The Swimming Thread - Pool/OW

The Swimming Thread - Pool/OW


Still Mulling

12,756 posts

180 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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clap Enjoy!

Antony Moxey

8,265 posts

222 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Surely her shirt should say 'swimauswhiletheytrainherbutwhenshesintheolympicsshesdefinitelygb'?


6,903 posts

245 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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Antony Moxey said:
Surely her shirt should say 'swimauswhiletheytrainherbutwhenshesintheolympicsshesdefinitelygb'?


There’s no disguising the accent though… biggrin

dirty boy

14,728 posts

212 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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PurpleTurtle said:
Quick request for some advice.

My wife has been taking our 8yo son to swimming lessons at the local leisure centre after school every Tuesday afternoon (30 min group sessions) for two years. After a bit of grief from the young un complaining that the instructor was a disinterested teenager he moved up a group and seems to enjoy it. He's keen and tells me he enjoys the lessons, alas I am always working so don't get to see him in action.

We have come away on our first post-Covid foreign holiday to a lovely villa with a pool. My immediate observation is that he's not a very good swimmer when compared to other younger, less experienced kids.

Any tips on online resources I might use to help him improve? He's at the point where he's good with a float, has the correct body position etc, but as soon as he swims without the float it's a weak doggy paddle with his legs trailing low in the water with associated drag.

I've tried to explain that he needs to get his bum and legs higher in the water, he understands that, but actually improving his technique is something I'm struggling with. It's over 40yrs since I learned to swim and I can't recall how we were taught.

Some 1-2-1 lessons back home will probably help, but I'm keen to do something whilst we are here and have a pool we can make use of all day for a fortnight.

One sec....

Pom!! Awesome work for the lass...hope she enjoys the experience...

Now..i'm mega late here and you'll have returned home already no doubt...

Swimmers at age 8 vary MASSIVELY. I've recently taken on a group of 7-9 year olds, all of which have come through the same Learn 2 Swim program, with the same teacher.

I have one, the youngest, who swims like he's been in a pool 10 years. I have another who looks like a fking octopus being electrocuted!

Both can swim and tick boxes to progress, but the diddy kid just has a feel for the water, the other...3 strokes and then he's gone to pot.

My one tip is to tell him to slow everything down, so they focus on floating and not using limbs to stay afloat/move. Sometimes asking them to imagine swimming downhill works and gliding a little more. Think of themselves to be a long canoe, not a stumpy rowing boat.

That should keep the body position okay.

Then it's the legs...get a good consistent leg kick early as it's hard to introduce later.

Arms...high elbow, hand enters first, nice and smooth (no splashing) in line with shoulders. Engage lats to pull, none of that "making an S" anymore either. hands shouldn't come under the body.

Breathing...the head stays still, really still...doesn't move unless it's to breathe and then, it's just a turn the face to the side, maybe look over the shoulder a little (little ones struggle to get enough speed to create a wave/pocket to breathe in) but the aim is to breathe with one goggle still in the water.

Key is progression....don't throw all of that at him in one go.

Do a width 3 or 4 times till he gets it.

Then add in another element...then another.

Then repeat for weeks until they do it without thinking.

Streamlines (cannot emphasise the importance of these enough!)
Fly kicking, the 5th stroke....master it
Don't make him do fly it it goes to st. 3 or 4 strokes good, then into fc or whatever.

Nothing wrong with a long strong doggy paddle for feel.

Eurgh...could go on forever.

GoSwim/RaceClub/Youtube to your hearts content, but don't chop and change any consistent.


6,903 posts

245 months

Wednesday 11th October 2023
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0545hrs - first ones on their way…

R Mutt

5,893 posts

75 months

Saturday 21st October 2023
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Looking at my heart rate zones for 1km I've just done, I was in warmup/ zone 1 for less than 1% of the time, which would explain why my pace is better over longer distances. I didn't even hit zone 5 either.

