


Original Poster:

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Monday 25th November 2013
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Roger645 said:
any recommendations for "must runs" and the reason why?
Bushy has to be on the list due to being the first.

1 in each of Poland, Denmark, USA, South Africa, Oz, NZ, Russia, Eire, NI, Scotland, Wales.

That's 12, you won't be able to do Camp Bastion without signing up for a few years service wink so that's out, add 2 more of your choice!

Being more realistic, Bushy plus any that are in easy reach of home then maybe 1 in each home country and 1 abroad - can you fit it in with summer holiday - there's one in Orlando (near Disney if you have kids!) There's 1 in NI that's along the beach, would be fun in nice weather.

I can't really think of other Must Runs, they are all interesting in their own way.


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214 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2013
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Gilhooligan said:
Definitely. I'm pretty sure I knocked off those 16 seconds, to get my new pb, because of this guy in 60-65 category overtook me just after 4k. I'm 23 so was I fook letting him stay in front wink.
Marathon talk refer to being beaten by a more mature runner as being 'Codgered' - on the same line as being 'Chicked'.

It amazes me the times that some of the older runners do, we had a VM55-59 guy who did 18:34 recently and one of our VM65-69 can do 19:59.


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214 months

Tuesday 10th December 2013
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markh1973 said:
Some Gump said:
markh1973 said:
4 year old ran his 10th Parkrun.
Surely your 4yo didn't do 5k? That's proper hardcore!
He did indeed. He has run at Orpington, Weymouth and Wimpole. He loves it - best time of a shade under 33 minutes and usually in the region of 36/7 minutes.
Makes the UKA rule that under 13s can't compete at more than 1500m seem a bit silly - presumably the Kenyans don't stop their kids running 5000m!

We've certainly had 5 yr olds running, not sure if we've had 4 y o - the parkrun guidance is that they can run providing the enjoy it and aren't put under pressure by parents to do it. I think 4 is the lowest age you can register.


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214 months

Saturday 14th December 2013
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ED209 said:
I think i would have snatched 2nd in the last 100m had some helpful old lady not shouted "he's behind you" to the lad in front of me.
It is pantomime season after all!

Well done, by my standards that's a pretty good time!


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214 months

Sunday 15th December 2013
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RizzoTheRat said:
Ooo, there's a new parkrun starting next week about 15 minutes from the hotel we'll be in the week after in South Africa, it'd be rude not too wouldn't it.
"Look at this Mrs Rizzo, I picked a hotel at random, could have been anywhere in the world, to take you on holiday and bugger me, there's a parkrun just round the corner."

Will she believe you? smile But it certainly would be rude not to!


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214 months

Friday 20th December 2013
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markh1973 said:
Little lad will be presented with his 10 club t-shirt tomorrow - we told him he might have to wait a while but it has arrived super quick. Haven't told him yet - will have to see if the excitement drives him on to run faster.

There was a backlog of shirts - parkrun has grown so quickly that they couldn't keep up but there's been a shipment recently of 10 and 50 shirts so there are plenty in stock now.

We try to present shirts just before the run so that people, particularly kids, get to come forward and get a clap, one of those nice moments to see a kids grinning because they've achieved something!

Don't encourage him too much, it might not be long before you can't keep up with him!


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214 months

Saturday 21st December 2013
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Gompo said:
Anyone do the Clumber Park run?

I am tempted to give it a go, I didn't used to be a bad runner 15 years ago at school etc.. I am a bit embarrassed that I may have the 'look' (not overweight atleast) but will be struggling halfway around! Not done anything particularly athletic for atleast 5 years..
Slowest runner this week took 50 mins, so you probably won't be shown up too badly, also it's 2 laps, you can always try 1 lap the first week and see how you get on.

(I haven't run it, just getting info from the website)

No one's logged on the parkrun PH wiki that they've run there so you might be the fastest PHer at Clumber!

Just give it a go, it's free after all and free parking (read details on webpage) so you can't go wrong!


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214 months

Wednesday 25th December 2013
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ewenm said:
Christmas in Brighton for me, so I ran over to the Hove Park parkrun this morning. Really good to see so many people there, very welcoming to a visitor and a good hard 5k in the middle of my 8 miles.

Happy Christmas all thumbup
Until we set up Preston Park , Hove was my home run, this year they did Christmas day and we're doing New Year.

It was a good turn out - 253, I'm a bit worried now that we'll get that sort of numbers at New Year, 180 is our usual!

Ewan is being a bit modest, he seems to have finished first in 16.24 (not bad for middle of 8miles!) and racing or pacing local club member to a pb, sounds like a good day out! Care to comment on how the last few hundred m went!

Edited by john2443 on Wednesday 25th December 21:33


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214 months

Saturday 28th December 2013
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ED209 said:
It demonstrates the madness of park run though. Today I came 10th, with the same time last week I would have won by 46 seconds!
That's why your time is the only significant thing at parkrun, on a week when there's a race that weekend the club runners won't be there and your position will go up.

I guess at a 5k race the winner will always do 15(?) mins because there's always someone good there, whereas at parkrun the good people might be giving it a miss because there's something serious on, which is as it should be, parkrun was never trying to take over from races.


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214 months

Thursday 2nd January 2014
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Record turn out 287 at Preston Park Brighton, VERY wet but despite that, good fun, lots of good feedback on facebook, the café was packed with (damp!) runners afterwards, a few people did Eastbourne/PP double.

The local Hangover 5 was cancelled due to the ground being too wet, so I guess we picked up a few extras from there as well as a lot of visitor from Hove park who didn't have New Year, they did Christmas day.

