Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!

Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!



Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Monday 14th August 2017
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Awesome! I'm friends with a lad who was Victors first Black Belt in the UK, he's an absolute beast!

Work and travelling has been a nightmare over the past few weeks but I've managed to keep training regardless. Firstly I was in Aberdeen for a week followed by Gran Canaria. Luckily I found clubs in both locations so got some good training in. Been working the lasso guard lately, its nice to add to my go to sweeps which have traditionally been scissor, flower or hip bump.

Should have a solid 3 weeks back in the UK then its out to China for a week. I'm really looking forward to that one actually as there is a club round the corner from the hotel I am staying at and I've been before so its nice and friendly, plus there are classes on every night - 5 days straight training with no family guilt!

One of the perks of rolling at other clubs is the ability to gauge yourself against other white belts. Purely for my own peace of mind I've noticed in the majority of cases rolls are going my way which reaffirms my own thoughts on where I am.

Keep plugging away mate, we all have periods feeling like our jits is getting worse! it will come together (probably closely followed by the worst day ever haha)


6,400 posts

224 months

Monday 14th August 2017
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Good to see you guys are still at it smile

One of the biggest frustrations with training it that it is very hard to see/feel that you're making progress. Mainly because it is so gradual but also partly because you are training with other people who are improving at a similar rate as yourself, so you never seem to get any better. It's only when you take yourself out of your normal environment and train/roll with other people that you start to see where you are.

As you say it is easy to slip into negativity about it. Once the beginner gains slow down and it starts to take a lot longer to get appreciatively better, it is easy to give up; the vast, vast majority do, normally before or at around 3/4/5 years.

There's no easy answer/magic bullet, you just need to grind it out, accept that you're taking small steps and push on. The 3/4/5 year thing is when the training starts to becomes less about new techniques and more the mental strength of dealing with the frustrations of not quite being able to pull of a technique/thinking you're going backwards.

The key point is to recognise that what you're going through is normal. The fact that you're getting frustrated means that you're in the 'conscious incompetence' phase - you know you're doing something wrong, but you don't know what to do about it. You will over time move to the 'conscious competence' stage where you know what you're doing wrong and you know how to go about fixing it.

The big one is the last step 'unconscious competence' where you just get on and do it without thinking about it- 'flow like water' as you Jits boys say. The thing is it normally takes somebody on the outside (i.e. your instructor) to point out when you've got there. For me it was when I started to stop caring about progress and thought more about refining the little things. There's a lot of truth in a new belt arriving when you least expect it. It's when you're still chasing it that you know you aren't ready for it.


6,400 posts

224 months

Monday 14th August 2017
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Sorry just to add: Four stages of competence


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Thursday 26th October 2017
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Long overdue update!

Still a white belt, but I've only been training 18 months so that's no big deal!

Competed in Manchester last week (BJJ 24/7), took gold in my category with 2 fights, both point wins and nothing scored on me.

Still training hard, Nottingham is coming up in a week and a half so looking forward to that!


1,854 posts

175 months

Friday 27th October 2017
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Hi Pete, congratulations on your win, you can't be far off earning that blue now you're winning decent level white belt comps smile

I'm still to compete in the Gi but managed to do a No-Gi comp last month where I was awful and won one, lost one

Had a great seminar with Ben Poppleton a couple of weeks ago, his level of knowledge makes me realise that even after 10+ years of training I still know next to nothing

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Friday 27th October 2017
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Evening lads, whilst still (and most unlikely to ever be) anywhere near your standard, I'm still plugging away with varying degrees of success. Still really enjoying it though both on and off the mats and it's keeping the old AS at bay, gone from taking anti inflams and painkillers almost daily to taking them before training most but not every time, so this is as good as winning a comp for me! That combined with being around a great bunch of lads with no egos in a really positive environment makes it a brilliant way to spend 5-6 hours a week on and off the mats and £90 a month or whatever on and that's really all its about for me. It's a great return on my time and money investment.

Received my 3rd stripe on the white belt so now can go to 'advanced' class as well as the fundamentals, should be a right laugh for me.......!

