GOLF - 2024



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Monday 10th June
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bodhi said:
Ashfordian said:
s94wht said:
I'm surprised bogey comps are qualifiers tbh, surely your attitude towards each hole is different to if you're playing stroke play?
They are not hugely different to Stableford, except the format rewards consistency even more than stableford.
Pretty much, although the format does lead to some interesting situations. For instance on the 4th I had a shot and a putt for birdie, meaning that in terms of the compeition it didn't actually matter if the birdie putt went in or not, as par or birdie would have had the same result (a plus). I of course still tried to hole it for handicap purposes, but it did take the pressue off somewhat. As it is the putt shaved the hole and I tapped in for a par and a win.

In the other direction, it does also mean that once you've "lost" the hole you are well within your rights to pick up and the score goes down as a nett double bogey for handicap purposes, similar to when you can't score in Stableford. I still try to finish wherever possible, again for handicap purposes, but it does give a bit more flexibility and can save walking back to hit a provisional if the ball vanishes.

I remember when I was playing in the same comp a couple of years ago I was playing with someone who'd never played in one before and was asking how it works - I summarised it as matchplay against the course. To which he replied - Oh, do we get gimmes then? smile

Nice try mate, nice try.....
These "interesting situations" are exactly what I was referring to. Sure, you tried to hole the putt, but you were playing with handicap in mind. A lot of people won't have been, they'll only be thinking about winning the comp, and therefore will just cosy the first putt up. No point going for a net eagle like you might in other formats.

I think there are good arguments for and against it being qualifying. I lean no, but I do get the arguments for.


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62 months

Monday 10th June
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bodhi said:
It was only our third qualifying comp of the season due to how long the course has taken to recover after the winter we had, I suspect if it had been made non qualifying there would have been open warfare in the club WhatsApp group smile

Turns out I came 6th in it, one shot away from 3rd. Quite proud of that considering the conditions and how the format doesn't favour lower handicappers.
Fair enough! Great work beer


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Monday 17th June
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I'm a bit late to the party because I recorded it and I stayed up until 3am cheering Rory on. Man, I'm absolutely heartbroken. Two poor putts (although the putt on the 18th was harder than it looked at first watch) and two strange club choices, driver on 18 and 7i on 15(?). Sack the caddy for 18 alone? Should've taken that driver out of the bag and snapped it over his knee.

So close. Rory has to take positives from that. There's no reason he can't win another major. The up and down from Bryson out of that bunker was insane. 8/10 times Rory holes that putt and Bryson makes a 5. Bryson had the luck of the lie for basically all 4 days, but was a deserved winner really. Just really really feel for my man Rory frown

Anyway, had to get that out there as a first step to the therapy I'm going to need after watching that.

Back to normal people golf, as we said. Didn't play this weekend but after a few decent rounds I was crap at the range on Friday which was really disappointing.


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62 months

Monday 17th June
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Leithen said:
I think I prefer Rory being honest about how devastated he was by leaving rather than meaningless answers to the same fking stupid questions for an hour.

I'm sure in hindsight he'll regret not finding Bryson and privately congratulating him. But as for the rest, he's given more than enough of himself to the sport and the media over the last God knows how many years.

Most importantly he provided the drama on course. Those in the media world who are decrying his departure, probably don't get that.
You can just imagine what the questions would have been. There isn't a single question they could have asked him that they don't already know the answer to.

Rory will contact Bryson and congratulate him, if he hasn't already. He's not a bad guy.


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Friday 21st June
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Played yesterday evening with Ashfordian. Lovely time out. I will leave out my score as it pains me to type it out. I'll just lave his quote here as I think that sums it up:

"You'd be a single figure provisional golfer"



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62 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Ashfordian said:
I'm glad you took the quote as intended. It demonstrates the potential your game has, and it will come over time.
Of course, it was funny. I was terrible off the tee all day hehe The very next hole I blasted one straight right into a tree and then creamed the provisional down the middle.

I played again off the whites today and shot 6 or 7 shots better. Still struggled a little off the tee, but the main problem holes were 9, 10 and 18, and if they had been better things would've looked much better.

