The Tennis Thread

The Tennis Thread



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Tuesday 14th January 2014
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Leithen said:
It must be the Australian Open - 42 Degrees, players and ballboys collapsing left, right and centre.... Efficient by Murray though.

Hope the Nadal match isn't a 5-setter.
as it turns out 'Tomic The Tank Engine' came on court and helped Nadal conserve some energy!!! Huge talent a real shame he is such a dick!!

Tomic should take a leaf out of Hewitt's book, 4+ hours left it all on the court as they say, win or lose and even if you don't like him you have to have huge respect for his work ethic etc etc he has also had more injuries that Tomic has tanked matches and he is still going, feel very sorry for Hewitt but Seppi is no mug and fought just as hard...


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Saturday 18th January 2014
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Well I must say Murray looking much better thank I thought would, yet to be properly tested but the rust seems to be coming off, we shall see but he looks sharp


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Tuesday 21st January 2014
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JNW1 said:
anonymous said:
The Murray/Federer quarter final will be interesting! Although Murray is seeded higher I actually think there's more pressure on Federer - he hasn't dropped a set all tournament (and therefore appears to be playing well) and with Murray being relatively short of match practice it arguably doesn't get to look any better in terms of him beating one of the top three in a Grand Slam. Therefore, it could be a blow to his confidence if he fails to make the semi-finals whereas Murray probably has little to lose - if he wins then great but if he loses he can rationalise it by saying he wasn't quite match tight and came up against a top player who was in good form!

Having said that you're right, Nadal did blow apart the theory that a lack of match practice means you can't be successful; however, he did accumulate his initial comeback wins in lesser tournaments whereas Murray has played very little prior to going into a Grand Slam!
possibly but I think they are both looking pretty good, the fact that Murray has not really been pushed yet will actually do him some good as he has had a chance to shake off the rust and get some solid matches in without any real danger of losing, you could see some rust in his last 2 rounds but I do not think that will be there against Fed

as for Fed well I was surprised he beat Tsonga at all I thought he would lose in 5 but to shut him down like that was impressive, you could argue Tsonga was not at his best but you could also argue that Fed shut him down right form the start, imo I do not think Fed has more pressure, after last season I think he has nothing to lose at all, last 2 slams were 4th round and 2nd round...came into the net a lot as well, wonder who advised him to do that!!?

so there we have it; Lendl vs Edberg smile


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Tuesday 21st January 2014
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anonymous said:
one of the women I might watch has just got into the semis, she is lovely...


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Tuesday 21st January 2014
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STAN IS THE MAN, woohoo! a very well deserved win and it has been coming for about a year now, Stan is about to have his best year ever

but yes Nadal looking very likely to win the whole thing...


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Wednesday 22nd January 2014
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ascayman said:
Fed really is the greatest bowbow
should have won that match in 3, sloppy by Fed, needed all his energy to lose to Nadal!

as always bp conversion rate for Fed was appalling, going to have to take another step up to beat the Spaniard

Murray not quite there yet and yes I hope he did not hurt himself, worrying


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Thursday 23rd January 2014
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chippy17 said:
STAN IS THE MAN, woohoo! a very well deserved win and it has been coming for about a year now, Stan is about to have his best year ever

but yes Nadal looking very likely to win the whole thing...
well Stan is in the final and I am not surprised, so will it be an all Swiss affair or will Stan have to face an opponent he has never even taken a set off?!


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Thursday 23rd January 2014
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anonymous said:
certainly seems very comfortable with it, but to me the main improvement over last year is his movement/footwork which so far at the Aus Open has been sublime


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Thursday 23rd January 2014
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eps said:
chippy17 said:
anonymous said:
certainly seems very comfortable with it, but to me the main improvement over last year is his movement/footwork which so far at the Aus Open has been sublime
He was quoted as saying that he'd had a niggling back issue over 2013 but that is now resolved.. So he should perform better this year.
whilst not specifically talking about his back he made some interesting comments after the Murray match:


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Monday 27th January 2014
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I think Stan played a fantastic first set + 2 games, obvious game plan, and I think he would have won regardless (yes he might have had a downturn in later stages but he was on it) he has been threatening this for a year or 2

regardless the right man won, perhaps if he had lost the first set one would think differently but he didn't

his dtl backhand is one of his signature shots so to say 'once the rest are aware of it then it will be different' is not correct they have known about it for years just nothing you can do when he pulls the trigger, to say he is half volleying is not quite true either he is just taking it very early

his primary tactic against Nadal was to go for the Nadal forehand and it worked, to go toe to toe with one of the greatest forehands of all time with your 1hbh shows serious confidence, and he was winning those battles, this is what shocked Nadal

plus there were a few secondary tactics, like punishing his second serve, by the end of the first set Nadal was winning 17% of his second serves, that is unheard of

cmoose I share your views on Castle I just don't get why he is still commentating!!? I was at Queens for the charity thing with him live on the court and it was cringeworthy