My lad is progressing nicely and whilst he is a bit 'too nice' and lacks a bit of competitive edge he's making nice progress and on the brink of getting his grey/white belt as he approaches the end of his first year. He entered his 6 monthly comp last week and got 2x silver and 1x bronze but the rules don't really suit him (1 min fights, winner by submission or by number of pins). Basically given the very short format it's generally a race to the first pin to win the match. He did get just about the only sub of the afternoon though with a nicely finished read naked after mounting the other lads back.

He's competing at the Nottingham open a week on Sunday so might see you there Pete? Quite a fair few kids and adults from our GB Academy entering this one.


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Wednesday 8th November 2017
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Completely forgot I'd updated this thread - yes I was at Nottingham although sadly not competing as I damaged my knee on the Wednesday before, coupled with a wisdom tooth extraction on the Thursday made it a no go for me.

My daughter competed and took silver in her category so proud dad moment and a number of the lads from my club were all competing as well.

Really pleased to hear you are sticking at it, is GB Nottingham your club?

For now I'll keep pushing on, blue will come when it comes, to be honest I'm quite happy to embrace white belt - no pressure what so ever!


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Wednesday 8th November 2017
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BRR said:
Hi Pete, congratulations on your win, you can't be far off earning that blue now you're winning decent level white belt comps smile

I'm still to compete in the Gi but managed to do a No-Gi comp last month where I was awful and won one, lost one

Had a great seminar with Ben Poppleton a couple of weeks ago, his level of knowledge makes me realise that even after 10+ years of training I still know next to nothing
Thanks BRR.

I follow Ben on Facebook, my instructor was part of that early group of adopters in the UK from 'oop north' and I know Ben often runs seminars at a club in Donny so I'll have to get to one of them at some point! (also quite fancy a holiday / training camp at his club abroad!)

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Wednesday 8th November 2017
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Afternoon Pete, sorry I missed you at Nottingham - was a good day. Bit of a learning curve from all our juniors, every one struggled against some very good opposition. My lad (4 stripe + red on white belt) competed and despite being more than able to hold his own during training came a cropper against a couple of 'no stripe/one stripe' white belts and got beaten fairly heavily on points in the first fight and then got caught with a rear naked in his second fight. He got smothered on the bottom when the other lad mounted him in his first fight and couldn't breath, this shook him up and he never really got into it after that. He had a chance to take the back in the first fight but didn't get both hooks in, he's learned that in competition he won't get many chances so needs to learn to take them when they arise.

Still, no complaints at all and I am sure he will be better for the experience, it hasn't put him off and he said he would have another go soon.

I have sent you a DM.

cheers all.


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Thursday 9th November 2017
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Thanks for the DM Tony, read it last night and responded. I'm actually in the first 2 minutes of the video you sent coaching my daughter!

Competition is a completely different ball game from training I've found, but, those who have experienced it tend to have the edge during club rolling long-term.

I trained last night but in all honesty didn't feel very good at all. I need to up my cardio work so looks like I'll be putting my running trainers back on! Also changing gyms to one of my local clubs which has a matted area I can work on with a dummies in a morning


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Pleased to say I was awarded by blue belt on Friday night from my instructor, I've felt it was coming for a while but even still I don't feel ready.

First night back on the mats yesterday feeling super vulnerable wearing a shiny new belt and lots of eager partners ready to go 100%, all good fun though! Only downside is that I think I broke my toe, bah.

The journey continues, long slog to purple!


2,031 posts

108 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Pete102 said:
Pleased to say I was awarded by blue belt on Friday night from my instructor, I've felt it was coming for a while but even still I don't feel ready.

First night back on the mats yesterday feeling super vulnerable wearing a shiny new belt and lots of eager partners ready to go 100%, all good fun though! Only downside is that I think I broke my toe, bah.

The journey continues, long slog to purple!
Afternoon Pete and congrats on the new belt hard work pay offs.

I've just read through this whole thread, I've recently started combat Sambo (only 7 or 8 sessions in) and I absolutely love it. So much to learn even the basic through are taking ages to sink in when practising, no idea how I'll manage to throw someone who's trying to throw me.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Pete102 said:
Pleased to say I was awarded by blue belt on Friday night from my instructor, I've felt it was coming for a while but even still I don't feel ready.

