GOLF - 2024



4,582 posts

147 months

Rai is a good ball striker, he has had such a good season so far.


10,900 posts

232 months

fourstardan said:
Rai is a good ball striker, he has had such a good season so far.
Yeah but iron covers.....


490 posts

32 months

fourstardan said:
Rai is a good ball striker, he has had such a good season so far.
Not his best golf last night but really gritty

Wish he showed a bit of personality on the course though. Between him and Cam Young last night can’t imagine there were many laughs both look like they are at the dentist


700 posts

109 months

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Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I find people can't count
people missing a putt and then walking over and backwards putting a 3ft, missing but counting as in as they didn't take it "seriously"
people not watching their ball, spent hours looking for other peoples balls
inability of players to count as they go along, standing at the green doing the countback to come up with a bogey when you know full well it was a triple, then all indignent when challenged.
Lack of repect.
Don't get me going on going away with the lads, just back from one ....................

I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.


Original Poster:

1,619 posts

62 months

quotequote all
Bob-iylho said:
Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I find people can't count
people missing a putt and then walking over and backwards putting a 3ft, missing but counting as in as they didn't take it "seriously"
people not watching their ball, spent hours looking for other peoples balls
inability of players to count as they go along, standing at the green doing the countback to come up with a bogey when you know full well it was a triple, then all indignent when challenged.
Lack of repect.
Don't get me going on going away with the lads, just back from one ....................

I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.
Sounds like it's other people's presence that annoys you, not golf hehe

Try playing along and if you don't like that, quit, or play much less often. No point getting angry about it if you're not making a living from it.


6,257 posts

282 months

quotequote all
Bob-iylho said:
Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I find people can't count
people missing a putt and then walking over and backwards putting a 3ft, missing but counting as in as they didn't take it "seriously"
people not watching their ball, spent hours looking for other peoples balls
inability of players to count as they go along, standing at the green doing the countback to come up with a bogey when you know full well it was a triple, then all indignent when challenged.
Lack of repect.
Don't get me going on going away with the lads, just back from one ....................

I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.
The trick is to only play with people you love spending time with, it sounds like you have dreadful golf partners.

For me, it's 4 hours of joy, because I only play with brilliant friends, and family. The cheating thing is bizarre, I've seen it in the past (society golf), I just won't stand for it, rather be disliked than see people cheat, hole after hole.

As you get older, you need to be more discerning with who you spend your quality time with, and 4 hours of golf is premium quality time.


700 posts

109 months

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s94wht said:
Sounds like it's other people's presence that annoys you, not golf hehe

Try playing along and if you don't like that, quit, or play much less often. No point getting angry about it if you're not making a living from it.
Thanks, I think you are right, I'm not very tolerant and fundermentally other peoples actions are fking me up. I just don't see these actions and cheating in any other sport or hobby I do, or not so blatent anyway.
Alone is ok, but just seems a bit pointless, you know, grown man hitting plastic ball around field for 4 hrs!!!
I truely believe at the moment, my time is better spent elsewhere.


700 posts

109 months

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DuncanM said:
The trick is to only play with people you love spending time with, it sounds like you have dreadful golf partners.

For me, it's 4 hours of joy, because I only play with brilliant friends, and family. The cheating thing is bizarre, I've seen it in the past (society golf), I just won't stand for it, rather be disliked than see people cheat, hole after hole.

As you get older, you need to be more discerning with who you spend your quality time with, and 4 hours of golf is premium quality time.
again thanks, I think this is what I need to do. If I come back to it.


11,300 posts

270 months

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I hate to admit it, but I quite like a solo round now and again. Early morning, nice weather. Happy days.


Original Poster:

1,619 posts

62 months

quotequote all
Bob-iylho said:
again thanks, I think this is what I need to do. If I come back to it.
Whereabouts are you based? I've played with a few guys off a couple of forums (including 48Valves and Ashfordian on here) and they've all been an absolute pleasure. I think before you quit you need to drop the usual guys you play with. It should be a relaxing stroll out


11,695 posts

276 months

quotequote all
DuncanM said:
The trick is to only play with people you love spending time with, it sounds like you have dreadful golf partners.

For me, it's 4 hours of joy, because I only play with brilliant friends, and family. The cheating thing is bizarre, I've seen it in the past (society golf), I just won't stand for it, rather be disliked than see people cheat, hole after hole.

As you get older, you need to be more discerning with who you spend your quality time with, and 4 hours of golf is premium quality time.
Exactly this ^. I've taken every Friday afternoon off from May - July and play with my 18 year old son as a way for him to get out of the house while doing his A-Levels and now that he's finished it's a great way to spend an afternoon. He's great company and I enjoy helping him improve his game.


2,939 posts

40 months

quotequote all
Bob-iylho said:
Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I find people can't count
people missing a putt and then walking over and backwards putting a 3ft, missing but counting as in as they didn't take it "seriously"
people not watching their ball, spent hours looking for other peoples balls
inability of players to count as they go along, standing at the green doing the countback to come up with a bogey when you know full well it was a triple, then all indignent when challenged.
Lack of repect.
Don't get me going on going away with the lads, just back from one ....................

I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.
It sounds as if you are playing with the wrong crowd. When I was playing, we were all honest, there were no "gimmes" or "mulligans", we counted every shot and played the ball where it lay. I think that is the main reason we enjoyed it so much, also why we improved.


2,089 posts

92 months

quotequote all
Bob-iylho said:
Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I find people can't count
people missing a putt and then walking over and backwards putting a 3ft, missing but counting as in as they didn't take it "seriously"
people not watching their ball, spent hours looking for other peoples balls
inability of players to count as they go along, standing at the green doing the countback to come up with a bogey when you know full well it was a triple, then all indignent when challenged.
Lack of repect.
Don't get me going on going away with the lads, just back from one ....................