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Monday 27th January 2014
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JNW1 said:
JNW1 said:
North West Tom said:
I know Rafa didn't need to play at 100% today, but I think Stan could cause an upset on Sunday.
Anything's possible but I doubt it.
And I was wrong yet again! Well done to Stan on a great tournament; we'll never know if he'd have beaten a fully fit Nadal over 5 sets but you can only deal with what's in front of you and he did! Thought Rafa was again a class act in defeat though - a truly great ambassador for the sport.
yes he was/is great at the moment he is defeated and is always praising opponent etc but some of his on court antics do piss me off, constantly over the time between points, blatant on court coaching etc, I don't really blame Nadal as he is just doing what he can to win as he is a fierce competitor but the ump and officials should crack down imo, no pun intended!

apart from anything else if it is a Nadal v Djokovic match I can't be bothered to watch as Nadal spends half the time picking his butt and Djoker spends the rest bouncing the bloody ball over and over again...JUST GET ON WITH IT!!!!!!


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Tuesday 28th January 2014
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Babw said:
Chippy, I agree to an extent with you said but Stan plays a high risk game. The other players have known but haven't been overly worried especially 5 setters as previously either fatigue and associated breaking down of shots/intensity happened. He tries to keep the points as short as possible, he doesn't really have a plan B, if his plan A works then it's a problem for everyone but if it doesn't you might see him going out early in tournaments.

I was there in NY for his game against Novak where it was all too evident in the last set where if he couldn't get the winner then it was almost no room for error. Only he knows whether he has that capacity to play with that little room for error and stay consistent for 5 sets over numerous rounds for a whole season!

Even Stan commented after the game that when Nadal won the third set it was because he tried to rally and not go for winners/waiting for Nadal to miss which he felt he can't do. If he wants to be consistent and have regular success he's going to have to contain opponents as he can't blow every opponent off the court with winners.
certainly for most of his career he has been prone to implode and yes unable to maintain a rally but from the beginning of 2013 he has been a changed man (Magnus Norman for coach of the year, both Wawrinka and Dimitrov now at highest ever ranking thanks to him, Fed hired the wrong Swede!!) yes he is an attacking player and it is high risk to an extent but he has got a lot better at knowing when to pull the trigger. I like his brand of tennis but I think he is now pretty comfortable over 5 sets and in his 3 epic matches in the last year (Aus R4 2013, US Open semi 2013 and qtr final Aus 2014) he has been more than capable of staying in the 20+ shot rallies and winning them, now I hope he can build on it and maintain this level because he is a joy to watch, the first set and a bit against Nadal was the best tennis I have see for some time, both from a tactical point of view and a striking the ball point of view.

I think he also has great variety and is a great volleyer as well, I disagree that he only has plan A, he kept changing it up beautifully when the time was right, it really was a stunning set of tennis from all aspects, I have re-watched it 3 times now!!!

good tactical analysis:


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246 months

Tuesday 28th January 2014
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anonymous said:
ok well I thought it was excellent analysis of excellent tactics excellently executed...


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Tuesday 28th January 2014
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anonymous said:
yes like you I think they are truly excellent players I just get dare I say it: bored


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Tuesday 28th January 2014
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anonymous said:
you could have a basketball type count down!


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Tuesday 28th January 2014
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anonymous said:
I think you replied to the wrong post but I am with you smile

tennis is not rocket science! but he was not just hitting it as hard as he could there was clearly a plan and the main plan was to go after the Nadal forehand and it worked a treat, his bh was good enough to push Nadal wide and he waited for the right moment to go dtl, it was far from mindless ball bashing
he was also doing the same on the fh side to Nadal's bh


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Friday 31st January 2014
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so anyone going to watch the Davis Cup, it is on BBC3 I believe starting tonight, or does no one care?!


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Wednesday 5th March 2014
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I agree I think he is capable of a slam or two, seems to be comfortable with the new racquet and tactically played a smart game against Djoker and Berdych and seems fit

Indian Wells starting soon, draw is out, Nadal, Murray and Fed in the same half which will be interesting, Murray still does not look 100% sadly

first time we will see Stan in action after Aus Open as well...

and the mighty James Ward won his first qualie match, go James!

eta the lovely Heather has just qualified for the main draw, I predict she will be back in the top 50 by the end of the year and she will deserve it too, big fan

Edited by chippy17 on Wednesday 5th March 13:24


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Monday 10th March 2014
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sad news indeed, always admired her, she kept going despite her medical problems and injuries and now to have this...not fair but she is a fighter...


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Wednesday 19th March 2014
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wow that was a bolt from the blue, I thought they had only just begun...sounds like more Lendl than Murray...this worries me, will Murray go back to his bad habit of passive play, I hope not he has to remain aggressive. This added to his back is not good, I hope I am wrong