The PH Gun Cabinet - Shooting Matters

The PH Gun Cabinet - Shooting Matters



988 posts

162 months

Sunday 20th January 2013
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My local gunshop had Bakails at £150 SH or £500 new...

Bakails are incredibly rough and ready- good reliable guns but not the smoothest.

Lanber, AYA and rizzini are good, should be able to get a good one for £350. smile


6,995 posts

191 months

Sunday 20th January 2013
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Agrispeed said:
My local gunshop had Bakails at £150 SH or £500 new...

Bakails are incredibly rough and ready- good reliable guns but not the smoothest.

Lanber, AYA and rizzini are good, should be able to get a good one for £350. smile
My first gun, which I bought as opposed to the ancient stuff in the cabinet! was a Lanber o/u. Tough as old boots, don't really use it now as I prefer playing with old sxs stuff.


18,094 posts

204 months

Sunday 20th January 2013
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6,995 posts

191 months

Sunday 20th January 2013
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sc0tt said:
Dangerous site!!!! Everytime I go on I spot something I want frown

Today it's this..


8,577 posts

240 months

Sunday 20th January 2013
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We got a 20 bore Rizzini for my GF a couple of years ago. Hadn't really considered them before, but it's a decent gun at a good price so I'd recommend taking a look at them.


988 posts

162 months

Sunday 20th January 2013
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My usual gun is a Rizzini O/U for £275 it was a bit tatty compared to the one in the link but had selective ejectors, single trigger and a full set of chokes.

Heavy though, but nearly no recoil for me!


18,094 posts

204 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Just ordered my cabinet

3 Gun. Double key Lock - £100

Going to install it saturday.


333 posts

151 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Does anyone here do any rifle shooting, or is it all shotgun?

I joined my local rifle club last week, I've only been a couple of times & really enjoyed it.

The club guns are a little "tired" but they are still more than suitable for my level of talent!

I'll eventually be looking at getting a .22 rifle of my own (once I become a full member & get a firearms licence etc), does anyone know of any makes I should look out for, or avoid?


15,979 posts

211 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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I do some plinking - have a CZA .22 that is cheap and cheerful. Most shotgun shooters in my club are rifle people first, and shotgun for some fun and the fact they can do it a lot more readily.


9,733 posts

194 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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brockovrs said:
Does anyone here do any rifle shooting, or is it all shotgun?

I joined my local rifle club last week, I've only been a couple of times & really enjoyed it.

The club guns are a little "tired" but they are still more than suitable for my level of talent!

I'll eventually be looking at getting a .22 rifle of my own (once I become a full member & get a firearms licence etc), does anyone know of any makes I should look out for, or avoid?
A few of us do rifle shooting!

You can't really go wrong with a Ruger 10/22 for a Semi Auto. Most guys in our club have one, as it is Gallery Rifle focused and they are great for that. I used to hunt with one as a teenager.
Out of the box the standard model are not pin point accurate, but there is plenty of trick up parts for to to get to customise them. Plenty are available 2nd hand, either get a cheap one and trick it up (if you are a tinkerer), or get one that someone has already done that already.


333 posts

151 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Thanks for that - I think a few of the club rifles are Ruger's, I'll have to have a proper look next time I go.

I'm not yet sure if I prefer a Semi or a Bolt action, but I will have plenty of time to try both before I'm in a position to buy!

I'm a little confused over the firearms licence though, I appreciate that I cannot buy a rifle until I get the licence and to get the licence I need to be a full member of a club (which will show that I have a reasonable justification) and have a suitable gun safe.

So once I've got the licence, I can then buy a gun, but I'd have to have that gun added to my licence at what appears to be a cost of £26. Is that right?


9,733 posts

194 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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brockovrs said:
Thanks for that - I think a few of the club rifles are Ruger's, I'll have to have a proper look next time I go.

I'm not yet sure if I prefer a Semi or a Bolt action, but I will have plenty of time to try both before I'm in a position to buy!

I'm a little confused over the firearms licence though, I appreciate that I cannot buy a rifle until I get the licence and to get the licence I need to be a full member of a club (which will show that I have a reasonable justification) and have a suitable gun safe.

So once I've got the licence, I can then buy a gun, but I'd have to have that gun added to my licence at what appears to be a cost of £26. Is that right?
If they are Semi Auto, pretty good chance they are Rugers.

Semi/bolt - just buy both! Bolt action is more accurate, and what you use for various target shooting. Semi is more fun, and used for gallery shooting.

Licensing - you have 2 reasons for applying for a FAC. Hunting and/or target shooting. Yes, you need to be a full member of your club, then you can apply for your FAC. You list the firearms you wish to own at the time of application, with the justification why. For target shooting, it is disciplines/calibres your club shoots. So if your club only shoots small bore on their range, you can't get centre fire 7.62/.308 for example. But if your club has a range that is certified for larger calibers or has affiliation to use other ranges that ticks that box. Put down all the firearms you think you might want to by for the next few years.

