The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint

The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint



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Thursday 26th December 2013
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Having successfully consumed my own body weight in food and drink just yesterday, I fully expect the first week in the New Year to be a bit tougher than usual (and quite a bit slower!).

Hope you all have a fab Christmas break though and a great transition into 2014 beer


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Thursday 26th December 2013
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Greg66 said:
Quite! I feel like I did something close to swim training yesterday - swimming open mouthed through a lake of champers, white wine, red wine, port etc...

Having looked forward to my first post foot break bike ride on Boxing Day, I find that bed is a lot more appealing. Even now!

It's going to be a long voyage back, I feel...

Merry Christmas to all - hopefully Santa brought you some willpower, because he missed me on that front!
You're probably suffering from a bit of mental burnout after your injury - I'd just relax over Christmas, don't rush to get back and take the time to enjoy the festivities!

Better to come back in the New Year slightly less fit but fired up rather than 1 week fitter and unmotivated thumbup


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Thursday 23rd January 2014
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Greg66 said:
drgav2005 said:
Wishing you a speedy and permanent recovery Greg. Is there any way you can do aqua running to take the load off the foot?
Cheers, Gav. I suppose I could - this was something open to me for both the stress reactions I had last year. The trouble is that although (or perhaps despite) swimming being my strongest of the three disciplines, I *hate* the process of going swimming. Everything is fine once I'm in the water and have pushed off, but everything leading to that point, I loathe. And I really mean "loathe". Ergo getting to the pool to aqua jog seems a bit of a longshot...!
How about jumping on your turbo or a spin bike at the gym? You'll be able to challenge your aerobic system whilst putting pressure through your foot without the impact that running will entail . . . either that or just get into the gym and get stretching, or work on your hamstrings and quads for when the foot's better.

Best of luck though and I'll join DrGav in wishing you a speedy recovery!


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Thursday 13th February 2014
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Would you believe it - 4 days after my last post wishing Greg a speedy recovery, BOOM! Injury strikes me! mad

Not sure exactly what it's been, but it's had the feel of a tendon/ligament in my hip, certainly top of the femur area anyway. Imagine doing a knee extension and whatever's doing the work in that area has been unusably painful! Usual thing of doing too much, too soon I think - I really should know better!

Fast forward 2 and a bit weeks and today's the first day I've walked upstairs without feeling like I need a hip replacement!!!

Two weeks off has felt like an eternity - made me wonder how your recovery's going Greg how's everyone elses training going?


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Tuesday 18th March 2014
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baxb said:
Chaps, as mentioned above I did a VO2 Max test as part of a study at the local Uni - I volunteered for this study knowing it would require some cycling & testing in the lab without knowing all the ins & outs, so not ever having done this sort of thing before didn't even realise they were doing a VO2 max test until it was all over (was just described as a 'maximal' test) The format was hold 90 rpm while they upped the wattage at 2 min intervals. I hung on for grim death all the way through 350 & crumbled when it hit 375 (20 mins or so in) - So other than knowing my chance of making it big on the pro circuit has gone ! - Is there anything I can learn from this random set of digits ?
Ooh, those tests are tough aren't they! Terrific fun in a masochistic sense and great to have a few numbers to measure your progress.

I won't add too much to what what Dr Gav's already said, as he's spot on - as endurance athletes, we are really more interested in power at LT, as that is a greater predictor of overall performance than VO2max - especially as the distance increases. The greater the distance of your race, the more your potential will be dictated by your fuelling profile than fitness - that is why we want to become extremely efficient at burning high proportions of fat at as high an intensity output as we are able.

I've just plotted a quick graph of the pertinent info - power vs HR and I've indicated 80 - 85% HRmax (I took your 178 as being that - it won't be precise, but it's a good ball park), which is roughly the area where a fit athletes LT will occur - you can work your own out more precisely by doing the same test and note the HR that your breathing becomes laboured (or the time you'd rather not talk for the first time!!).

As a triathlete, what you'll want to do is push that graph down (the y axis) and along (the x axis) - it's a great way of quantifying your progress (and predicting performance).


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Friday 4th April 2014
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Hoddo said:
The running advice I got earlier in the topic has been fantastic, wondered if you could help with cycling tips.

