Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!

Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!



Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Wednesday 12th April 2017
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Just a little check in smile I'm still plugging away! Still on 4 stripe white, not taken my blue belt test yet but comfortably rolling with blue belts on a regular basis (even catching one or two with a sub....sometimes). Still getting battered by purple belts, but that is understandable and I like to think its not 'quite' so easy for them haha.

Just recently I've been training across two different clubs, my original club and then the club my daughter trains at which is more MMA focused to be honest but its a good game builder.

I took part in a no-gi wrestling session last night, enjoyed it a lot actually. Concentrated on pummeling, neck tie escapes and arm drags, all useful aspects of BJJ.

The other benefit of training across clubs is having access to black belt tuition once a week (whereas at my other club the instructor is a high level purple - he's still very good and competes regularly). As time goes on I become even less bothered about belt color and more about performance, blue will come when I'm ready.

Busy preparing for the British Open in May, followed by a comp in Manchester the week after, then I'll probably also do Nottingham and hopefully one other before the year is out.

Since Xmas I've made a real effort to drop some weight (14kg so far) which has worked wonders for my cardio, flexibility and general well being. Turns out the BJJ lark is actually a pretty good fat burner when combined with a sensible diet!

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Wednesday 12th April 2017
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Pete102 said:
Just a little check in smile I'm still plugging away! Still on 4 stripe white, not taken my blue belt test yet but comfortably rolling with blue belts on a regular basis (even catching one or two with a sub....sometimes). Still getting battered by purple belts, but that is understandable and I like to think its not 'quite' so easy for them haha.

Just recently I've been training across two different clubs, my original club and then the club my daughter trains at which is more MMA focused to be honest but its a good game builder.

I took part in a no-gi wrestling session last night, enjoyed it a lot actually. Concentrated on pummeling, neck tie escapes and arm drags, all useful aspects of BJJ.

The other benefit of training across clubs is having access to black belt tuition once a week (whereas at my other club the instructor is a high level purple - he's still very good and competes regularly). As time goes on I become even less bothered about belt color and more about performance, blue will come when I'm ready.

Busy preparing for the British Open in May, followed by a comp in Manchester the week after, then I'll probably also do Nottingham and hopefully one other before the year is out.

Since Xmas I've made a real effort to drop some weight (14kg so far) which has worked wonders for my cardio, flexibility and general well being. Turns out the BJJ lark is actually a pretty good fat burner when combined with a sensible diet!
Nice one buddy, always interesting to see others progress - even though it does seem like mine and yours personal thread sometimes!

I recently got my 2nd stripe on the white belt and due to a lack of numbers recently at class I found myself drilling with lads more inexperienced than me and really noticed that I actually do know something and have picked up a few bits over the last 3 months! Was almost feeling a bit of a fraud with my 'promotion' cos I didn't think I was making progress before that.

Due to some injuries and a flare up of arthritis I've not really managed to get into so much of a regular routine and have been a bit of hit and miss at class so not really made huge progress since I started early January - but I am starting to realise that I don't have to go 100mph all the time and there is loads more to the game than trying to bludgeon your way through your opponent. It hit home when I was watching the advanced class the other week with the lads rolling, pausing for breath, looking round and generally looking nice and relaxed before exploding into action with a sweep or a guard pass. Bought myself a book to help with the mental side of things, 'from confused white belt to confident blue belt' - this deals with all that side of things (no technical advice whatsoever).

Gracie week 7 this week so closed guard training all week, my feet are all still a bit bruised and bashed from Monday but should be OK for another session tomorrow night. Hoping to build up to some open mat sessions in the next weeks after I can hopefuly get some time on the mats in the foundation class.

Whilst I am never going to compete I fancy going to one of the competitions you mentioned to watch some of my more esteemed team mates compete so may be able to put a name to the face if you fancy it.


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Thursday 13th April 2017
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Hi Tony

Absolutely, let me know if you're going along to any of them and we can arrange a meet up.

Funny you should mention injuries, I'm nursing 3 or 4 at the moment which I need to try and shake before the open:

1 suspected broken toe on my right foot (happened during a back take barrel roll)
1 severly bruised little tow (stubbed it on a door frame), same foot.
Left calf/knee sore from a calf slicer (not sure why this happened, I was applying the sub!)
One nearly fixed black eye caused by an opponents elbow trying to establish side control

And to top it off I'm at the doctors in an hour to have my cauliflower ear drained!

Still, I'm enjoying it. Our curriculum has moved into straight foot locks, knee bars and heel hooks which keeps things interesting! Most white belts forget during comps that straight locks are legal so I'll be looking to use them, even better if they don't know the escape (not a problem if they do...I know the counter also wink)

How is your lad getting on Tony? My daughter recently got her 4th stripe White, next one is a new belt. Amazing to see an 8 year old throwing arm bars, guillotines and arm triangle chokes!

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Thursday 13th April 2017
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Pete102 said:
Hi Tony

Absolutely, let me know if you're going along to any of them and we can arrange a meet up.

