


Original Poster:

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Monday 3rd August 2015
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As we were cancelled this week I did Clair Park (Haywards Heath). Bloody tough! 4 1/2 laps, half the lap is uphill and the other half downhill and narrow paths all the way. Luckily they only get about 100 runners so it's not too bad but def not a PB course!

Re the guy who's done 100 runs at 100 parks, I checked his history and he's volunteered 8 times (6 were marshalling) in 2 years, so whether or not he has a home event he's pulling his weight on the marshalling front which is more than many do!

I'm making a guest appearance next Sat as Run Director at Hove Promenade; all (well, both!) their experienced people are on their hols so I've been drafted in. I just hope it's sunny!


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214 months

Thursday 10th September 2015
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Parabola said:
Got a 2015 PB last sat running with a 30 min pacer. I think he was a bit off though, I got 29.05!

At least he was wrong in the fast direction, you'd have been upset if he'd done 30.05 smile

Some pacers are spot on - I know someone who will pace 21:00 without a watch 'because I know when I'm running 21 minute pace', he'll come in at 20:58.

Others even with a watch are all over the place, some too quick and some too slow so you have to check the time yourself to be certain, but as the pacers are doing it as a favour to everyone else we can't complain too much, although we did persuade a very keen 20 min pacer who kept coming in at 20:40 that it would be better if he paced 21 and was a bit quick rather than being 40 secs slow!


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214 months

Sunday 13th September 2015
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Gilhooligan said:
Think I've finally regained my motivation for Parkrun after hitting 50 runs back in May.

Still no update with getting my 50 t-shirt though after nearly 4 months, is this normal?
KTF said:
There is a massive backlog of shirts to be cleared with more people joining the queue on a weekly basis. All you can do is keep checking your profile page to see when the order link appears under the parkrun club option.
The backlog is being worked through in order of how long you've been waiting, most of the first shipment of 20 or 30,000 have been distributed and there's another batch arriving soon.

As KTF says, keep checking your parkrun profile, there's a new log in being introduced - it is available for everyone but not been announced cos they didn't want 2 million people all trying it out at once so it's been passed to event teams and will gradually escape into the wild.

Once you're in you can check if it's ready for you to order your shirt.


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214 months

Friday 2nd October 2015
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It's parkrun's 11th birthday tomorrow!

13 people at the first event and 121,000 people at over 700 events last weekend. If the growth continues at that rate there'll be 223 million people running for the 20th anniversary smile (The rate of growth might slow down by then!)

Weather's looking good (in Brighton anyway), I'll be at my home event and have no volunteering responsibilities so can leave it to others and enjoy the run!


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214 months

Saturday 3rd October 2015
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Well done KTF smile

I was undecided whether to try for a good time or just enjoy it this week, the decision was made when someone said he was trying to break 25 mins - he did something like 25:12 last week - so I paced him and we came in at 24:43. I then carried on to pick up a lady ( I should rephrase that redface ) who I knew was determined to get sub 45, did another 1 1/2 laps with her and she finished in 44:30 so although my time was only average I helped 2 others to achieve something so a worthwhile day.

I might have to gun it next week and see if I can get back into the 23s!


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214 months

Sunday 11th October 2015
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Roger645 said:
19:27 VW50-54 90.66 %

She is a really gutsy runner, I saw her at a 10k where she fainted as soon as she crossed the finish line.
and she still wasn't the highest this week - 92.86% , 22:10 VW60-65.


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214 months

Saturday 7th November 2015
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FreeLitres said:
Anyone else got soggy toes this morning?
No! We're were lucky that despite the forecast (rain all day) it was dry between 9 and 10. Not sure that the (IMHO) mad buggers who are running a marathon of 72+ laps of the 579 metre cycle track* in the same park will be so lucky!

  • don't check the figures, from memory, may be wrong


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214 months

Monday 9th November 2015
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northandy said:
Yep, drenched this morning it was torrential, some deep water running accross the start straight meant the start was just water flying everywhere.

2 seconds off my pb though, and came in 15th

Most of all was bloody good fun!
There was a comment on the Event Directors facebook page that a juniors event had been a mudfest and the kids said it was the best parkrun ever - some of the parents weren't quite as enthusiastic as they had to clean the kids up afterwards!


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214 months

Sunday 29th November 2015
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Busy weekend with PSH, Tom Williams and other HQ people - dinner Saturday night, Hove Prom Saturday, Q&A session with JQ and local event teams Sat eve, this morning Preston Park juniors followed by walking a new course and pub lunch at the place that will be the post run coffee shop/pub when we get the event started in Feb.

As far as running is concerned, I finally managed the elusive sub 23 with 22:57 at Hove Prom - very flat tarmac route and (particularly compared to last week) only a light wind.

Very pleased with that, I've done 23:teens a few times, but something starting with 22 is a big thing (by my standards at age 58) and I've gone up 2 places in the PH 5k wiki with 68.70%.


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214 months

Sunday 29th November 2015
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IMHO the big thing about trying to get sub anything is to practice running at that speed - if you train by doing 6:05 min Ks you just learn to run 6:05 Ks, what you need to learn is what it's like running 5:55, so repeat shorter distances (eg 1k) with a recovery at 5:55 pace so that you know what 5:55 feels like, then gradually put them together til you can do 5 of them without a recovery.

