Rutland Rumble 2....



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4,496 posts

231 months

Tuesday 18th April 2006
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Hi everyone,

Once upon a time at the end of last year someone set up an S owners map in the TVR S pages on I commented that I was the only one from Rutland and this meet was born......

It was a good turnout (including some cars from the South Yorks TVRCC) considering it was a grey cold bank hol 2/1/06. I've been thinking of trying to do another one and seeing as this forum is getting going thought now would be a good time to!

Last time we met at a pub for tyre kicking and a sandwich, went for a drive for half an hour or so and ended up for a natter and some pic's outside a fab country house that mycroft had arranged.

It'd be good to do something similar in warmer weather!!

I've got a couple of suitable pubs and routes in mind, all I need now are dates and numbers interested. I'm also talking to a couple of places about letting us park up and take some photo's of our pride and joys....

I know that Pistonfest is on Monday 1/5 - anyone not going fancy doing something then? Alternative that doesn't clash with anything 4 wheeled in the area (Brit Superbikes at Mallory) that I'm aware of is Sunday 4/6.

Once we have agreed a date I'll also post it on the TVR general page.