Funny you should mention injuries, I'm nursing 3 or 4 at the moment which I need to try and shake before the open:

1 suspected broken toe on my right foot (happened during a back take barrel roll)
1 severly bruised little tow (stubbed it on a door frame), same foot.
Left calf/knee sore from a calf slicer (not sure why this happened, I was applying the sub!)
One nearly fixed black eye caused by an opponents elbow trying to establish side control

And to top it off I'm at the doctors in an hour to have my cauliflower ear drained!

Still, I'm enjoying it. Our curriculum has moved into straight foot locks, knee bars and heel hooks which keeps things interesting! Most white belts forget during comps that straight locks are legal so I'll be looking to use them, even better if they don't know the escape (not a problem if they do...I know the counter also wink)

How is your lad getting on Tony? My daughter recently got her 4th stripe White, next one is a new belt. Amazing to see an 8 year old throwing arm bars, guillotines and arm triangle chokes!
My lad is going great guns and had his 3rd stripe a couple of weeks ago. He's understanding the game now, knows what positions are better than others and is really strong playing from the bottom. We have a competition coming up from the Karate club he still trains at, ground fighting from the floor only - no standing. Be interesting to see how he goes, he's improved from first round loss to semi final loss to marginally losing the final last time out 6 months ago....

Let you know about the comps, going to try get to the coventry one.


6,400 posts

224 months


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Monday 8th May 2017
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Nothing really of note but I'll update anyway. Friday is the day of the open, I'm feeling a mix of nervousness and excited. My fitness is probably the best it has ever been and I'm sitting at the light end of my normal weight range - even been able to enter the super heavy category (sub 100kg) as opposed to the ultra heavy (+100kg).

Instructor mentioned he wants me to take my blue belt test after the comps, all getting a bit real.


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Picked up a silver in my category at the British Open, won my first fight by one point, lost my second fight by one point, both super tight and very tough.

Next competition is in Manchester on Sunday, hoping to enter that one a little more relaxed than the open, try a few more things and generally enjoy it!


6,400 posts

224 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Nice one Pete, well done! Not bad for a year or so's training!

Two of our guys were (non JJ) fighting at the weekend, one at BAMMA and one locally. Sadly they both lost, but good fights nonetheless.


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Cheers Ben! roughly a year and 3 weeks going by Facebook memories.

I came close to subbing the guy in the final, managed to grab an Americana from bottom half and work my way out, it was cranked right over but the guy was able to move enough to prevent the sub, still allowed me to escape back to my feet though (think I picked up an advantage for the attempt). It's true what they say regarding learning in competitions - itching to get back on the mats now!!!


1,854 posts

175 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Just catching up with this thread for the first time in ages, looking back through the posts is scary how quick the time has gone

congratulations Pete on the medal at the British, it's a massive comp these days with a high level of competitors. My first grappling gold medal was at the British Open No-Gi back in 2010, when it was only a single day even, I see it's a 3 day event now which is great for the sport that it has grown so much

last year in May I was preparing for an MMA fight when I snapped my left Bicep tendon which required surgery to have it reattached, I then couldn't train until the end of November last year. I've picked it up since then and had a Sanshou fight in February (got whooped, fighting an undefeated champion only 8 weeks after returning to training from 6 months off wasn't a good idea)

since then I've tried to keep up training, I've been awarded my blue belt in BJJ but am yet to compete in it, it just keeps working out that the events fall on days when I can't make it, though I definitely intend to compete this year, I'd also like to fight MMA again

got some training in at Tristar in Montreal last month, going to a few gyms in California the end of this month and going to some time at Evolve in Singapore in June which is great for getting to train with people of different styles and really understand how your game stands up. though i'll be doing all my training at these other gyms No-Gi / MMA as that allows me to train with the higher level guys where as in BJJ I'm still very much a novice

really enjoyed the MMA this weekend, a few of my mates / training partners (Dave Kalsah, Yannick, Jai Herbert & Dan Cassell) fought on Bamma and the Tanko event was good too


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Cheers BRR.

Evolve looks great (seen a couple of the video's / instructionals on Facebook). My coach wants me to push for blue belt in the next month or two - usual feelings of not being ready etc.! (incidentally he won gold in his purple category at the weekend, beast!)

Hope the bicep is repaired nicely, happened to a friend of mine, epic bruising.


6,400 posts

224 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Yeah, must admit that a ripped bicep doesn't sound fun!

Sadly Cam (who now fights out of Gym01 but comes home every month or so to kick our asses!) lost to Daniel Rutkowski who is apparently Poland's Greco champion and a bit of a bull by all accounts!

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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Whilst not in the same league as 2-3 fella's above, I'm still chugging away making fairly modest progress at BJJ. Up to my 2nd stripe after starting in January (but missing a month or so due to an arthritic flare up) and experiencing the usual ups and downs that most people go through when in the early stages.

Due to muscoskelital issues (ankylosing spondylitis) certain aspects take their toll on my neck and back so it's only ever going to be social/keep fit kind of thing for me, but enjoying it on the whole. Many of the lads at my club are competing next week at Manchester and fancy going along to cheer them along.

My lads got his 3rd stripe a few weeks ago and is making much better process than me and our professor has asked if he'd like to compete so fingers crossed he'll keep progressing.