Think of it like learning times tables, you can practice your 6x all day every day but it will never help you with your 7x, you have to start on 7x and not get all the way to 12 and gradually build it up.


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214 months

Saturday 5th December 2015
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TheGroover said:
Sounds very much like me! My first 2 parkruns were 32:00 and 32:01 back in March and I set myself a long term target of 25 mins. Then 2 weeks ago I ran 24:49 biggrin - Then last week I ran 24:32 biggrinbiggrin

Amazing how chuffed I was. So it is possible just keep at it!

I need a new target now though. Sub 20 seems overly ambitious, I'm thinking sub 23 is probably the level to aim for now... I need a training plan!
Just do a step at a time, sub 24 next then sub 23. Having just done 22:57 I think I'm accepting that I won't do a 21: (without really serious training and using time I haven't got).

Well done getting sub 25, I'm still excited by last weeks sub 23, not sure if I can repeat it today on a slightly hillier course though!


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214 months

Monday 7th December 2015
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Having done 21:57 last week at the flatter than a flat thing Hove Prom last week, I managed 23:00 at the slightly hillier Preston Park (although the timing was a bit off, my watch gave 23:01 and the 2 timers were slightly different but we decided it wasn't worth adding a 1 1/2 secs to everyones time!)

But, afterwards we had to try and work out the mystery of how the first lady appears in a photo to be a bloke, and further investigation has spotted him/her a few months ago as well - going to have to delete some results which will promote some women further up the top 3 on a few occasions. What a PITA, if I knew who he was I'd take some sausages round to his lawn....


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214 months

Monday 7th December 2015
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Cybertronian said:
So the bloke was getting scanned with a barcode that was a woman's,

Cybertronian said:
or he knowingly/unknowingly registered as female?
His/her name is Daisy so it's not like he registered himself and accidentally picked F instead of M.


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214 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2015
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ewenm said:
Or he picked up his wife's/girlfriend's barcode.
Managed to get in touch with him via facebook. She registered but never ran, he decided to run and instead of registering himself used her* barcode, presumably without thinking that it mattered - free run, no prizes, person runs, who cares who it is. Which is true until you start being first female finisher!
Being in Brighton of course, we always have the concern that we're calling someone out who's trans gender etc which would get a bit complicated, I have no idea which box they would tick when they register! but his photo didn't look that there was any doubt he was a bloke!

Anyway, all sorted out, he replied acknowledging that it was stupid and he'd registered himself. He also scored himself some sympathy points by thanking us for organising it and saying how good it was, so although he's not made it onto my Christmas card list, he's off the total tt list smile

  • Not his wife/girlfriend, just a friend. Facebook has his wedding photos to someone else, unless there's something going on that he'd rather the wife didn't know about wink but that's his business!


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214 months

Thursday 24th December 2015
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KTF said:
On the system you could go through and update the past results with his correct details then resubmit them so the statistics are correct and its recorded against the right person.
I have done this - originally I was going to delete them, but as he sent an apologetic and pleasant response I gave him the benefit of the doubt!


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214 months

Thursday 24th December 2015
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I'm doing Preston Park on the 25th and 26th, should have been run directing on 25th but one of the other team members is injured so he's stood in although I'm still doing the results, then Hove Prom and Hove Park double on 1 Jan, back to Preston Park on the 2nd, that gets me 5 closer to my 250 shirt, only about 94 to go!


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214 months

Friday 1st January 2016
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Double today at Hove Prom and Park with 2.5k warm up before and 2.5k 'recovery' in between.

Not going for it on either, on the first saving something for the second and on the second tired from the first but quite pleased with only 8 secs slower on the second one even though over a minute slower than the handicap 5k we did on Tuesday, but I guess I should have been running at 10k pace not 5k so it was about right..

Relieved to be Run Directing tomorrow so I get a rest day.


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214 months

Thursday 7th January 2016
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northandy said:
16:28...... Jesus wept that's shifting.

I saw someone run that time at mine and I felt like I was walking in comparison
Our local course records are 14:47*, 14:47* and 14:28.

They are on tarmac but multi lap oourses, 1 is 2 laps and would only be lapping the stragglers but the other 2 you'd catch the tail end after 2.5 and 3 k so it's pretty impressive to do that pace while weaving in and out of people wearing headphones or chatting and dodging other park users.

  • Same guy, different courses.


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214 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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I was overdosing on parkrun at the weekend, ran Banstead Woods on Saturday morning - very nice route, a bit muddy in places but not too bad and the downhill is in the second half of each lap which is good for a quick finish.

Saturday afternoon course measuring for our new event (the 4th one in Brighton) to change the route slightly now we know where the new fence will go followed by Saturday evening head scratching to work out how to find another 200m!

Sunday morning Preston Park juniors followed by trial run for the new event which went without any problems, waiting now til Saturday week when we start for real, sweepstake is going on how many we get for the inaugural.

Meanwhile in the rest of the world over 150,000 runners and 10,000 volunteers this week - I think the previous record was around 130,000 runners.


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214 months

Friday 5th February 2016
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Just about prepared for inaugural Bevendean Down (Brighton) tomorrow. Weather forecast has gone from raining all day to strong winds which will luckily be behind on the way up the hill, and good visibility - when it's clear you can see the Isle of Wight which is about 45 miles away.

All off road with 75m of elevation per lap. (2 laps) so don't come expecting sub 20 like at Hove Cos18 smile