After you send off your FAC application to your local police, a FEO (Firearms Enquiry Officer, often an ex-police officer), and chat about your application, what firearms you are applying for and inspect your security arrangements (ie. safe). If he thinks you are not fit to hold a FAC, he can in effect stop the process there and then, and likewise, is vetting what you are applying to own. Some forces are better than others, some not letting you have many firearms, or larger calibres on your first FAC, some others will not bat an eyelid. But I doubt many forces will let you have .338 or .50bmg rifle when first applying for your FAC.

Once you FAC is happy with you, what you have asked for (he might have changed that, and your ammunition limits you have asked for, but that is not such a big deal to start with), and your safe meets specs, location of the safe and it is bolted securely, and can hold the amount of firearms they will let you have, you wait..... Some forces are really fast, taking a week or two (only a few of those in that boat), some can take over half a year, and anything in between in issuing you FAC.

Once you have your FAC, they will give you 'slots' for accuiring firearms, in the calibres you requested/they let you have. So if you have a 22 slot, you can get one there and then. But if you changed your mind, and decided that you want a 357 rifle instead, you can request it change the 22 for that, know as a one for one variation, and that is free.
If you want something in addition to what is on your FAC, then you have to pay £26.
So the lesson is to ask for as much realistically as they will give you, as you might shoot a mates xxx rifle, and decided you want one, so spare slots are handy! I put a .44 LBP on my OH's FAC, in case a cheap one came up for sale, or I could always change the slot for a Section 1 shotgun wink


333 posts

151 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Wow, thanks for explaining!

The club I use allows calibers up to .477 (if I remember correctly!) but also runs fairly frequent trips to outdoor ranges to shoot larger caliber rifles.

To start with I think I'd want a Semi Automatic & a bolt action rifle, both in .22, so would that mean I'd need 2 .22 "slots" when I apply for my licence, or just the one slot as they are the same caliber? (obviously, I'd explain all this to the FEO!)

As for a section 1 shotgun - what limits are there? I've read on this thread that you are limited to a 2+1 shotgun on a shotgun licence, what changes once you have a full FAC? (and I assume that I'd have to join a different club to show justification/actually use a shotgun)


9,733 posts

194 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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So you can shoot up to .44 at your club (but maybe not full magnum loads).

1 slot = 1 firearm, so you would need to ask for two .22 rifles. Some forces don't care about the action (Semi/bolt), when you apply and will just list it as .22 rifle on your 'unused slot', others do.

If you want a moderator, that also needs a slot, and must be explicitly asked for. As the sale of a moderator needs for a rifle needs to be recorded by a RFD on your ticket (FAC). But buying moderator for an air rifle does not, but the sale must be recorded, although a .22 moderator for either firearm is physically the same.

Section 1 shotguns - no 2+1 limit, so a Mossberg 8+1 is fine and dandy, plus you can use slugs which you can not on a SGC. And yes, you need to justify it, Practical shotgun (PSG) covers that. There a few PH'ers who do that by the sound of it.


17,062 posts

241 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Got my FEO coming round tomorrow for my renewal. Had a FAC for over 20 years but still get nervous!

Ive got a silenced Brno bolt action .22, used for vermin control. Does the job good enough smile


33,574 posts

215 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Is it wise to join one of the larger clubs? This one is not too far away: bdprc, though I think there is a much smaller outside/quarry range just down the road - I suspect fewer options for training and help though.


8,577 posts

240 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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LordGrover said:
Is it wise to join one of the larger clubs? This one is not too far away: bdprc, though I think there is a much smaller outside/quarry range just down the road - I suspect fewer options for training and help though.
It really depends on what you want to shoot and whether they have facilities you would want to use. If you want to shoot practical shotgun, there's not much point joining a club which shoots only .22 rifle...

You may end up joining several clubs to cover all the shooting disciplines you want to take part in.

I'd probably suggest looking at 2 or 3 clubs local to you and going along to meet a few of the members and look at the facilities before making a decision.


1,070 posts

242 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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smack said:
A few of us do rifle shooting!
I think we need a pic of your new toy since the rifle boys are coming out of the woodwork.....


4,962 posts

188 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Perhaps some of you gun afficionados can answer a question for me? I assume none of you have extisive knowledge of mob hits but you know guns. FOX channel on sky have been showing repeats of early episodes of Law and Order. Frequently when someone has been murdered they reference the fact that the mob always use .22s? Is this true and if so why? Whats so special about a .22? Seems like it is a bit small?

Sgt Bilko

1,929 posts

218 months

Thursday 24th January 2013
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944fan said:
Perhaps some of you gun afficionados can answer a question for me? I assume none of you have extisive knowledge of mob hits but you know guns. FOX channel on sky have been showing repeats of early episodes of Law and Order. Frequently when someone has been murdered they reference the fact that the mob always use .22s? Is this true and if so why? Whats so special about a .22? Seems like it is a bit small?