The thing about Bar Hill, I was thinking today, is that you rarely miss a fairway and and still have a shot into the green. You're never just in the rough, it seems like you're ALSO under a tree etc. Hitting fairways is the worst part of my game at the moment and if I hit more of them, I'd hit more greens/get closer more often and scores would come down.

Was so hot out there today. The last few holes were a slog and I hit two terrible balls off the tee on 18 due to the club just spinning in my hands.


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62 months

Monday 24th June
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DuncanM said:
That's awesome that you won it! Mainly because all I ever read about online, is disgustingly stupid scramble cheating scores! 8 under is definitely about right for a 3 ball, well played smile
I also read about all these super low scores; that doesn't seem to be a problem at my club which I'm really please about.

I did see a results email come around where two high handicappers played a scramble and shot, like, NET 95... they must have had a terrible day.


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62 months

Monday 24th June
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Rojibo said:
I know this shouldn’t bother me, but I just got my new irons and I’m still babying them, spent a fair chunk, P790 with Axiom 105 S shafts, with the idea being that the graphite will help with my carpal tunnel issues, and on that front so far so good, no ringing in my fingers after playing or practicing.

But I went to the range last night, to the grass area but sadly they hadn’t moved the ropes, so there wasn’t much grass left, ended up shanking a ball that must have had some sand/soil on it and it’s left a lovely scuff on the satin finished hosel frown. I know I shouldn’t let it bother me.. but it is.
The first cut is the deepest


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62 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Aphrabehn said:
Might be me but can't stand the bloke and never liked his swing. Air of superiority about him.
Yeah I'm not a fan at all. As the channel has got bigger, so has his ego. I'm team Shiels all the way. Finch is a better golfer, I'm sure (but I notice Rick shot lower in Open qualifying hehe), so it depends what you watch the videos for.


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62 months

DuncanM said:
Excellent golf chaps, some proper players on this here forum clap
Some very good players and then the likes of me!

Shot a 97 (nett 76) in our July medal which was good enough for 11th/30. Three triples and some absolutely dreadful drives, but some monsters as well. Inconsistencies off the tee are killing me at the moment. I don't think I hit any hooks this time but I had 3 or four total blocks right. PITA.

Winning score was a nett 67 and the best gross was an 80. I was surprised no one shot in the 80s. It gives me a lot of hope because I know that when my game clicks I can be shooting scores that challenge that.

Club champs this weekend. Never played in them before. Need to just find a little something in my swing. My biggest issue is that I don't always feel confident stood over the ball that I'm not going to miss right, so I end up gripping the club more strongly, shift my stance etc and end up missing left. I think tbh I'd be better off missing right as at least then I'd typically be short as opposed to the left miss that, on this firm ground, just keeps running.


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62 months

milesgiles said:
Glad bhatia didn’t win last night clearly anchoring the putter
I despise long putters and I will actively root against anyone using one


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62 months

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Bob-iylho said:
Anyone ever just quit golf.
I'm seriously thinking it's a good idea.
Mentally it's ruining me,
if I have a good round I'm on edge all the way through the back nine.
if I have a bad round it ruins my day
I find people can't count
people missing a putt and then walking over and backwards putting a 3ft, missing but counting as in as they didn't take it "seriously"
people not watching their ball, spent hours looking for other peoples balls
inability of players to count as they go along, standing at the green doing the countback to come up with a bogey when you know full well it was a triple, then all indignent when challenged.
Lack of repect.
Don't get me going on going away with the lads, just back from one ....................

I'm taking the rest of the year off, it's very hard to describe the mental anquish this is giving me but it feels ridiculous talking about it as it's supposed to just be a game.
Sounds like it's other people's presence that annoys you, not golf hehe

Try playing along and if you don't like that, quit, or play much less often. No point getting angry about it if you're not making a living from it.


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62 months

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Bob-iylho said:
again thanks, I think this is what I need to do. If I come back to it.
Whereabouts are you based? I've played with a few guys off a couple of forums (including 48Valves and Ashfordian on here) and they've all been an absolute pleasure. I think before you quit you need to drop the usual guys you play with. It should be a relaxing stroll out