This was an empty pool and I get more of a warmup in the mornings where I'm stuck behind people as I don't want to sprint to overtake them as soon as I've got in the pool. Although when I am warmed up and have to overtake, I still don't seem to be hitting zone 5

I do prefer to just dive in and go, but seems I'd be better off with drills than a consistent daily 1k even if I'm not training/ aiming for anything

Any suggestions?


2,229 posts

255 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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Is anybody racing at Nationals this weekend?
I told myself i wouldn't, as ive just had 4 weeks travelling with work, so only getting 1 session a week in the pool. I still entered 3 events due to FOMO
Also our main club pool was shut down a month ago due to the operator going into administration, so we have all been scrambling for any pool time possible.

I felt reasonable this morning, but not competitive. So it begs the question, whether or not its worth travelling to Sheffield to race half heartedly for the weekend.

Antony Moxey

8,265 posts

222 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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Merp said:
Is anybody racing at Nationals this weekend?
I told myself i wouldn't, as ive just had 4 weeks travelling with work, so only getting 1 session a week in the pool. I still entered 3 events due to FOMO
Also our main club pool was shut down a month ago due to the operator going into administration, so we have all been scrambling for any pool time possible.

I felt reasonable this morning, but not competitive. So it begs the question, whether or not its worth travelling to Sheffield to race half heartedly for the weekend.
Yes. Halfheartedly would only be a mental thing rather than a physical thing so tell yourself to man up, get on with it, and then surprise yourself at how much fitness you've actually retained and how competitive you actually are. Looking forward to reading about the haul of medals you've accumulated this time next week.

dirty boy

14,728 posts

212 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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Merp said:
Is anybody racing at Nationals this weekend?
I told myself i wouldn't, as ive just had 4 weeks travelling with work, so only getting 1 session a week in the pool. I still entered 3 events due to FOMO
Also our main club pool was shut down a month ago due to the operator going into administration, so we have all been scrambling for any pool time possible.

I felt reasonable this morning, but not competitive. So it begs the question, whether or not its worth travelling to Sheffield to race half heartedly for the weekend.
You've entered, may as well go and give it a bash....think of it as experimenting with a longer taper + you'll be amazed what a bit of adrenaline will do when you're on the blocks and stting yourself coz' you've not put as much work in as you'd wanted hehe

Seriously though, always good to try new stuff out, perhaps use it as pool time too and have a crack at the AP Race Masters Meet instead?

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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Merp said:
Is anybody racing at Nationals this weekend?
I told myself i wouldn't, as ive just had 4 weeks travelling with work, so only getting 1 session a week in the pool. I still entered 3 events due to FOMO
Also our main club pool was shut down a month ago due to the operator going into administration, so we have all been scrambling for any pool time possible.

I felt reasonable this morning, but not competitive. So it begs the question, whether or not its worth travelling to Sheffield to race half heartedly for the weekend.
I reckon go for it - if its 50s and 100s you've entered, you'll be competitive. I saw what happened to the Gloucester pool, absolute shocker of a situation.

I'll be there racing this weekend - we're taking almost our entire Masters squad of 23 swimmers so should be good. I'd managed to go almost the entire year without being ill, had a good couple of races at a meet three weeks ago....and then got a heavy cold over the weekend, so have missed the taper and both ears are totally blocked today.

Hopefully it'll get better today as have 4 races tomorrow including a 1500, 400IM and 200 in a relay!

Still Mulling

12,756 posts

180 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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So proud of the kids last night, who absolutely smashed their swimming club Sprint 1 night (#2 in two weeks).

Son’s first event, and even in the warm up he swam further than he ever has without stopping (25 m prior; 400 m now!!).

Daughter has really struggled with anxiety the last two years, but absolutely nailed it this year, and outperformed those two years older then her in both freestyle, fly and 100 m IM.

Very proud dad vibes today biggrin

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Still Mulling said:
So proud of the kids last night, who absolutely smashed their swimming club Sprint 1 night (#2 in two weeks).

Son’s first event, and even in the warm up he swam further than he ever has without stopping (25 m prior; 400 m now!!).

