First World Cup you remember watching?

First World Cup you remember watching?



Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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19,926 posts

269 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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1978 for me. I can remember watching the Archie Gemmil goal as it happened. I was 7.


6,552 posts

251 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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1986. France vs. Brazil quarter final.


893 posts

278 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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Mexico '86 for me, I was 10.

Italy '90 was the one that I enjoyed the most and made me love it!


9,975 posts

287 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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lazyitus said:
1978 for me. I can remember watching the Archie Gemmil goal as it happened. I was 7.

'78 for me too (I was 10, don't remember '74 for some reason). As England didn't qualify, I was quite happy to support Scotland at the time. WE'RE ON THE MARCH WITH ALLY'S ARMY! etc.


811 posts

226 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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Mexico '86 was the first I remember watching and taking a real interest in (I was 12).

Italia '90 was far better as a spectacle, USA '94 was memorable 'cos I was holidaying in Ibiza at the time, and all the Irish bars (particularly Murphy's Bar in San Antonio, with genuine Irish folk behind the bar!) were absolutely seething - great atmosphere.


12,434 posts

240 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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Mexico 86 was the first I remember, I also collected the Panini stickers for the first and only time. Italia 90 was the first one I really got into though largely because I was 12 and had a better idea of what was going on.

Edited by wolves_wanderer on Friday 9th June 11:17


48,580 posts

251 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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I watched the England games in Spain '82 (aged 8), but aged 12 I think I watched every game of Mexico '86. We had a sweepstake and I got Brazil.

Zico, Socrates etc etc That started my love of football, and yellow teams (Watford!)


11,491 posts

263 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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puggit said:
I watched the England games in Spain '82 (aged 8), but aged 12 I think I watched every game of Mexico '86. We had a sweepstake and I got Brazil.

Zico, Socrates etc etc That started my love of football, and yellow teams (Watford!)

We must be the same age puggit. I remember Spain '82 (not long after I went to my first football match ever - Spurs v QPR FA cup final replay). Was it Mexico '86 where the sound effect of the ball being kicked was added to the matches?

mark r skinner

16,744 posts

220 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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I can just about remember 1970...


1,653 posts

241 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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The first one I remember is Mexico 86. A Gary Lineker hattrick against Poland and I couldn't scream the house down because it was 3am and the rest of my family were in bed.


1,916 posts

254 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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spain 82 was first one i remember, i was 10. we were on holiday in italy for the summer which was handy as italy won it that year. remember watching the final in a bar and when italy won the whole place / town / country went mad. was up until after 2am that night, which for a 10 year old these days probably isn't a big deal, but back in them days....

all the italian kids were idolising zoff et al. was superb. the celebrations seened to go on all summer. still got the italian flag somewhere that i bought at the time.


811 posts

226 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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cliffe_mafia said:
The first one I remember is Mexico 86. A Gary Lineker hattrick against Poland and I couldn't scream the house down because it was 3am and the rest of my family were in bed.

Who was the plank in the studio who kept calling him "Gary Lins-acre"... one of my abiding memories of '86...

Edited by mr2aw11 on Friday 9th June 13:44


1,653 posts

241 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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mr2aw11 said:
cliffe_mafia said:
The first one I remember is Mexico 86. A Gary Lineker hattrick against Poland and I couldn't scream the house down because it was 3am and the rest of my family were in bed.

Who was the plank in the studio who kept calling him "Gary Lins-acre"... one of my abiding memories of '86...

Edited by mr2aw11 on Friday 9th June 13:44

I think it was Mick Channon??? He was on tv the other night too.


17,999 posts

252 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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mark r skinner said:
I can just about remember 1970...

me too,i think it was in Mehico gringos

mark r skinner

16,744 posts

220 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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ZR1cliff said:
mark r skinner said:
I can just about remember 1970...

me too,i think it was in Mehico gringos
I was 6 and remember collecting coins or cards from the petrol station? Does that ring any bells, Cliff?


17,999 posts

252 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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mark r skinner said:
ZR1cliff said:
mark r skinner said:
I can just about remember 1970...

me too,i think it was in Mehico gringos
I was 6 and remember collecting coins or cards from the petrol station? Does that ring any bells, Cliff?

Yea me too,it was the silver coins i collected and you had like an open sleeve thingy to stick the coins in to their relative holes.
Think it was round the time of the 'Tiger in your tank' era.

Joe Letaxi

3,579 posts

234 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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Another for Mexico '86 (I was 7 at the time). I remember the first match, Mexico vs Bulgaria it was in the Azteca - looked absolutely huge and the sunshine made the pitch look gorgeous.

Didn't we play Paraguay in that world cup too and Ray Wilkins got sent off?


319 posts

227 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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For me it was 1970 Mexico,

I got the England LP Record as a present the previous christmas "Back Home" I think i've still got it in the loft,
I can just about remember loosing the West Germany in the 1/4 final, Gurd (Der Bomber) Muller scoring the winner against a flapping Peter Bonnetti.
The final was a world cup clasic Brazil Vs Italy,
Brazil ended up winning with Carlos Alberto scoring the all time classic final goal.

Edited by edtvr on Friday 9th June 21:59

Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Friday 9th June 2006
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I have very vague memories of 1966. The first World Cup where I REALLY followed it intently was 1970. I can still remember inidvidual goals and incidents from that tournament -

Anatoly Byshavets scoring a cracker for the USSR

Ladislav Petras blessing himself every time he scored a goal for Czechoslovakia (which we all thought was funny for a Commie)

The cracking England V Brazil game - Banks' save, Moore and Pele exchanging pennants, Jeff Astle JUST missing a chance to equalise

The awful sinking feeling as West Germany came from behind to beat England 3-2 in the quarter final

The really unsporting Roumanian side

Franz Beckenbaur playing in the semi-final against Italy with his arm in a sling (only one sub allowed back then)

The sublime Brazilian side who fully deserved their win in the final

I still have my Pannini album from 1970 - and a Colin Bell "Esso" coin.

Edited by Eric Mc on Friday 9th June 19:47