Not showering before swimming

Not showering before swimming



1,121 posts

221 months

Wednesday 13th March
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I swim at least 5 times a week. I always have a good shower at home, leave the house clean then just hop in the pool. I'm sure a great many do the same.


4,353 posts

194 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Careful, slippery slope, you’ll have us all wearing speedos that are a size small soon.


5,474 posts

58 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Vasco said:
swanseaboydan said:
Hmmm - really winds me up this but am I being too fussy ?
I can’t stand seeing people getting into my local swimming pool without showering first - really makes me feel a bit queasy. Likewise, at the gym, people getting into jacuzzi without showering.. .
Am I being overly fussy ? Does the chlorine negate the need to shower ? If someone has a dirty arse it’s only going one way . . Just icks me out . .
Overly fussy or should I be stopping people from getting in the pool ??? ( sure that would be appreciated…)
Comments please
You're thinking of stopping people getting in the pool.......??

Really ? Are you in charge ?

How will you do that - placards, megaphone ?
An army of David Hasselhofs obviously.

Watcher of the skies

544 posts

40 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Doesn't worry me as much as all the dirty sods that don't wash their hands after using toilets.


10,399 posts

190 months

Wednesday 13th March
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tim jb said:
geeks said:
I don't like the idea of swimming in sewage.
Will a quick shower with no soap and a swimming costume on remove said sewage?


As stated by others, it's a swimming pool loaded with chlorine and millions of litres of water.

Most people I see don't shower before entering a pool so if this is a big thing, address your swimming OCD.


2,878 posts

184 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Watcher of the skies said:
Doesn't worry me as much as all the dirty sods that don't wash their hands after using toilets.
Happens all the time at my work, even people who 💩 which just makes me want to throw up.

This is in the NHS too! Think people would know better.

tim jb

217 posts

6 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Muzzer79 said:
Will a quick shower with no soap and a swimming costume on remove said sewage?

It would help.

By shower I mean a proper shower which is what I always do; not a quick spash of water which is useless.

What if everyone took a s--t and entered the pool with a s--ty arse. Would that be acceptable because of the chemicals? Would you be happy with that? I take it you don't shower before the pool?


3,863 posts

28 months

Wednesday 13th March
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tim jb said:
Muzzer79 said:
Will a quick shower with no soap and a swimming costume on remove said sewage?

It would help.

By shower I mean a proper shower which is what I always do; not a quick spash of water which is useless.

What if everyone took a s--t and entered the pool with a s--ty arse. Would that be acceptable because of the chemicals? Would you be happy with that? I take it you don't shower before the pool?
Get help mate. How would you ever know? If you can't know, and it's going to get you all fretful, perhaps best to go elsewhere.


7,875 posts

83 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Yeah its grim and pools that smell of chlorine strongly are dirty because the smell is given off when it reacts with dirt and oils etc. The chlorine is there to stop it turning into a complete cesspit.

Try getting into a pool in France without showering first and you'll be given a proper bking. You also probably wont be allowed in with shorts as they carry more dirt than a speedo.

Terminator X

15,375 posts

207 months

Wednesday 13th March
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For some reason this reminds me of a really old thread where a chap revealed that he never did and never had washed his feet in the shower. Apparently he was relying on water and soap just splashing on them!



16,682 posts

108 months

Wednesday 13th March
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tim jb said:
It would help.

By shower I mean a proper shower which is what I always do; not a quick spash of water which is useless.

What if everyone took a s--t and entered the pool with a s--ty arse. Would that be acceptable because of the chemicals? Would you be happy with that? I take it you don't shower before the pool?
If this really bothers you I wonder how you cope in the real world. You're either still quite young or struggle to cope with a lot of things.

Either accept the situation or don't use pools, the sea, public toilets etc etc


2,764 posts

175 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Terminator X said:
For some reason this reminds me of a really old thread where a chap revealed that he never did and never had washed his feet in the shower. Apparently he was relying on water and soap just splashing on them!