After Easter I start a new job. I am going to commute on my bike (10 miles each way) as much as possible, however I want to make sure I am not just plodding through the distance. Lets say I commute 3 times per week (60 miles total), what drills could I introduce to my ride to improve stamina, fitness, endurance etc.

The route is mainly undulating flat country roads with one short (150 meters) but very steep hill.

As ever, DrGav has given sterling advice and all I'd add is work on your weaknesses - if you don't like climbing (this would probably be most of us!), use that nasty hill for some climb repeats (~50rpm in the "big ring" climbs are killer workouts).

As with DrGav, the biggest single changes that have improved my cycling have been a transition to high cadence (~90rpm) and working (concentrating whilst I'm riding) on pedalling efficiency - scraping the mud off your shoes at the bottom of the turn so that you're working the pedal upstroke (feel it in your calves) as well as the downstroke (feel it in your quads/glutes). There's a huge benefit to be had there with very little physiological cost.

snowdude2910 said:
Is there anything else I should know or is it pretty much turn up and swim bike run from there?
Pretty much really.

Make sure you know the bike racking times and swim wave times and leave ample time for them - there's nothing that'll ruin your day more than rushing and faffing around during these times. Also make sure you make people aware when you're passing them on the bike (loud "on your right" as you approach them).

Can't think of too much else really (I'm sure someone else will chip in if there's something obvious I've no thought of!), other than nudity in transition is generally a DQ biglaugh


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Friday 4th April 2014
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Oh and by the way DrGav, TOP BOMBING on your March training beer

My last 6 weeks or so has been a 'mare. Had this hip injury (which I'm sure has been bursitis) since the end of January and I've finally got to the stage where I can now actually bike and run!! It's amazing!

I've been able to swim (well, pull sessions only, really), but you really appreciate the ability to just go out for a run or bike when you've spent the last 6 weeks walking around thinking it's never going to get better (apparently the bursa has a very poor blood supply, so it doesn't heal at all quickly).

Feels great now though - not going too mad (definitely learnt my lesson on that front smile), but the last 10 days I've had 5 x short runs (6k each or thereabouts) and 5 20k rides with no repercussions, so with a degree of trepidation, I can comfortably say I'm able to commit to a PROPER week next week bounce


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Saturday 5th April 2014
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snowdude2910 said:
Am I right in saying trisuit under wetsuit is the norm
Absolutely chap - better for all biggrin


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Friday 11th April 2014
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snowdude2910 said:
Sorry guys another newbie question, aero bars, are they worth it? I tend to average about 20mph on my 30-40mile sunday rides so figure the same for my event saving plenty for the run, am I likely to see a noticeable difference? I've noticed my seatpost tilts back at the top so I could turn it around and as I'm buying a helmet anyway that I'll never wear anywhere other than competition should I stump for an aero one or will I just look like an all the gear no idea type for no benefit?
Aero bars are definitely worth it - get used to riding in an aero position before your event though, as I will guarantee you'll not feel comfortable when you first start riding on them.

I don't know what bike your riding at present, but you'll have to do some fiddling around with to get a properly rideable setup - shift your seat forward, but don't get too hunched up so that breathing is compromised and try to ensure that you have as large a hip angle as poss when you're in your aero position.

A dedicated TT bike has a steeper frame geo than a road bike (which what I'm assuming you have) which helps tremendously with achieving a large hip angle (and correct aero muscle recruitment), but if you can get used to riding aero and have a decent bike fit whilst doing so, it will definitely help you go quicker for less energy expended.

Aero lid? nono


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Sunday 20th April 2014
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drgav2005 said:
Well, I got my hands on the new steed today...
Nice wheels DrGav! I'd be interested to see if your turbo work has worked for your real world cycling - I've been on mine an awful lot since my hip injury healed and it does feel like it's having the desired effect, but until I get out properly who knows? biggrin New wheels arrived yesterday though (had a cracked front rim on my others), so will be able to get out properly soon and find out!

How's the rest of La Santa, by the way? Have they upgraded any of the other areas? Love that place for winter training!