Daughter has really struggled with anxiety the last two years, but absolutely nailed it this year, and outperformed those two years older then her in both freestyle, fly and 100 m IM.

Very proud dad vibes today biggrin
That's great to hear.

As someone who struggled a lot with anxiety when competing as a kid and has a clinical diagnosis for chronic anxiety, swimming is not an easy sport to do (none are easy when anxiety is involved, but swimming especially so) - good on your daughter.

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Merp said:
Is anybody racing at Nationals this weekend?
Did you make the trip in the end?

Great weekend with teammates and watching some great swimming, including current Commonwealth champs and recently retired Olympians competing against guys I train with was brilliant.

Managed 1 gold, 2 silvers and bronze from the weekend, so was pleased. But had been feeling rough and it caught up with me in the 800 last night; got to 300 in and had nothing so just swam the rest of the race through; was 20 seconds slower than the 800 split in my 1500. Got worse overnight and pulled out of my races today.

Still Mulling

12,756 posts

180 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Highway Star said:
That's great to hear.

As someone who struggled a lot with anxiety when competing as a kid and has a clinical diagnosis for chronic anxiety, swimming is not an easy sport to do (none are easy when anxiety is involved, but swimming especially so) - good on your daughter.
Thanks HS, and kudos for cracking on through yours!


2,229 posts

255 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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Highway Star said:
Merp said:
Is anybody racing at Nationals this weekend?
Did you make the trip in the end?

Great weekend with teammates and watching some great swimming, including current Commonwealth champs and recently retired Olympians competing against guys I train with was brilliant.

Managed 1 gold, 2 silvers and bronze from the weekend, so was pleased. But had been feeling rough and it caught up with me in the 800 last night; got to 300 in and had nothing so just swam the rest of the race through; was 20 seconds slower than the 800 split in my 1500. Got worse overnight and pulled out of my races today.
Well done on the first few events! Shame about 800.

I pulled out on Thursday night.

I trained Wednesday morning and felt awful. Trained Friday night, and felt pretty good, loads of energy. To the point I was regretting pulling out.

Then felt rough all weekend. Trained this morning and it felt like I was pulling 2 pieces of string through the water. So whatever cold/thing I’ve got, it’s not let off for a week so far. I don’t regret pulling out either. Always time for it again at LC in April next year.

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Tuesday 31st October 2023
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Get well soon - I know exactly what you mean about the string legs feeling.

There is always next year which is the great thing about these meets - I won't be doing LC in Swansea but am already thinking about what to swim at Sheffield.

dirty boy

14,728 posts

212 months

Wednesday 8th November 2023
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Bit of a proud Dad moment for me...

Son swam at East Regionals this weekend, made his first two Regional finals in 50 brst and 100 IM. (he's never made a county final he's had a stonking last 6 months).

He qualified for 10 races but entered 9 (he dropped the 200 bk) got a PB in all 9 over the weekend and then two finals (no PBs in those but close to his earlier swims), he was beaming from ear to ear on the block lol! He didn't come last either, that was his goal lol!

He's now on 30.12 for breaststroke, which is a club record and puts him top in Suffolk (for now)....still a way to go for Nationals though.

50bk - 28.42
100IM - 1:00.84
50fc - 24.52
100fc - 53.79
200fc - 1:59.91
50fly - 27.32
100brst - 1:09.54
200IM - 2:17.78

Still Mulling

12,756 posts

180 months

Wednesday 8th November 2023
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Fab stuff! Well done, son-of-DB! clap

Antony Moxey

8,265 posts

222 months

Wednesday 8th November 2023
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fking hell that's quick! Well done the boy!

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Friday 10th November 2023
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Good stuff, well done - more to come on his 200 free?

National Masters Intercounties this weekend at the London Aquatic Centre (Olympic pool). My first year organising my county team which has been a journey trying to contact every man, woman and their dog around the county and try and persuade them to swim, from pensioners to students at the local uni to Olympic medallists.

DB - when is your lad 18 and does he fancy a second claim membership to an Oxfordshire club so he can swim for my team? ;-)