The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint

The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint



Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Wednesday 1st August 2012
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okgo said:
Think it's a different tri altogether?
Don't think so.
There's only one London tri based in the docklands that I've ever competed in . . . 22nd/23rd September this year?


3,841 posts

236 months

Wednesday 1st August 2012
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Friends with a woman triathlete, obsessed doesn't come close. She used to be attractive, now she looks like John Hurt....can't be good for you.


3,856 posts

184 months

Thursday 2nd August 2012
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dangerousB said:
okgo said:
Think it's a different tri altogether?
Don't think so.
There's only one London tri based in the docklands that I've ever competed in . . . 22nd/23rd September this year?
I did that race in 2007. I don't think I've ever swam in water as horrid as that before or ever will again. It might have just been a bad year, but it was genuinely minging frown


38,664 posts

201 months

Thursday 2nd August 2012
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dangerousB said:
Don't think so.
There's only one London tri based in the docklands that I've ever competed in . . . 22nd/23rd September this year?
Oh right.

Not sure on route then, I assumed it was just around that area of town, not all the way into Westminster...


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Thursday 2nd August 2012
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graeme4130 said:
I did that race in 2007. I don't think I've ever swam in water as horrid as that before or ever will again. It might have just been a bad year, but it was genuinely minging frown
Agreed!! It's like swimming through a brackish cup of tea that someone's made with a broken tea bag and getting the living daylights kicked out of you by 400 others whilst doing it!!!

Oh and just a heads up . . . womens tri this Saturday 9am, blokes next Tuesday at 11.30am - go the Brownlee's, Stuart Hayes, Vicky Holland, Helen Jenkins and Lucy Hall.

Think we may be in for a couple of medals, fingers crossed!!


1,311 posts

239 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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I'm concerned that the Brownlees are going to be marked men and not get the gold or silver.

I want them to win and, hopefully, cross the line together but I just think either Gomez or possible the South African, Murray, will snatch the win. Murray seems to be an excellent runner and could be a big threat.

All I know is that on Tuesday I will be a nervous man watching the live feed at work!!


10,154 posts

249 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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Ditto - but the Brownlees have been dealing with being marked for the last couple of seasons, facing more or less the same field, so they stand a good chance of coping.


28,506 posts

248 months

Saturday 4th August 2012
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Greasy conditions for the women's tri. Lots of crashing on the bike leg.


1,311 posts

239 months

Saturday 4th August 2012
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Poor Helen Jenkins, what a great effort but the top 3 blitzed it in the end. What a finish!!


2,592 posts

176 months

Sunday 5th August 2012
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Guys, some honest opinions please. I would like to complete an Ironman/ full distance event next summer. I'd appreciate honest opinions on whether this is a realistic goal with 12 months of training. In terms of current fitness I am a regular cyclist (did the Fred Whitton this year) but have only just started running again after a 1 year break. I haven't been swimming except on holidays for several years. I guess that one thing in my favour is that I am naturally quite fit and don't carry much weight - about 65kg now.

So, opinions please guys. Many thanks.


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Tuesday 7th August 2012
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nammynake said:
Guys, some honest opinions please. I would like to complete an Ironman/ full distance event next summer. I'd appreciate honest opinions on whether this is a realistic goal with 12 months of training. In terms of current fitness I am a regular cyclist (did the Fred Whitton this year) but have only just started running again after a 1 year break. I haven't been swimming except on holidays for several years. I guess that one thing in my favour is that I am naturally quite fit and don't carry much weight - about 65kg now.

So, opinions please guys. Many thanks.
If your aim is to complete rather than to compete, then your goal is totally achievable.

You'll definitely have to use your time wisely though - 12 months sounds like a long time, but that will soon fly by, especially if you're pretty much having to learn the competitive side of the swimming from scratch and put together a decent run programme. Also, it can be very tough to get the hours in during the winter, with our climate being what it is!

Injuries or illness have to be factored in to that time as well, as it's very easy to pick up both with the volume of training you'll be building to, but the bottom line is, you can definitely do it in that timescale, with where you currently are physically. Did you have any idea of what race you wanted to do??