First week for me of getting some decent hours in though - like you Greg, it's good to see the running comes back reasonably quickly - not quite where I want to be just yet, but it's just nice to able to get out and actually do a 10k rather than think about it! Back in the pool next week biggrin

Good luck with the run up to Mallorca Greg - you are where you are and at least you've got a fab race to look forward to and great scenery to admire - may just have a touch more time to enjoy it, that's all thumbup


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Sunday 27th April 2014
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dave0010 said:
All done and dusted. What brilliant fun it was too.
As everyone's said, uh oh, now you've gone and done it . . . set a benchmark time which you're now honour bound to chip away at!!

Congratulations though and glad to hear you had a blast thumbup


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Friday 23rd May 2014
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Greg66 said:
Mallorca 70.3: humbling.
Great race report Greg and top effort - great read and totally summed up the rollercoaster ride of a long distance tri. If you haven't been there, it's hard to understand just how mentally tough you have to be to run that half/full marathon after a hard bike leg, but I think that you got that message across just fine biglaugh top bombing! I think everyone should do a long distance tri just to understand humility - that's exactly how Lanzarote made me feel.

If it's any consolation, I'm out there in September for the inaugural IM - I'm under no illusion as to how tough it'll be, just you wait to hear about how much I suffer and enjoy it biggrin That's why we do it though - fitting in the hours is not easy, but having that goal motivates you. It does me anyway. The events themselves are amazing . . . the atmosphere and camaraderie is worth every penny of the blood, sweat, tears and cash!

Training's been a bit tough just recently for me - my girlfriend gave birth to our first baby on the 3rd May - for the first 2 weeks I think the most sleep I had in one night was 2hrs. Not really conducive to knocking yourself out on even an easy session the next day!! We're nearly there with the little one though - 6hrs sleep for the last few nights, so it's game on in my eyes. . . had an 88k ride last weekend (almost fell asleep on the tri bars!) which was tough, but hopefully I can now start to get some midweek sessions sorted.

Greg66 said:
whump, whump, whump
Bloody love it on the few occasions the bike leg sounds like that!


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Wednesday 16th July 2014
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944fan said:
So with the cardiac drift do I ignore it for now, or try and keep my HR lower earlier on so when it does drift it stays in zone 2
Not sure if anyone answered this, but if you're training in HR zones, stick to them - if your HR strays at any time, slow down. This is a complete pain if you're training on a very hot day, or are running a hilly course, because you'll feel like you're running WAAYYY slower than you're capable of, but that's kinda the point - you are, but you're forcing the adaptations you need to be able to run quicker and more efficiently down the line.

drgav2005 said:
2 weeks to go - taper baby!
Nice job DrGav - done all the hard work now, you can't get any fitter - enjoy a few pies biggrin

Stylus said:
I signed up after spectating last year. Have since done a single sprint triathlon and I'm now realizing I'm in well over my head!!
Excellent work - let us know how you get on thumbup

My training has actually started to gain a bit of structure at last - had an injury that put me out for 6 weeks in Feb, had a virus that put me out for a week or so at the back end of April and our new baby on 3rd May entailed little or no sleep for 2 weeks . . . since Mid May though, it's been rather good - bike numbers are now pretty much the best they've ever been, my running's going OK - weekend LSD's are comfortable at 25 - 30k. Swimming has taken 3rd place, but have managed to get 3 sessions a week in for the last 3 weeks, so that's feeling a bit better now too.

I was supposed to be travelling down to the Pyrenees tomorrow for the Etape ride, but my riding buddy has managed to contract a virus which means it'll be far too expensive/too much faff for me to get down on my own, but I thought sod it, may as well get my first century ride in this weekend anyway. That could go one of two ways though biggrin 80% of my bike training has been on my Fortius and the longest road ride I've done so far this year was 80ish k 2 months ago, so it'll be interesting to see how it feels!!

Anyway, a fair way to go with everything, but I'm still 11 weeks out from IM Mallorca, so have a reasonable amount of time to work on things and our 2½ month old may hopefully, fingers crossed, just continue the fragile trend of not being quite so much hard work as she was in the first month! woohoo


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Friday 18th July 2014
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Stylus, esuuv, Tom . . . best of luck!
Have a great weekend, a fab trouble free race and tell us all about it once you've recovered!


