The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint

The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint



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Friday 17th May 2019
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craig r said:
T1 was a disaster, I couldn’t get out of my wetsuit
Do you use vas on your ankles?

craig r said:
I wanted a 2:30, came in at just under 2:37! So although many things went wrong, and everything could have been better, I finished! And as it was my first tri at this distance it's a PB!
Congrats on finishing - there's your first line in the sand!

The way I look at it though, the only events that are a disaster are those where you either DNS or DNF at - every other one you do is a day at triathlon school - whether it's your taper, swim/bike/run, kit, pre-race nutrition, race nutrition, pacing, there's always something to take away and learn from - here's to the next one biggrin

Anyone else got anything lined up for this year?


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Sunday 19th May 2019
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Scabutz said:
Cramp on the run was probably just down to fitness. Some people will tell you to take more electrolytes but the evidence these seems to suggest that's bks.
Quinine sulphate can help if you're prone to cramping - my training buddy used to suffer terribly from cramp in the late stages of a race (and at swim exit for some reason).

Now takes a quinine tab before races (and pops one on the bike I think) - don't think he's had it at all since doing this.


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Friday 31st May 2019
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Fourmotion said:
I'm doing the Norseman this year, which is very much about the finish and not the time!!

Missed THIS when you posted!!! You lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, bar steward!!!

Wow, that's gonna be some experience - I am SO envious biggrin I entered the ballot for the 5th time last year and watched the whole Youtube live draw (only not to see my name pulled out again mad).

I competed at the inaugural Swedeman event last year (which is another XTri event and very similar) and I'm glad I did - brought it home to me just how tough these events can be. The fell/mountain running is definitely a skill to acquire (that I don't currently have) - was hitting 10k PB's every week on the run up to that race (on tarmac) and it counted for absolutely nothing on the day.

You are in for one hell of an amazing day - enjoy it and definitely let us know how it goes! I will be glued to my monitor for the 2020 draw again though!!


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Friday 31st May 2019
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Had this posted on my FB feed today. Never has a truer word been spoken! biggrin


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Monday 3rd June 2019
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Scabutz said:
Lanzarote registration opens today.

Redemption time!!!

Anyone else in?
Oh yeah bounce

Absolutely love Lanzarote - an absolutely amazing, iconic, super tough race. I've been wanting to return and compete there for the last couple of years, but all manner of things have prevented me from doing so - to have good day there you have to ensure you're able to get a good winter's training in.

2020 is looking all good for me though woohoo with a year to go - bang up for it.


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Thursday 1st August 2019
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joshcowin said:
What do you use to track your workouts? Been looking at the decent watches but £300+ seems quite steep (I've just bought a bike & turbo trainer)
joshcowin said:
Also how do you track your swims?
Personally I use a Garmin 920XT - you should be able to pick one up for about 200 quid on ebay now if they're still available new. The newer models (935/945) are more than double that with the HR strap which has convinced me not to upgrade, but at 200 quid, I'd say a GPS watch is a bargain.

The 920 though is still incredibly good though - it's helped transform the way I train. It syncs with Garmin Connect which helps you track your sessions/review all your metrics and also works in the pool/open water so swimming data is tracked also.

You can also set your Connect portal up to communicate/interact with Strava/Trainerroad/Zwift/VDot as well which is really handy.

Invaluable tool and it's free!


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Friday 2nd August 2019
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Scabutz said:
I'm 4 stone over weight, haven't swum in months or ran in weeks. Only been cycling to work.

Blimey. Your training starts here bud. Those admissions are all the motivation you need.


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Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Genuinely got goosebumps reading that mate. Congratulations on the finish of what is an incredibly tough race thumbup

Having competed in an NXTri race I know what you mean about the organisation and atmosphere generated in their events - brilliant bunch of guys.

It's great to hear that you embraced the spirit of Norseman and (sort of!!) enjoyed it, even if it didn't quite go your way - I'll be in the ballot again this year and soooo hope to get a place - we'll see!!