I did a leisurely 27 mins, must try to get back to a decent time soon, probably lost a couple of minutes today stopping to do some impromptu marshalling and then running back through the field.

Proud of my daughters who came in towards the end absolutely soaked, but enjoyed chips in the café to offset the health effect of the run!


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214 months

Friday 3rd January 2014
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Cybertronian said:
There were probably about 20 in total that couldn't scan and a few temperamental ones which required a few attempts. I'm not sure what the official stance is by Parkrun but my local event will manually enter your result if you can present a barcode that won't scan - only if you turn up with no barcode will you lose out.
We had that problem as well!

The official stance is that as long as you've taken the trouble to print and bring your barcode with you then we're happy to write it down (even if you are daft enough to leave it in a soggy pocket!) but ask you to print it again for next time. The No Barcode No Result rule is for people who cause us more work because they forget/CBA to bring it.

Best things to do are
- don't run with it, there's plenty of time to get it from your bag afterwards, the event team are there for quite a while afterwards.
- buy a plastic one
- or laminate it
- or put it in a plastic wallet, driving licence holder, plastic bag, train ticket holder etc
- and/or keep a spare in the car/rucsac etc

Looks like being a wet one again tomorrow frown


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214 months

Friday 3rd January 2014
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V-spec said:
I hope parkrun will come to Belgium one day...
It's quite possible that it will, plans are apparently moving for France - there was a rule that everyone had to have a medical cert there before running but that's been relaxed - but it would need someone in Belgium to drive it. HQ don't decide that they want to put a parkrun somewhere, the locals have to get together to organise it and HQ give support.

In the UK it's not too hard to get one going as the sponsors and insurance are already there, in a new country these have to sorted out first which can be a problem, in the UK adidas are a sponsor but adidas USA weren't interested.

I haven't heard any whispers about Belgium, we did suggest to one of our runners when she went back to Luxembourg that she should get it going there!

If you did want to get it started in Belgium, or at least be part of a team, email parkrun HQ, there might be someone else over there who would lead it if they knew there was someone to back them up/share the work with; I certainly wouldn't have organised ours (UK) on my own but with the 2 of us it was quite easy.


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214 months

Saturday 4th January 2014
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ED209 said:
Quick question re park run points tables - Do you actually win anything if you come top of your runs yearly table? Will never trouble me but mrs is currently lying 2nd.
It's up to each run to decide - at the moment we haven't got any money in the kitty so it will probably be just a certificate. Some runs buy trophies. It's mainly just a bit of fun and for the honour of winning (if you think it is an honour!)

We've actually had a bit of a battle going on at the top of the mens table, with all 3 asking who the others are so they know who to try and beat, also they've all done 3 volunteering slots as they give max points.

The ladies don't seem as bothered, 2 of the top 3 haven't volunteered yet, one of the top 3 is only averagely quick but very rarely misses a week so keeps adding points.

If your Mrs wants to win it make sure she does 3 volunteering slots which is equivalent to being first finish lady for 3 weeks so it's an easy way to get max points.


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214 months

Tuesday 7th January 2014
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madbadger said:
My trail shoes have all been the same as my normal shoe size.

Not sure why you would want them to be big rather than fitting properly?
It's normal to buy running shoes a bit big to allow space for your feet to swell and thereby save your toenails, don't know if you should do something different for trail compared to road shoes.


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214 months

Saturday 11th January 2014
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Lots of places had attendance records, we had 240 instead of the usual 180, Bushy had 1184 eek.

Worldwide the previous record was 50148, this week 57333 so far, still some more results to be processed so could reach 58000. The first time I ran, 4 years ago, there were about 2000.


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214 months

Tuesday 14th January 2014
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m444ttb said:
Does anyone listen to the parkrun show out of interest? I really enjoy listening to it and the latest episode is out now.
Just paused it in order to type this!


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214 months

Wednesday 15th January 2014
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I disovered it at about number 6, before Nicola joined, it was Danny, Martin Yelling and Tom Williams in the early days then MY and TW faded out and Nicola joined, I then went back to listen to the first few so that I was up to date.

Having listened to all of them I understand all the in jokes, but I wonder if new listeners are put off because they don't undestand half of what's being said, but as an Event Director I find it useful to know what's going on in the rest of the parkrun world and get ideas about what we should/shouldn't do at our event.

I also listen to the Marathon Talk podcasts, although I don't run marathons and have no intention of doing, there's lots of interesting stuff on there and the interviews are excellent.


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214 months

Saturday 18th January 2014
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madbadger said:
Good run today despite a bit of drizzle. 23 seconds off the pb. woohoo
Pah, bit of drizzle! MTFU. Photo from Oak Hill parkrun triathlon today !


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214 months

Monday 27th January 2014
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Cybertronian said:
We're reaching a point where we've got too many runners and congestion on the course and in the finish area is becoming a real problem.
We've mostly been getting 180 runners which has been fine, during Jan we've been getting 240, which doesn't sound like much difference and it's OK once they get spread round the course, but getting over the start line if you aren't sub 18 and in the first few rows is getting a bit slow, probably cost me a PB this week, but not much we can do about it.

I'm a bit worried about what will happen once the weather gets better and possible the numbers go up even more, when we only had 99 the Sat before Christmas we were wondering about putting out some publicity but have now gone back to keeping quiet about it, personal recommendation is getting enough people in, without advertising it!


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214 months

Friday 7th February 2014
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I'm the same, 83rd run last week frown

Ah well, free run, free 100 shirt, there are more important things to worry about!