I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.
I took a 6 year break from golf for the mental reasons you describe in the early 2010's where I went from playing at least every week to 4-5 society days a year and a weeks golf abroad with mates. It was very much needed. Surprisingly I still maintained my handicap level because playing this infrequently removed the expectation I had with my game which I only realised in hindsight.

On the other points you raise, as others said, you need to think about who you are playing with. One thing you can definitely do in the situations you describe above is stay in your own bubble. I know, easier to say than do!

Personally if you are going to stop now, you may as well stop until April next year rather than return in the poor winter weather conditions. For this reason you may want to stick it out until Sept/Oct but I'm talking this position from someone who still enjoys the game and having slogged my way through the long winter waiting for the courses to improve.


10,405 posts

158 months

quotequote all
andyA700 said:
Bob-iylho said:
Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I find people can't count
people missing a putt and then walking over and backwards putting a 3ft, missing but counting as in as they didn't take it "seriously"
people not watching their ball, spent hours looking for other peoples balls
inability of players to count as they go along, standing at the green doing the countback to come up with a bogey when you know full well it was a triple, then all indignent when challenged.
Lack of repect.
Don't get me going on going away with the lads, just back from one ....................

I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.
It sounds as if you are playing with the wrong crowd. When I was playing, we were all honest, there were no "gimmes" or "mulligans", we counted every shot and played the ball where it lay. I think that is the main reason we enjoyed it so much, also why we improved.
Its the people not the sport your getting annoyed with. I play with 2 other mates, we always stick to the rules as much as possible, but will give gimmes, sometimes we have a mulligan etc.

Everyone knows where they stand and avoids the issues you laid out where you get annoyed.

I would change your playing partners.

Patrick Bateman

12,243 posts

177 months

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If a bad round ruins your day you really need to reframe how you look at the sport. It's unbelievably hard, by definition you will play worse than your handicap the majority of the time. You cannot put all the enjoyment factor on score or you're on a hiding to nothing if that's your attitude.

Providing your playing partners are not playing in a competition or putting a card in for their handicap why does it bother you what they do? Unless of course you're playing them for money. If it's just out for a game with no consequences then don't let it bother you.


2,029 posts

212 months

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As some of the others have said you have to have look at an be honest with yourself about why you play.

No one likes to play badly or shoot high scores, but it’s part of the game, it happens a lot. Golf is a game of missing, you’re going to hit more bad shots than good. Accept it and you’ll enjoy playing more.

My enjoyment now comes from playing with people I like and knowing ‘I’ tried my best no matter what my score is.

I very rarely enter comps anymore as everyone is playing to a different set of rules. I like match play as I can watch my opponent like a hawk biggrin

I used to go out every Saturday determined to win, but I now realise that is out of my control, and nobody cares anyway. I used to think I needed to take it seriously, now I know I don’t. I don’t base my enjoyment on something I cannot control.

I play to the rules and I try my best to shoot the lowest score I can every time I play, it doesn’t matter whether that’s in a comp or knocking it round with my lad tonight. What anyone else does is up to them. If I’m in a comp with a random person who breaks a rule, I will tell them.

If I’m playing with someone who isn’t putting a card in or in a comp they can do what they want.

I enjoy playing on my own, but only on an evening when it’s quiet. It’s nice and peaceful.


6,257 posts

282 months

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Tycho said:
Exactly this ^. I've taken every Friday afternoon off from May - July and play with my 18 year old son as a way for him to get out of the house while doing his A-Levels and now that he's finished it's a great way to spend an afternoon. He's great company and I enjoy helping him improve his game.
What a joy this must be for you both smile

My last round was with my brother, and two of my nephews, it was such a nice round loved it!


23,442 posts

178 months

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I think it's hard to not let golf get you at some point during the round but it needs to be a fleeting frustration one that is left behind as you go on to the next shot, I try to take my sense of humour out on the course as that helps.

I think it helps to set the rules of engagement before the round so that everyone is clear, tonight I'm playing 9 holes with a friend and we'll do whatever we want as it's just a practice, hit another tee shot? Fine, but we're not fooling ourselves thinking we made par and forgetting about the 3 off the tee.

But if you're playing to a marked card and people are cheating then that would piss me off, I wouldn't play with people like that, but I don't really take that much notice If I'm scoring the card I'll just ask what score they got and write that down.


1,246 posts

252 months

quotequote all
Bob-iylho said:
Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I find people can't count
people missing a putt and then walking over and backwards putting a 3ft, missing but counting as in as they didn't take it "seriously"
people not watching their ball, spent hours looking for other peoples balls
inability of players to count as they go along, standing at the green doing the countback to come up with a bogey when you know full well it was a triple, then all indignent when challenged.
Lack of repect.
Don't get me going on going away with the lads, just back from one ....................

I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.
Change the crowd that you are playing with. Whilst I recognise some of these issues they are not prevalent for me.


5,525 posts

144 months

quotequote all
Bob-iylho said:
Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.
Uhh, stuff about other people aside, yes it sounds like you should quit golf. Sorry man.

Nothing that you've posted makes it sound like you enjoy the game, and why do something you don't enjoy? Maybe you will enjoy it in future after some time away, but maybe you won't. Things change, people change. Personally, I wouldn't be wasting time on something I don;t get any enjoyment fro, particularly when there's a whole world of stuff out there to try that you might enjoy!

Bob-iylho said:
Alone is ok, but just seems a bit pointless, you know, grown man hitting plastic ball around field for 4 hrs!!!
As for this... yikes dude. This more than anything else makes it sound like you don't actually like golf at all, or consider it worth your time. I'm curious, why did you start playing? You've been playing a long time, I assume?