

Randy Winkman

16,663 posts

192 months

Sunday 21st January
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It does and I'm not sure what to think with regards a potential winner. Since it's Trump I reckon he'll keep a frame or two ahead and win it. He was looking a bit pensive at times though this afternoon.


675 posts

147 months

Sunday 21st January
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Going by the last frame, saying 10-8 to Ronnie


8,901 posts

161 months

Sunday 21st January
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Ronnie to retire if he wins

Or loses....

Nova Gyna

1,369 posts

29 months

Sunday 21st January
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Randy Winkman said:
It does and I'm not sure what to think with regards a potential winner. Since it's Trump I reckon he'll keep a frame or two ahead and win it. He was looking a bit pensive at times though this afternoon.
Yeah, tough to call a winner. I just about fancy Ron, but he needs a good start to the session. Don’t think Judd will choke if his chance comes.


7,856 posts

179 months

Sunday 21st January
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I’m thinking Ronnie, unless Judd improves in the evening session. 5-3, considering how badly Ronnie played this afternoon, was a huge let off. Ronnie cannot play as poorly in the evening session surely?


675 posts

147 months

Sunday 21st January
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SydneyBridge said:
Ronnie to retire if he wins

Or loses....
Seems like thats on the cards soonish.

Hes not playing after this until the Worlds. Tho off to some exhibition tournament for a big pay day with 7 otger top players...

Edit ignore me, just see hes playing in the german masters still, 29th jan

Edited by FilH on Sunday 21st January 18:26


8,901 posts

161 months

Sunday 21st January
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I can see him winning the WC if his head is in the right place


7,856 posts

179 months

Sunday 21st January
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I think if he wins the worlds, he’ll retire.


3,573 posts

118 months

Sunday 21st January
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He'll carry on, picking and choosing his tournaments, moaning for moanings sake until he's 60. Whatever he says, he needs to have a purpose and snooker is it.


3,573 posts

118 months

Sunday 21st January
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OUCH! That black for Trump to make it 7-7, now 8-6 Ronald.

Nova Gyna

1,369 posts

29 months

Sunday 21st January
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Trump will have nightmares about that black. yikes


675 posts

147 months

Sunday 21st January
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Yep that black will hurt!


3,573 posts

118 months

Sunday 21st January
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And now the Brown too!


3,573 posts

118 months

Sunday 21st January
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Trump is going to see this as one that got away from the position he was in.


11,491 posts

166 months

Sunday 21st January
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9,305 posts

117 months

Sunday 21st January
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Cracking final but Trump should have won it being 4-0 up.

Randy Winkman

16,663 posts

192 months

Monday 22nd January
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Well done ROS - he is a bit of a genius but I'm getting a bit bored now. I used to think he was fun but I'm not so sure now. I'll be supporting anyone else in the next tournament. Literally anyone.


Original Poster:

1,977 posts

26 months

Monday 22nd January
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Randy Winkman said:
Well done ROS - he is a bit of a genius but I'm getting a bit bored now. I used to think he was fun but I'm not so sure now. I'll be supporting anyone else in the next tournament. Literally anyone.
What for? Why? What difference will it make?

Randy Winkman

16,663 posts

192 months

Monday 22nd January
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Alickadoo said:
Randy Winkman said:
Well done ROS - he is a bit of a genius but I'm getting a bit bored now. I used to think he was fun but I'm not so sure now. I'll be supporting anyone else in the next tournament. Literally anyone.
What for? Why? What difference will it make?
So I dont keep seeing the same bloke win.


Original Poster:

1,977 posts

26 months

Monday 22nd January
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What I do - if I am allowed to, that is...

I record the snooker, I fast forward through the intelligence insulting chat beforehand, I watch the play, I fast forward through the interval. I turn off at the end of the play.

Job jobbed and no mindless chat to listen to.