The Swimming Thread - Pool/OW

The Swimming Thread - Pool/OW



5,945 posts

85 months

Monday 24th June
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Right then, how the actual fk did Ross Edgely swim 510km in 62 hrs at an avg of 8km/hr?
Now, I know it’s down the Yukon river, so there is river flow, but…WTF???!!! What was he doing, surfing it??!


12,696 posts

158 months

Monday 24th June
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DeejRC said:
Right then, how the actual fk did Ross Edgely swim 510km in 62 hrs at an avg of 8km/hr?
Now, I know it’s down the Yukon river, so there is river flow, but…WTF???!!! What was he doing, surfing it??!
I gather he's quite a quick swimmer but he's also quite bulky in terms of muscle. I don't know how he swims so far with that mass and how he actually keeps it on. If you look at most swimmers if you're a built like a brick dunny then you're more than likely a sprinter and if you're more lean then it's distance. He's short and stocky...


5,945 posts

85 months

Monday 24th June
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He’s naturally about 16st, but apparently he slimmed/trained down to 12st something for this.

There is quite a quick swimmer and there is obliterating Olympic pace on avg over 60hrs in 9C water!


1,413 posts

57 months

Monday 24th June
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Unfortunately, it’s hard not to wonder if Ross is on steroids, etc.


12,696 posts

158 months

Monday 24th June
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DeejRC said:
He’s naturally about 16st, but apparently he slimmed/trained down to 12st something for this.

There is quite a quick swimmer and there is obliterating Olympic pace on avg over 60hrs in 9C water!
So about my weight then. But I'm 6ft 3in and he's 5ft 9in. Not massively different I suppose. But you seen shots of him and he's pretty jacked. More or less Ben Proud sort of jacked. But then you don't see Ben doing more than 50m hehe

Some shots of him he's almost body or physique builder level! And it doesn't look quite natural (and if it is it's mega hard work to keep that up or hes naturally gifted).

I tried, once, to bulk up and get more muscle and I managed to hit the heady heights of 83 kg before I threw the towel in. I just couldn't eat that much food. Especially as you have to make it clean food as well. I just couldn't do it. It felt like I was force feeding myself! And ultimately I just couldn't get interested enough to eat that level. And as soon as I stopped I zoomed straight back down to 75 kg.


1,413 posts

57 months

Monday 24th June
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Otispunkmeyer said:
he's almost body or physique builder level! And it doesn't look quite natural


5,945 posts

85 months

Monday 24th June
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He is hugely jacked, but then he “competes” in a completely unregulated area.
This was my open water pool at high tide on Saturday…


12,696 posts

158 months

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DeejRC said:
Right then, how the actual fk did Ross Edgely swim 510km in 62 hrs at an avg of 8km/hr?
Now, I know it’s down the Yukon river, so there is river flow, but…WTF???!!! What was he doing, surfing it??!
The more I think about this the more I wonder why they bothered posting the distance. He's swimming down a river. You could do it in a drought year and get 400 km or do it after some very heavy rains and get 600 km. 62 hours continuous swimming, is insane. But the distance covered doesn't depend on his effort alone so I can't see the point in mentioning it. Its not like someone else could turn up and try break it under exactly the same conditions is it.


1,413 posts

57 months

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Otispunkmeyer said:
Its not like someone else could turn up and try break it under exactly the same conditions is it.
That's true for sea swims, too. While there are English Channel records, the speed is influenced by the athlete and the sea conditions.

Discendo Discimus

383 posts

35 months

I know we all have the right to use the pool, but I’m starting to feel a bit frustrated with the number of senior citizens at my local pool at 6am. I’m trying to swim 2k at least four times a week before heading to work, so early mornings are my go-to.

Yesterday, I counted around 40 people in the pool at 6:15am. It wouldn’t be a big deal if they stuck to the appropriate lanes, but they were all standing, walking, and chatting in the slow, medium, and fast lanes. This made it impossible for me to get a good swim in without stopping every few meters.

I know they don’t have to rush off to work like I do, and I wish they could come after 9am when the rest of us are busy, but hey, it’s their choice. Just needed to vent a bit – it’s a tad annoying!

Still Mulling

12,745 posts

180 months

Seconded. I tried one early-bird session a couple of weeks ago. I'm now back on mid- to late-evenings. Could be easily managed with better lane discipline from users, but also better control and layout flexibility from the centre managers.

Antony Moxey

8,249 posts

222 months

Huge bugbear of mine. The amount of people who think because they can swim front crawl for half an hour without stopping means they should automatically be in the fast lane is ridiculous. Ten people in the fast lane getting lapped every four lengths, four in the medium lane going slower than I float and a bunch in the slow lane doing their own thing. Clue people: have a think about what 'fast' means. The annoying thing as well is the staff do nothing - there was a guy a while back breaststroking up and down without a care in the world, turning five yards from each end and not stopping for anyone. Why the staff didn't just ask him to move over to a more appropriate lane is beyond me.

Bloody hate lane swimming, it's genuinely putting me off altogether.


616 posts

17 months

Discendo Discimus said:
I know we all have the right to use the pool, but I’m starting to feel a bit frustrated with the number of senior citizens at my local pool at 6am. I’m trying to swim 2k at least four times a week before heading to work, so early mornings are my go-to.
I'm retired and totally get your point. Although my partner and I go at 8.00 pm as often we are the only ones in the pool.

However, we do shop on a weekday as it used to wind me up all the OAPs in Tesco doddering around while I was flying up the aisles after work.

dirty boy

14,727 posts

212 months

Get in.

Start doing butterfly.

Then see how many stay in the fast lane.


5,945 posts

85 months

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The only possible response to those doing butterfly in public pool sessions is the Rodger Ferrari buying scene in Gone in 60 Seconds.