friday 17th September 2021
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Looking to do a 70.3 next year any recommendations? I am South East but seems I will have to travel?


5,784 posts

247 months

Saturday 18th September 2021
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joshcowin said:
Looking to do a 70.3 next year any recommendations? I am South East but seems I will have to travel?
I would absolutely recommend the Lakesman. It’s just sold out though but there is a waiting list and the people on it normally get places.

Alternatively any of the outlaw events are really well ran.


7,869 posts

83 months

Saturday 18th September 2021
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joshcowin said:
Looking to do a 70.3 next year any recommendations? I am South East but seems I will have to travel?
Roughly where are you looking? The Cowman at Emberton is a decent low key event. Lake swim, relatively fast bike with only a small lump, decent run.

Never done outlaw events but heard good things. Think they sell out though so need to be quick.


6,825 posts

179 months

Saturday 18th September 2021
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Thanks for the suggestions its got to be cowman though as my last name really is cowin!!

Good location for me about 2 hrs away!

Will look at the others if the dates dot work for this one, much appreciated!


1,671 posts

221 months

Sunday 19th September 2021
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I completed Sandman Standard today (see question a few posts ago).

A friend did the Sprint yesterday, and the sea was flat calm. This morning it was raining and they actually had to shorten the swim as the sea was so rough. It was very difficult heading out to the buoy but swimming back was a breeze as the waves basically washed me back to shore.

Bike and run went almost to plan, so pretty happy overall.

Would thoroughly recommend the event. The location was stunning.


3,037 posts

158 months

Saturday 27th November 2021
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Doing ironman 70.3 staffordshire next year in June. Aiming for Barcelona 140.6, but i think based on my current feeble flapping as part of by pre-base phase i really need to pull my finger out and suspect i have missed the boat.


1,330 posts

208 months

Monday 6th December 2021
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BobSaunders said:
Doing ironman 70.3 staffordshire next year in June. Aiming for Barcelona 140.6, but i think based on my current feeble flapping as part of by pre-base phase i really need to pull my finger out and suspect i have missed the boat.
I did both of those this year. Stafford has a rotten hill in the middle of the run course - that you go up twice, not helped this year at all by being the hottest day of the year.

Barcelona was good - although strong winds meant the swim was drastically shortened (have a look at the official race video on YouTube).........and the 70.3 and full being on the same day meant the bike was a draft fest.....


434 posts

211 months

Tuesday 11th January 2022
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esuuv said:
I did both of those this year. Stafford has a rotten hill in the middle of the run course - that you go up twice, not helped this year at all by being the hottest day of the year.
Yeah, that was horrible but how good was that swim with azure skies
I struggled on the run and ended up running for shade and hosepipes wherever possible lol


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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Kona alert. Pro women at the mo', blokes go off 17.25 on Sat biggrin


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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Cheers. And 2 Brits at the front. Trying to watch on-line and watch Richard Hammond at the same time. Anyone know what the cycling time penalties were for? In the old days it would have been for drafting.


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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I think it was for drafting - not sure though.

Shaping up for a great race!

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Friday 7th October 2022
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Well done to Chelsea Sodaro. First US woman to win since 1996. 2:51 is a great run time.

I was optimistic about a win for one of the GB women; 2nd and 6th are really good results though. Lucy Charles Barclay is now runner up 4 times in row though which she might have mixed feelings about.

Ben Jk

1,678 posts

169 months

Friday 7th October 2022
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LCB is only recently back from a career threatening injury (this only her 3rd race back and 1st full distance since return), so whilst she has come 2nd again it is a great result and i think she will see it in a positive light. Great strength to hold off Anne Haug.

Unlucky that a relatively unknown ends up running 2.51 to win!

Men's race could be fantastic.

If Joe Skipper can get out of swim and bike with the likes of Lionel Sanders and Cam Wurf then they will be able to work together (legally) to move through the field. If Joe can match his run in Wales then it could be a great foot race.

Really hoping for a podium for Joe.

Edited by Ben Jk on Friday 7th October 16:21

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Saturday 8th October 2022
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I've just watched the highlights; it was good that LCB looked so pleased at the end.


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Saturday 8th October 2022
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Ben Jk said:
Men's race could be fantastic.
Looking good so far!

Blummenfelt looking great for me, atm


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Sunday 9th October 2022
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Your 1, 2, 3 for Kona 2022:-

1. Gustav Iden
2. Sam Laidlow
3. Kristian Blummenfelt

Separated by just 3 minutes! Nice to see a 5th place for Joe Skipper as well.

Laidlow's put down a bike split of 4:04:36 and Iden ran a 2:36:15 yikes incredible.

Ben Jk

1,678 posts

169 months

Sunday 9th October 2022
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Bonkers race. To see 10mins put into Frodos course record is insane. One thing though…the lead bike pack were being nicely drafted by the motorbikes. It’s getting a bit ridiculous really. Save watts on bike then fresher for run.

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Sunday 9th October 2022
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It is getting very fast. Though I wonder if some of that was the psychological barrier of 8 hours.? People always thought that Hawaii had to be slow but clearly that's not the case.

Anyone know when Sam Laidlow put his socks on? I wasnt really paying attention the whole way though and it is nagging at me.