The Swimming Thread - Pool/OW

The Swimming Thread - Pool/OW



Original Poster:

4,962 posts

188 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Otispunkmeyer said:
Highway Star said:
Anyone keeping up with the Nationals? Adam Peaty world record and the first man under 58 for 100 breaststroke. Awesome and one of our best chances for gold at Rio.
Just about to come post the same myself. British swimming should really have had this event streamed but they didn't. Would have loved to have seen that 57.92 from Peaty. What a fricken unit that lad is. He has so much power left in that last 20, he doesn't seem to wilt, only get faster.

There has been some awesome swims from the team over the last few days. Good to see Pavoni with a gold, he got his funding withdrawn sometime last year I think, but I'm glad he's showing them he's worth funding!

Really exciting performances, cannot wait to watch the world's in Russia!
The coverage of this was dismal. I follow British swimming on Twitter and I didn't even know this was on. The best you could get was twitter updates of the results. Can't believe it wasn't even streamed.

Anyway, there is a spectator taken video of it here:

USA Swim Stats also posted those which is interesting:

"Over the last year the fastest 4 add up times from GBR are .37 faster than the best USA add ups in the 4x100 Medley: "


12,719 posts

158 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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944fan said:
Otispunkmeyer said:
Highway Star said:
Anyone keeping up with the Nationals? Adam Peaty world record and the first man under 58 for 100 breaststroke. Awesome and one of our best chances for gold at Rio.
Just about to come post the same myself. British swimming should really have had this event streamed but they didn't. Would have loved to have seen that 57.92 from Peaty. What a fricken unit that lad is. He has so much power left in that last 20, he doesn't seem to wilt, only get faster.

There has been some awesome swims from the team over the last few days. Good to see Pavoni with a gold, he got his funding withdrawn sometime last year I think, but I'm glad he's showing them he's worth funding!

Really exciting performances, cannot wait to watch the world's in Russia!
The coverage of this was dismal. I follow British swimming on Twitter and I didn't even know this was on. The best you could get was twitter updates of the results. Can't believe it wasn't even streamed.

Anyway, there is a spectator taken video of it here:

USA Swim Stats also posted those which is interesting:

"Over the last year the fastest 4 add up times from GBR are .37 faster than the best USA add ups in the 4x100 Medley: "

That is nice! (btw there is a link somewhere on their site that will take you to full results, with splits and everything:

But I do have to bring up Jason Lezak here. He is the epitome of something team USA often have that a lot of others don't. Its their their secret sauce, it is their team spirit. Just watch the 2008 Olympics, 4x100 free relay. French nailed on for the win because they hosted, pretty much, 4 of the fastest freestylers in the world at the time. Alain Bernard, with his massive lats and who held the WR on the 100 (until Sullivan from AUS took it in the first relay stint) went last.

French in first on the last leg, Americans in second, with Lezak, oldest man on the team bringing it home. At this point, even the dumb money is on the french to win it and to deny Phelps, 8 golds. Lezak had other ideas and pulled off one of the best things I have ever seen.

20m to go and he reeled in Bernard like a fish. 46.06 split. Fastest split ever. Still the most exciting swimming race I have ever seen in all my life. Absolutely jaw dropping. It was pure "doing it for the team", greater than the sum of their parts swimming.

Edited by Otispunkmeyer on Saturday 18th April 22:34


12,719 posts

158 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Tell you what else is pretty astonishing..... Fran Halsall. She has won that 50 m freestyle 10 years on the trot. She is only 25!

Amazing achievement.

Although on the other hand it is not a brilliant sign about female sprinters in this country...where are they? I am sure some have come close, but to not have even pipped Halsall once in a decade? Just looked at the results as well, she was nearly a second clear...eons on a 50.

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Sunday 19th April 2015
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But she didn't have it her own way in the 100 though - O'Connor is an interesting swimmer and quite a talent, she seems to have a new event every few months.


12,731 posts

174 months

Tuesday 21st April 2015
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Completed the 5K Marie Curie Swimathon on Sunday.

Last time I did serious swimming I was around 17, I'm now 26. Lost 2.5stone in the process of "training" for the Swimathon. Basically my training was just swimming 1-2hours every other day.


12,719 posts

158 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Anyone doing masters intercounties this weekend? Braunstone in Leicester. Not really sure what the competition is, all I know is I get asked to come and its all 50's and relays, so fine by me!


4,312 posts

208 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Another OK swim again this morning. Managed 3k in a shade under 60 minutes and I will now be concentrating on getting as close to 3.5k in 60 minute as possible. I think it might take a while though!


Original Poster:

4,962 posts

188 months

Saturday 25th April 2015
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Due to work and other things I've ended up swimming 10 days in a row. Knackered now and my shoulders ache. 2 days rest for me this weekend.

The lake near work is opening today so will be getting down there next week. Its only about 14 degrees still but I'm expecting Coniston to be cold so want to get some exposure early on before the small lakes get above 18.