Hang on! You telling me there is a different approach? biglaugh


10,399 posts

190 months

Wednesday 13th March
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tim jb said:
Muzzer79 said:
Will a quick shower with no soap and a swimming costume on remove said sewage?

It would help.

By shower I mean a proper shower which is what I always do; not a quick spash of water which is useless.

What if everyone took a s--t and entered the pool with a s--ty arse. Would that be acceptable because of the chemicals? Would you be happy with that? I take it you don't shower before the pool?
People in general do not have a full and proper shower before swimming.

I wouldn't be happy with someone entering a swimming pool with a s--tty arse but I accept the risk of them doing so when I enter a public swimming pool, same as I accept that some people don't wash their hands after taking a dump then touch door handles, hand rails, etc.

I don't take a proper shower before swimming but don't worry - I don't have a dirty bottom.


3,447 posts

115 months

Wednesday 13th March
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JQ said:
That’s why in Scandinavia you are expected to shower completely naked and wash your whole body with shower gel.

It is considered against cultural norms to not do the above and would likely result in someone having a words with you if you just walked straight to the pool without a wash.
Same in Iceland’s, they even have diagrams to tell you which bits to wash! To be fair they don’t have chlorinated water so it makes sense.


4,933 posts

215 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Must admit, I had this concern recently.. the toilets leading to the shower had that stty arse crack imprint where someone’s sat down with a filthy arse they clearly don’t wipe. Lovely.

Pit Pony

8,980 posts

124 months

Wednesday 13th March
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mikees said:
Terminator X said:
For some reason this reminds me of a really old thread where a chap revealed that he never did and never had washed his feet in the shower. Apparently he was relying on water and soap just splashing on them!

Hang on! You telling me there is a different approach? biglaugh
Yeah, fk bending down to wash my feet in the shower or standing on one leg to wash the other. Very dangerous.


3,893 posts

38 months

Wednesday 13th March
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Pit Pony said:
mikees said:
Terminator X said:
For some reason this reminds me of a really old thread where a chap revealed that he never did and never had washed his feet in the shower. Apparently he was relying on water and soap just splashing on them!

Hang on! You telling me there is a different approach? biglaugh
Yeah, fk bending down to wash my feet in the shower or standing on one leg to wash the other. Very dangerous.
I wash them with accurately directed streams of urine,

because that's what mikees likes... biggrin

BoRED S2upid

19,857 posts

243 months

Wednesday 13th March
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
I swim most days and only shower after swimming. I really don't think a bit of sweat and maybe a bit of dirt is going to make much difference when diluted into a 50m pool, which holds around 2.5million litres of water.
Pretty much this. I swim at lunch I’ve had a shower 3 hours ago how dirty am I going to be in 3 hours?

Sweating buckets at the gym then getting in the jacuzzi on the other hand.


7,184 posts

147 months

Wednesday 13th March
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My observation (in the UK) at any public pool I go to is that the majority of people don't shower before they go in the pool, and those that do only do a cursory splash that has no effect whatsoever on hygiene.

They are viewed as an 'after swimming' thing, to get the chlorine off you!

Mad, I know.


11,067 posts

209 months

Wednesday 13th March
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tim jb said:
Muzzer79 said:
Will a quick shower with no soap and a swimming costume on remove said sewage?

It would help.

By shower I mean a proper shower which is what I always do; not a quick spash of water which is useless.

What if everyone took a s--t and entered the pool with a s--ty arse. Would that be acceptable because of the chemicals? Would you be happy with that? I take it you don't shower before the pool?
If people take a dump and don’t wipe then they wouldn’t do much by having a shower with a Cossie on. Where is this sewage coming from? most people wipe and not many people will be wetting themselves before they swim…even if they did you are talking tiny amounts of pee in a massive pool full of chemicals. I would have no issue with drinking a glass of pool water knowing someone had peed in the pool that day.

Do you have to shower before you get in the pool because you have some hygiene problem with pee or Pooh, I suspect that you wipe and you let the last dribbles out before you finish a wee?