Nice to hear from someone that's actually taken part though - enjoy your recovery!!! clap


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Tuesday 6th August 2019
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andy_s said:
Celtman is a tad cooler... smile
Jellyfish and mossies though! redcard


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Friday 9th August 2019
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El stovey said:
Did anyone get post ironman blues?
Personally, no. A race has the total opposite effect on me. I find it exceptionally life affirming and inspirational - the travel, the people, the support, the whole build up and race day. Post race, I love to analyse my data - see what I did right, see what I did wrong and how can I fix things if it did.

El stovey said:
What other challenges have people done after Ironman, I’m slowly getting fat thinking about a Chanel swim or the MDS maybe?
I was asked by a swim coach did I want to take part in a relay to cross the Channel. I was bang up for it, until she did that the first thing I had to do was put on 3 stone, so that may be advantageous for you at the moment! End of conversation for me though!!!

I've thought about MDS, but the last time I looked at it, it was going to part me with about £8 - £10k and whilst it didn't really dent my enthusiasm, I'd prefer to spend the money on IM races.

And that's the the thing with me really - I don't see an IM as a "one-off". I want to get better at it. Other single discipline events I do (marathons, swims, sportives) are just to focus one of my disciplines.

El stovey said:
I think I’m looking for something that looks horrific and scary, has some kind of awesome reputation (to inspire me and general boasting) and that I can train for without my wife leaving me. Maybe that the family can actually attend and be part of.
I can highly recommend one of the NXTri events. Exceptionally tough. Beautiful locations. Outside of triathlon, these are just a couple of I've looked at:-

but there's loads of stuff out there to do - depends what floats your boat! biggrin


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Friday 13th September 2019
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Well, that's my winter officially sorted!!!

All I need to do is get my name called out in the Norseman ballot next month and 2020 will be perfect biggrin

Even if that doesn't happen (like it hasn't for 6 years running!), I cannot wait for Lanzarote. bounce Such an awesome event!


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Sunday 15th September 2019
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joshcowin said:
dangerousB said:

Well, that's my winter officially sorted!!!

All I need to do is get my name called out in the Norseman ballot next month and 2020 will be perfect biggrin

Even if that doesn't happen (like it hasn't for 6 years running!), I cannot wait for Lanzarote. bounce Such an awesome event!
Nice one!! I am new to it all but have seen a fair bit on Lanzarote, good training environment by the looks of it!

70.3 or full distance?
If you're after a great winter training destination, Lanzarote's brilliant. Great weather, amazing scenery and of course it's home to Club la Santa, which has everything you'd ever need for a training camp.

The other place I'd recommend is Alcudia or Puerto Pollensa in Majorca - further north obviously, but another place that's got everything you need.

I'm in for the full distance race at the end of May next year - I think the 70.3 is in about 3 weeks time - that's definitely too soon to get myself sorted! biggrin


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Friday 20th September 2019
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Poppiecock said:
I have 2 Sprint distance triathlons in 2 days this weekend!

Steel Valley tomorrow and Neath Valley on Sunday.

Haven't done a swimming session for 3 weeks due to holidays. I may have given a slightly too fast estimate for my swim time!
Enjoy them, try not to drown and then go get yourself a PB! thumbup


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Tuesday 8th October 2019
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Alistair Brownlee managed to lead in the field at the Ho'āla swim on Sunday, I wonder what how he gets on this Saturday?

It's going to be a massive ask for him to even podium, but I'll be watching with immense interest! smile


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193 months

Sunday 13th October 2019
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Randy Winkman said:
dangerousB said:

Alistair Brownlee managed to lead in the field at the Ho'?la swim on Sunday, I wonder what how he gets on this Saturday?

It's going to be a massive ask for him to even podium, but I'll be watching with immense interest! smile
Unless he had problems during the race I don't know about it looks like he still has a way to go before getting near the top. Well done to the German winners though and to Lucy Charles Barclay for 2nd (again). I hope she'll get to the top soon.

Hawaii Ironman is the one race that really counts for me. It's what triathlon is all about.
Totally love Kona, it's an annual ritual for me - always signals the start of my proper winter training as well.

I think Alistair Brownlee has got all the ability he needs at the full distance, but just not the mileage at the moment. As in every elite sport, he's up against some incredible talent, but he was in the lead pack and 3rd out of the water; in the lead pack all the way on the bike. Frodeno put in a massive effort with about 25k to go and gapped the pack by about 2mins. Alistair was about 3 mins or so down going into T2 and at this stage I thought he was in with a shout of a podium, but he just had a very lacklustre run (by his standards - obviously a very relative term!!) and "only" managed a 3:13 for the marathon for a 21st placing.