First night back on the mats yesterday feeling super vulnerable wearing a shiny new belt and lots of eager partners ready to go 100%, all good fun though! Only downside is that I think I broke my toe, bah.

The journey continues, long slog to purple!
Awesome job pal, well done and congratulations.

We have Braulio Estima seminar soon but unfortunately we're away so can't get


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Stu-nph26 said:
Afternoon Pete and congrats on the new belt hard work pay offs.

I've just read through this whole thread, I've recently started combat Sambo (only 7 or 8 sessions in) and I absolutely love it. So much to learn even the basic through are taking ages to sink in when practising, no idea how I'll manage to throw someone who's trying to throw me.
Hi Stu, welcome to the thread.

My only advice would be to stick at it. I remember my first couple of sessions not having a clue what to do, where to place my hands / feet / body etc. You'll be amazed at what you end up committing to muscle memory.

Recently I've been using a large rubber band to solo-drill judo foot movements for the Tai-Otoshi / Uchi Mata which has helped my stand up game massively - maybe something you can do for Sambo depending on the throw? (might need grappling dummy though).

Thanks Tony, I hope to hear of similar news from yourself soon! At the moment I'm trying to get over the 'must not get tapped by a white belt' phase, I'm sure it will happen (given that I was tapping blues up to last week) and just concentrate on getting better, learning the techniques more and drilling.#

Sad news about the Braulio seminar, he's very, very good. I missed his last local seminar but the feedback was positive and hes supposed to be a fun roll (although able to sub you at any moment!)


27,428 posts

282 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Hapkido yellow belt here (one up from white) going to be graded for yellow and stripe in a couple of weeks. Any tips for ippon saio nage throws? Having trouble as I am 6'2" and all my partners are shorter. which is great for kicking and punching range, but not so good when it comes to throws.


6,400 posts

224 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Well done Pete. Well deserved by all accounts. Just checked back and it's only 18 months ago since you started. Bet it feels like longer! The cliche about the belts getting heavier as you progress has some truth in it. You're a scalp now! smile

Stu-nph26 said:
I've recently started combat Sambo (only 7 or 8 sessions in) and I absolutely love it. So much to learn even the basic through are taking ages to sink in when practising, no idea how I'll manage to throw someone who's trying to throw me.
Starting at the deep end there Stu! That's a proper mans sport that one. I did a couple of sessions with Barry Gibson a couple of years ago when he was in the GB team. It was enough to convince that it wasn't for me, as nice as Barry is!


2,031 posts

108 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Pete102 said:
Hi Stu, welcome to the thread.

My only advice would be to stick at it. I remember my first couple of sessions not having a clue what to do, where to place my hands / feet / body etc. You'll be amazed at what you end up committing to muscle memory.

Recently I've been using a large rubber band to solo-drill judo foot movements for the Tai-Otoshi / Uchi Mata which has helped my stand up game massively - maybe something you can do for Sambo depending on the throw? (might need grappling dummy though).

Thanks Tony, I hope to hear of similar news from yourself soon! At the moment I'm trying to get over the 'must not get tapped by a white belt' phase, I'm sure it will happen (given that I was tapping blues up to last week) and just concentrate on getting better, learning the techniques more and drilling.#

Sad news about the Braulio seminar, he's very, very good. I missed his last local seminar but the feedback was positive and hes supposed to be a fun roll (although able to sub you at any moment!)
Cheers Pete I look into bands sounds like a good idea.


2,031 posts

108 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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ben5575 said:
Starting at the deep end there Stu! That's a proper mans sport that one. I did a couple of sessions with Barry Gibson a couple of years ago when he was in the GB team. It was enough to convince that it wasn't for me, as nice as Barry is!
Haha tell me about it, why wasn't it for you??


6,400 posts

224 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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Ha, because I'm too much of a fanny. I can deal with being punched/kicked in the head, flipped through the air/bent out of shape, not so much laugh


2,031 posts

108 months

Tuesday 28th November 2017
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ben5575 said:
Ha, because I'm too much of a fanny. I can deal with being punched/kicked in the head, flipped through the air/bent out of shape, not so much laugh
Haha fair enough I love it but then again I have a few screws loose.