The Real World Cup 2006 thread

The Real World Cup 2006 thread


Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

247 months

Friday 19th May 2006
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puggit said:
Domestic Season over?!?!??!

Come on you 'Orns!

This is the World Cup thread - I think you want the Football Thread, it's just down the page.

wedge girl

4,688 posts

242 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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Nick P

29,977 posts

254 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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72,857 posts

242 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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17,113 posts

267 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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You've all made my day


893 posts

278 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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anonymous said:

Ok, tonker, enlighten us to the nations that have these uber squads, where even the number twos
in each position are World class.


17,113 posts

267 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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And to placate those devoted supporters of the Year specific thread...

Ecks Ridgehead

4,285 posts

231 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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anonymous said:

Can you name the world-class players in the squad that won Euro 2004?


17,999 posts

252 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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My little ant eater sez...

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

247 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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Ecks Ridgehead said:

Can you name the world-class players in the squad that won Euro 2004?

I can't even pronounce half of them.

Nick P

29,977 posts

254 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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personally i preferred the other thread

*runs for body armour*


17,999 posts

252 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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anonymous said:

It would be so good to beat them in a major competition once again but i still feel that if we are to progress to the final then Italy will be the team to beat.

Ecks Ridgehead

4,285 posts

231 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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anonymous said:

Doesn't matter - they'll self-destruct from internal politics at the start of the knock-out stages. Like fat men in suits, Spain being robbed and really shit mascots, it wouldn't be a World Cup without it.


22,227 posts

236 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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Knowing as little about football a I do I shall keep out of the :geek: arguments and stick to a simple

Ecks Ridgehead

4,285 posts

231 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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anonymous said:

No, he's just another big name...

Why couldn't you win a World Cup by playing like Greece did? They beat Portugal, Spain and France, all quite "non-European" European teams.

Ecks Ridgehead

4,285 posts

231 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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anonymous said:

I don't know...I assume you saw how long it took Barcelona to open up a 10-man Arsenal the other day. I can see a team like Greece boring their way to some shock results against the big boys, who run the risk of panicking at 70 mins and 0-0.

I take your point about the tactic working well against the more "European" style teams, but a well-organised defence (not necessarily composed of world-class players) can make life extremely difficult for even the most creative of teams. The fact that Italy - the inventors of catenaccio, the antidote to entertaining football - have won the World Cup illustrates that.


2,496 posts

287 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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This make interesting reading.

As a Liverpool Fan - Give Captain Fantastic (Stevie G to you) a free to roam will certainly give us good chance of winning it IMHO.

I am really looking foward to it !!! Bring it on !!!

Ecks Ridgehead

4,285 posts

231 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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anonymous said:

I'd love to see England play with more discipline at the back, and play a "traditional English game" against these fancy dan johnny foreigner types. France '98 aside, this is the first time that the World Cup has been held somewhere that isn't hot, humid or at high altitude for some time (even Italy was probably too warm - I'm thinking northern European), so for the first time in a long time the English style of harrying the midfield and not allowing the opponents time and space on the ball could yield results other than pink-faced ginger Mancunian midfielders sweating profusely and heaving for breath.


23,378 posts

236 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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anonymous said:

any bunch of rubbish can win it at home

and germany are a great tournament team, with a fairly easy group
hopefully they'll get humped out of it though


17,999 posts

252 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2006
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craggers said:
This make interesting reading.

As a Liverpool Fan - Give Captain Fantastic (Stevie G to you) a free to roam will certainly give us good chance of winning it IMHO.

I am really looking foward to it !!! Bring it on !!!

That was one of the warming sights for me at the cup final,SG banging home the equaliser from such a distance.
There is another player capable of hitting such shots,Steven Ried at Blackburn who i would prefer to see in the squad rather than Hargreaves who i think is a dead loss.