Been working on an high elbow / early vertical forearm as that was identified by my coach as needing work. Bought the Finis Fulcrum paddles to help but not sure if they are working. Finding it hard to switch and actually slowing down when i get it right. I guess from muscle memory and specific strength it will take time to adjust and see the benefit.

Anyone doing the FT Eton Dorney swim at the end of the month? My first proper race is not till June 20th but my swimming has been going so well I'm keen to test my performance in a race soon. Might enter the 3KM at Eton.

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Saturday 25th April 2015
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Otispunkmeyer said:
Anyone doing masters intercounties this weekend? Braunstone in Leicester. Not really sure what the competition is, all I know is I get asked to come and its all 50's and relays, so fine by me!
They must have moved it in the calendar - it used to be in November - I swam at the South East gala; we used to do poorly there against the bigger counties, but once it was put into the national mix, we did pretty well overall. Or is it the Midland Masters - that's this time of year, though was at Leamington every time I swam it - bloody awful pool that!


12,719 posts

158 months

Tuesday 28th April 2015
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Highway Star said:
Otispunkmeyer said:
Anyone doing masters intercounties this weekend? Braunstone in Leicester. Not really sure what the competition is, all I know is I get asked to come and its all 50's and relays, so fine by me!
They must have moved it in the calendar - it used to be in November - I swam at the South East gala; we used to do poorly there against the bigger counties, but once it was put into the national mix, we did pretty well overall. Or is it the Midland Masters - that's this time of year, though was at Leamington every time I swam it - bloody awful pool that!
Must have been Midlands because it was Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire. I think Northampton normally come as well and Warwickshire, but not this time.

So we ended up with a lovely 40 minute warm up!

Had a great first race in the 50 free. Had some guy next to me who looked huge, like a menshealth version of a swimmer. I thought he was going to belt off into the distance. As it happened, he didn't and I managed to win by, I think, half a second? Not sure. Managed a 24.6 which is as fast as I have been from a standing start for a long while.

Entered the 50 back on a time only swim (they opened up 2 extra lanes for people who just wanted a swim, first come first served). But I fluffed it. Was that concerned with not slipping on their rubbishy touch pads that I forgot about the rest of the race. Need to spin my arms quicker as well apparently. Desperately trying to get back under 30 for the 50 back.

Not sure what times I did on the relays, no one was taking splits. Freestyle did feel exceptionally good that day though. I'd be hoping for a decent 23. for the 50 in the relay and 26. for 50 fly in the relay.

I was about to agree with you on leamington, but actually I have never been! Its Shrewsbury I was thinking of. That place has weird blocks and there are outlet vents on the bottom of the pool which create convective currents. You can feel them pushing you to the side of the lane as they reach the surface and curve outwards. Very interesting on backstroke...

Braunstone is ok. On an evening its ususally bloody freezing on poolside. I have to wear trainers to keep my feet warm or ill swim st. But midday, its actually not bad and is a fast pool if you're on form.


4,312 posts

208 months

Thursday 30th April 2015
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Had a good swim this morning. As I jumped in, my 'neighbour' was steaming along so I thought that I would try and stay with him which I managed until he finished. Cracked 1.5k in just under 27 minutes and ended up doing 3.2k in 60 minutes. Just need to find another 300 metres and I'll be where I want to be.

I think that I will have to squeeze another session into the week and concentrate on the 1.5k that I want to get down to 22 minutes.


Original Poster:

4,962 posts

188 months

Monday 11th May 2015
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I'm off for my first OW swim tonight. Lake is still hovering around the 13 degree mark so likely to be a bit parky.

The average temp for Coniston in September is 16 degrees +/- 2 so need some practice in the colder stuff. Had a panic attack in the cold Thames last year so looking forward to this :-(

Had some coaching since and have a technique for easing in to the water.


2,099 posts

202 months

Monday 11th May 2015
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My weekly long swim peaked yesterday in preparation for the bank holiday Human Race Eton 10km with an 8km pool swim. A good chunk under my precious best for 8km in the pool, so although I've not been particularly focused on swimming this year, it will be interesting to see if I manage to improve on last year's time, 2:58ish.

Anyone else here entered?


57 months

Tuesday 12th May 2015
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Had one of those very strange "how did that happen?" swims last night: my stroke rate suddenly dropped from 18 to 16 strokes/length for a 25 m pool. Quite nice really.

Currently trying to summon the courage to get the wetsuit out and head down to the ever chilly Tooting Bec Lido. At 91m, it's as close as you can get to OW (although it is much much clearer than OW).


12,719 posts

158 months

Tuesday 12th May 2015
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Greg66 said:
Had one of those very strange "how did that happen?" swims last night: my stroke rate suddenly dropped from 18 to 16 strokes/length for a 25 m pool. Quite nice really.