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Friday 18th July 2014
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drgav2005 said:
Good luck with the century ride and the remaining training - get a basket on the front of the bike for the wee one - plenty of fresh air for them and strength training for you... it's a win-win all round! biggrin
Cheers DrGav - may have to see if riding on the tri bars has the same soporific effect on the young 'un as going for a drive - could get an extra 100k a week in if it does biglaugh


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Thursday 24th July 2014
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esuuv said:
total time of 12.27, i guess thats OK for a first attempt.
You bet it is fella! Top, top effort!!! Respect.

esuuv said:
No idea what to do next - probably another in Europe next year
I can wholeheartedly recommend Lanzarote. I'll be going back soon - it just an amazing event. An iconic race. Amazing spectators & support, brutal conditions, ruggedly beautiful island and an embrace with the legend, Kenneth Gasque, at the finish. There's the 17hr time limit for official finishers there, but noone goes home until the last person crosses the line. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

whatleytom said:
Full race report written now!
And a rather excellent read it was Tom - top bombing! Well done on your PB - all tri races have their waves of highs and lows and you did mighty well to get through a low so soon in your race to finish 40 mins quicker than last time out. Great pic at the end, btw. Got "YES!!!!" written all over it thumbup

Oh, that bike of yours is something else too. Absolutely lovely piece of kit! lick

Stylus said:
I told them I had failed
I don't know what went wrong in your preparation or race, but a DNF isn't a failure. It's something to learn from. You lined up and gave it a go and that's a great deal more than most people have ever done. Experienced IM competitors DNF - it's nothing to be ashamed of. Work out what went wrong, fix it and get stuck in again biggrin


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Thursday 24th July 2014
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Managed to get my first century in at the weekend, by the way. It was a local sportive and didn't bother checking the route - thought they'd probably be kind to the participants.

How wrong was I?!!!! Properly hard ride!!

160k & 3060m of climbing.

I think I spotted 5 or 6 20%+ gradient signs en-route. In addition to those, there were 3 significant (7% avg) climbs over 4K long.

Tough day in the saddle hurl

Finished strong though in 6hr 20m - could happily have got my running legs on*.

*Didn't though. Went to beach though and had fish and chips instead smile


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Monday 28th July 2014
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drgav2005 said:
Last blog update before The Outlaw this Sunday!
I was away this weekend, so couldn't get my "good luck" in beforehand, but hope you had a fab (and quick!smile) race yesterday thumbup


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Tuesday 26th August 2014
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drgav2005 said:
Back from holiday and the race report is now up... it's a long one, so grab a coffee and some biscuits!
Top work DrGav! Great write up and cracking effort - tough to have something like that dent your efforts so early in the day . . . 26 minutes must have seemed like an ABSOLUTE eternity! Big thumbup for the mental strength you need to deal with that and still finish in a great time beer

baxb said:
Is it possible to 'blag' an IM finish - guess i'll find out in 35 days.
Best of luck! If it's any consolation I'm pretty much in the same boat! Training's been OK, but I've discovered "planning" training around a newborn is nigh on impossible!! More a case of taking things day by day and taking what sessions I can.

Ticked over on the swimming (and it may well be a wetsuit free swim, so that's playing on my mind at the mo') - managed one century ride (got 3 weekends left to try for any more) and once again ticked over with the running . . . the last three weekends I have managed 6 runs of 25k+, so that's been better just recently. We'll see what it gets me come race day (which is 27th Sept in Mallorca) - more than likely what I deserve, I should imagine!

One big thing though is a nutrition plan for the bike - or rather lack of one. Fuelled my Lanzarote bike with gels/jelly, which was OK, but made me feel sick as a dog come the run. Any decent ideas on more savoury/natural foodstuffs anyone? I really have to force sweet stuff down me and on a day to day basis, anything like cakes, biscuits, sweets or chocolate bars are all things I just never eat . . .


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Saturday 30th August 2014
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bigandclever said:
Erm ... WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!
You have just signed up for a day you'll never forget thumbup

Now you've just got to try and make the best use of the next 11 months, get the most out of winter training that you can and start 2015 with a good base . . . don't fall into the trap of thinking you've got heaps of time. It will disappear far quicker than you want it to!!!

Well done on getting involved though. Top bombing fella beer