Oh, men's tri on in a mo' . . . got it on on a big screen here in the office! Hope it's every bit as good as the womens race biggrin


10,154 posts

249 months

Tuesday 7th August 2012
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nammynake said:
Guys, some honest opinions please. I would like to complete an Ironman/ full distance event next summer. I'd appreciate honest opinions on whether this is a realistic goal with 12 months of training. In terms of current fitness I am a regular cyclist (did the Fred Whitton this year) but have only just started running again after a 1 year break. I haven't been swimming except on holidays for several years. I guess that one thing in my favour is that I am naturally quite fit and don't carry much weight - about 65kg now.

So, opinions please guys. Many thanks.
I did it, ergo anyone can do it. And I'm 95kg, not 65.

There are plenty of training plans online, but the first step is to pick an event and enter it - IM-branded races fill up fast, often a year ahead, and they all have their own characters; read the race reports somewhere like TriTalk to get a sense of where they differ.


2,929 posts

246 months

Tuesday 7th August 2012
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I went to Hyde Park today to watch the mens triathlon. Great race! Here are some pictures.

Edited by gingerpaul on Wednesday 8th August 14:37


1,311 posts

239 months

Wednesday 8th August 2012
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Brilliant photos Paul! What time did you have to get there to get that close to the front?!


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

193 months

Wednesday 8th August 2012
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Great race yesterday, shame about JB's time penalty, but a great result nonetheless . . . top ten guys all under 31min for the 10k with Alistair Brownlee running a 29.07!! yikesbow


17,790 posts

216 months

Wednesday 8th August 2012
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dangerousB said:
Great race yesterday, shame about JB's time penalty, but a great result nonetheless . . . top ten guys all under 31min for the 10k with Alistair Brownlee running a 29.07!! yikesbow
I'm hoping to match that time in the event that I'm doing next month .... for 5km, of course!


2,929 posts

246 months

Wednesday 8th August 2012
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Iceman82 said:
Brilliant photos Paul! What time did you have to get there to get that close to the front?!
I got there about 10:15 so not too early. I was surprised to be able to get the prime spot on the inside of that corner but I'm glad I did. I've got loads of pictures so don't want to overload this thread with them but they were so close I had to move the camera out of the way on one lap so one of the guys didn't smash into it. Unbelievable how hard those guys were pushing, although Alistair's smiling in that picture I posted of him. That was taken on the last lap so I guess he was happy with their positioning.


2,323 posts

168 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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Glad I found this thread.

I have entered for my first triathlon, just sprint - 400m siwm, 18k bike ride and 5k run, in 5 weeks time. Starting to think I might not have left myself enough time to be honest, as I'm starting training tonight. My fitness is okay but not great, the cycling bit won't be a problem as I cycle quite a lot and it's over local roads that I'm used to. I haven't been swimming in about a year and will be going for the first time tonight. The running is going to be a bit of a killer as well, I play 5-a-side footy twice a week so am used to short bursts of energy at the moment. So overall I'm not too confident right now.

Would like to think I can do it in around an hour with some serious trainging over the next few weeks, but it's going to be a real struggle. The one thing in my favour is a build my fitness levels relatively quickly and have always been quite active, especially with cycling and running, so I'm hoping it all comes flooding back.

Wish me luck!!

nick s

1,371 posts

220 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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ali4390 said:
Glad I found this thread.

I have entered for my first triathlon, just sprint - 400m siwm, 18k bike ride and 5k run, in 5 weeks time. Starting to think I might not have left myself enough time to be honest, as I'm starting training tonight. My fitness is okay but not great, the cycling bit won't be a problem as I cycle quite a lot and it's over local roads that I'm used to. I haven't been swimming in about a year and will be going for the first time tonight. The running is going to be a bit of a killer as well, I play 5-a-side footy twice a week so am used to short bursts of energy at the moment. So overall I'm not too confident right now.

Would like to think I can do it in around an hour with some serious trainging over the next few weeks, but it's going to be a real struggle. The one thing in my favour is a build my fitness levels relatively quickly and have always been quite active, especially with cycling and running, so I'm hoping it all comes flooding back.

Wish me luck!!
Good luck! But i think an hour is VERY optimistic if you say you haven't really trained for it? Hardly anyone does an hour for a super sprint! That's almost elite speeds smile


2,323 posts

168 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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nick s said:
Good luck! But i think an hour is VERY optimistic if you say you haven't really trained for it? Hardly anyone does an hour for a super sprint! That's almost elite speeds smile
That's what I thought, I was basing it on my sister is aiming to do 1.10, and the top lads that did it last year did it in 51 mins, so I'd be a happy medium. I'd be happy with 1.10 although in all honesty even that may be a struggle.