Currently trying to summon the courage to get the wetsuit out and head down to the ever chilly Tooting Bec Lido. At 91m, it's as close as you can get to OW (although it is much much clearer than OW).
Have you seen that pool at some hotel in Chile? I think its the largest, man made salt water pool in the world. I think its just over 1 km long! That'd be a great place to do "OW". Lol. 26 dgrees in summer though, might be a bit too hot for that kind of swimming.

Got some more sprints coming up in a few weeks. Intentionally not entered the 50 freestyle because I've only just lowered the bar on that one for myself and I don't think I'll be quite ready to do it again so soon! Besides, the blocks at this next pool are garbage so the odds are it'd only be an average time.

Doing the 50 back and the 50 fly though. The latter, just to get back into doing fly really! What I am really going for is the 50 back. My starts and turns are now feeling a lot better, with much stronger UW kick. But I need to work on turn over! I got told I really need to speed the arms up (but in my last race, I thought was spinning them fast! Different perception of time I guess!). Doing it without slipping water is hard though, but maybe I'll just suck it and see.


12,719 posts

158 months

Wednesday 20th May 2015
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Started going for runs. Bad idea. Knees are killing me! I could barely walk yesterday! Hopefully they'll bed in.

Training last night was one of my favorite sets:

100 easy
100 easy
100 easy
100 easy
25 easy

All 75's on 1.45, 100's on 2 minutes. 75's done choice at PB - 15% pace. Did them all backstroke with a TT of 53 seconds. Managed that just about on the first 5, but by the end I was really getting into it, hitting 50 ish on the last 3 75's. Though I am guessing there because I had to bail out on the last length of the last 75 when I managed to crash into the guy in front, who was doing Freestyle, when I nailed the last turn.

I could see I was close, but I wasn't expecting my UW kicks to take me right into the back of him. He must have completely died by that point. He was getting slower and slower as the set went on (he hasn't been for a while). I should have asked to go in front before we started that last one. Think I would have been on for a 50. or better on that last one (which I do flat out rather than try stick to the time).


2,099 posts

202 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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Completed the Dorney 10km 6 minutes quicker than last year, 2hrs 51mins. I've done less swimming this year and was worried about my shoulder, so I'm happy with that!


Original Poster:

4,962 posts

188 months

Wednesday 27th May 2015
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Dimski said:
Completed the Dorney 10km 6 minutes quicker than last year, 2hrs 51mins. I've done less swimming this year and was worried about my shoulder, so I'm happy with that!
Well done. I almost entered the Dorney race but I have been struck down with some virus and haven't swam for 2 weeks and still feel st.


12,719 posts

158 months

Thursday 28th May 2015
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Good set on Tuesday

TIming eating some med-hi GI food about 40 minutes prior and I think its really put some pep into my training. Led the whole set on Tuesday which considering the contents and who else was swimming is something I would probably shy away from.

The W/UP: 4 x 200's 1 swim, 1 pull, 1 kick, 1 swim. Think there was some 50s after that.

8 x 25 on 2 minutes. Max from dive.

Main Set:
200 no-fc on 3:30
6 x 75 kick on 90
200 fc on 3:10
6 x 75 pull on 75
200 no fc on 3:30
6 x 75 IM on 90
200 with fins

Second set:
8 x 25 on 45 with fins, 12.5 u/w and 12.5 on surface max

Swim down

Times for the 200's are a bit catch all, such is the way with mixed ability groups. I think the premise though was to put some serious effort in on those. Hit 2.35's for the no-freestyle ones (doing back) very comfortably, dropping another 10 for the freestyle one. So plenty of rest. But not flat out really. Perhaps only 80%.

Just loving back stroke again now. Hitting 4-5 kicks of each wall, going about 10m each time. Not as far as I want to be yet, but at least I can sustain that for 200's which is something I couldn't do a few months ago. Been working on core and core motion in the gym and pool so that I drill into muscle memory the correct muscle activation for fly kick and strengthen those muscles.

If anyone wants to know which exercises I do for core then I can spout them on here (there are a canny few, but I just chop and change to keep things fresh in the gym).

Edited by Otispunkmeyer on Thursday 28th May 10:19


3,163 posts

232 months

Thursday 28th May 2015
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Having felt the need to start doing triathlons I've just started swimming having last had a go when I was 10 (23 years ago). I started in January and hated the busy swimming pool and frankly wanted to give up and stick to duathlons. However since I bought myself a wetsuit and a membership at a local lake I think I'm close to enjoying swimming for the first time in my life! Today I even found myself looking at entering an event that involved neither running or cycling (Cotswold Big Swim). I'm still very slow but my technique is coming on having had some one-on-one coaching sessions (which I intend to continue with). I only need to be capable of 1,900m at my current pace for my middle-distance triathlon in August but I'm very tempted to enter the two mile swim at the Cotswold event in July. So doubling my swim distance by 7th July. What could go wrong?