I don't know if he had any underlying problems, but I do know he is very motivated for a Kona title and I'm sure he'll achieve it.

Same goes for Lucy Charles Barclay - 3 second places on the trot, but she will get there too. Anne Haug was unstoppable on the run, but Lucy showed great fortitude after Sarah Crowley passed her as well with only 8k or so to go. Very easy to get despondent after 2 people go past you, but she dug deep and dropped her to regain 2nd place.

Loved the coverage as well. For once I didn't have to sit infront of a PC monitor - had it on the big screen via the Facebook Watch app which was absolutely bang on! biggrin


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Monday 14th October 2019
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Randy Winkman said:
Let's not forget Joe Skipper who finished 6th in 8:07:46. smile
Totally - solid performance and only a minute or so down on Cameron Wurf. Similar performance to last year and right in the mix. He's got to have a podium finish soon!


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Tuesday 15th October 2019
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S1KRR said:
Coverage, was as ever, dogst.
I think that's a bit harsh really.

Yes, it's their premier event and yes, it could certainly be better, but with an intro and an outro it's a 9hr+ event and I can imagine that there's some quite significant logistical, technological and certainly financial hurdles to overcome in bringing that sort of event to the masses.

I'm exactly their target audience, but even I during that 9hrs had to feed my 5yr old, bath her, put her to bed, read her a story, feed myself, wash up, answer a couple of calls/texts and watch the Josh Warrington fight, so the with the exception of the last half of the marathon, I only really had it on in the background with half an ear/eye on it a lot of the time and I can imagine a lot of people were the same.

They'll get there. It'll be something they'll monetise in the future when they do, but until then, they brought the spirit and atmosphere of Kona into my living room for 9 hours and it was free, so I can't get too upset about it really.


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193 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2019
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Scabutz said:
IM Lanzarote never sells out any more. Its been around for ages.
To be fair, I don't think IM Lanzarote has ever sold out. Not since I can remember.

It's at least twice as far to get to as any other IM (for European competitors who make up 90% of the entries) - couple that with the course's (deserved) reputation and the potential for very challenging conditions (high 30's temperatures and 25mph+ winds) and that's enough to dissuade a lot of people from dropping their hard-earned there in favour of somewhere easier to get to/a less demanding day.


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193 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2019
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Mezger said:
Saw Alistair Brownlee on the run about 10k in, flip me, he was flying!
He certainly was - ticked off the first 21k in 1:17! Finished on a 2:43, 10 minutes up on the field and a new course record. Early Kona qualification, so he can concentrate on Tokyo for the first half of the year. Brilliant result for him.

Mezger said:
Went out for dinner in Margaret River tonight and bumped into him whilst with my son, congratulated him on his victory, very humble guy, stopped and spoke to us for a minute.
Love that area - surfed Boranup, Yallingup & Surfers Point whilst I was there. Only thing you can do to stop the board wax from melting!! Absolutely bang on. Went on a great wine tasting day as well, that I thought was going to be absolutely ste, but was everything but!

Glad to hear Ali Brownlee took time out to have a chat - always comes across as a very down to earth, lovely guy.

Hope your IMWA experience was inspirational though thumbup


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193 months

Wednesday 15th January 2020
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Uh oh, gone and done it now. Actually paid for a training plan/coach access. It's not a bespoke one, but tailored to an extent.

It'll be very interesting to see if it makes any difference and if it does, how much.

19 weeks until Lanzarote, so got a bit of time to make it work hopefully smile

redback911 said:
Howdy folks, anyone already signed up for 2020 events? I have been giving myself some early Xmas presents, signing up for things left and right, wifey going to kill me the next time she sees my debit card statement.

My winter rest is over, time to start training!
Excellent!! That lot'll keep you out of trouble (with everyone but your wife I guess!). How did Kielder go?

Sebo said:
I signed up to Weymouth 70.3 Ironman on Christmas Eve. Little present to myself
Nice work! When is it?