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Tuesday 16th May 2017
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Hi Tony

We all do BJJ for different reasons. For me competing is just the cherry on the top - I'm never going to be world champion and when I lose in comps I have to remember why I keep training - learning BJJ, fitness, friends and self-defence, if not I end up getting quite down about it (although I am a competitive person by nature).

Let me know if you end up going to Manchester, as it stands I'll be there on my own anyway so be nice to catch up. I'm entering both Gi and No-Gi categories.

Pleased your lad is making progress, my daughter also entered the open, lost her first fight on points to the eventual gold medallist. Taking positives she pushed her all the way, gave her a hard time and didn't give up so I'm very proud of her.

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Tuesday 16th May 2017
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Pete102 said:
Hi Tony

We all do BJJ for different reasons. For me competing is just the cherry on the top - I'm never going to be world champion and when I lose in comps I have to remember why I keep training - learning BJJ, fitness, friends and self-defence, if not I end up getting quite down about it (although I am a competitive person by nature).

Let me know if you end up going to Manchester, as it stands I'll be there on my own anyway so be nice to catch up. I'm entering both Gi and No-Gi categories.

Pleased your lad is making progress, my daughter also entered the open, lost her first fight on points to the eventual gold medallist. Taking positives she pushed her all the way, gave her a hard time and didn't give up so I'm very proud of her.
Thanks pal, looking unlikely I can get there now - shame cos I think 8 of our lads are competing and it would be great to cheer them on. Best of luck for your events.

Tonights lesson (and this weeks theme) is/was the turtle and taking the back. Was a good session and I really enjoyed it.


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Wednesday 17th May 2017
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That's a shame, not to worry I'm sure there will be others.

A tight turtle can be surprisingly difficult to open up at times, although there are a plethora of attacks available, even moreso when calf / knee attacks are allowed using the truck

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Sunday 21st May 2017
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Pete102 said:
That's a shame, not to worry I'm sure there will be others.

A tight turtle can be surprisingly difficult to open up at times, although there are a plethora of attacks available, even moreso when calf / knee attacks are allowed using the truck
Hope you did well pal if you competed. My club had a great day and won the team award!


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Tuesday 30th May 2017
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I've been cross-training across two clubs recently, my original Gracie club and a MMA based club across town. Both have their relative advantages and disadvantages but I'm enjoying each for the time being. I don't think I'm too far off blue belt but in all honesty I'm happy to just carry on and let be what will be.

During July, August and September I'm away with work on four separate occasions, one week each time. Luckily there are BJJ clubs in each city offering classes every night so I should get in a lot of training!

Edit - Didn't end up competing in Manchester Tony, had a family thing to deal with last minute smile


Original Poster:

2,066 posts

189 months

Friday 21st July 2017
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Here we are, a month and a half on aaaaaand.......still a white belt smile

I mentioned during my previous post that I had been cross-training with my original club and an MMA based club (visited by a BB every week). Sometime around the middle of June I had to make a decision regarding training and ultimately grading. After a lot of thinking I decided that I wanted to continue my grading under the BB and also attend his club out of town once a week, calling time on the Gracie club.

It's been going really well actually, good bunch of lads, training is challenging (which suits me) and I feel I'm progressing / developing in a much improved way. The only thing hampering me at the moment is bloody work and trips away! Although I find clubs wherever I am and its a great experience, it's not the same as your home club!

Just come back from Switzerland, learning De La Riva in German was....interesting smile but none the less good.

How you getting on Tony?!

Tony Angelino

1,974 posts

116 months

Saturday 29th July 2017
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Pete102 said:
Here we are, a month and a half on aaaaaand.......still a white belt smile

I mentioned during my previous post that I had been cross-training with my original club and an MMA based club (visited by a BB every week). Sometime around the middle of June I had to make a decision regarding training and ultimately grading. After a lot of thinking I decided that I wanted to continue my grading under the BB and also attend his club out of town once a week, calling time on the Gracie club.

It's been going really well actually, good bunch of lads, training is challenging (which suits me) and I feel I'm progressing / developing in a much improved way. The only thing hampering me at the moment is bloody work and trips away! Although I find clubs wherever I am and its a great experience, it's not the same as your home club!

Just come back from Switzerland, learning De La Riva in German was....interesting smile but none the less good.

How you getting on Tony?!
Still plugging away without getting too far pal. Training 1-2 times per week but should be able to get 2-3 sessions in over the remainder of the summer baring holidays.

Recently picked up my 3rd stripe but after 2-3 weeks of feeling like i've made progress I feel like I've gone backwards again a touch. There are some serious punters at the academy and I'm well out of my depth. Still, enjoying though it and it's keeping me active so helping my ongoing arthritic (ankylosing spondilitis) condition stay under control so happy with that. Also seems to help sort my head out after tough days at work so another plus for it. Really feel part of something too at the academy, even though I feel like I slow down the rest of the lads and get in the way a touch!

We recently had Victor Estima doing a seminar at the academy, one for kids and one for adults. Was fantastic for both and if you get the chance to do anything like that I wouldn't hesitate.

You sound to be making great progress, keep it up pal!