Finances being Inspected at the County Council

Finances being Inspected at the County Council



Original Poster:

12,306 posts

275 months


Original Poster:

12,306 posts

275 months

Thursday 8th February 2018
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LotusOmega375D said:
I'd say the Council would be delighted if police funding was cut. They might not get away with the "missing" £10.25m loan otherwise...

Today's update:

"The police are investigating allegations of "theft, fraud, bribery, misconduct in public office, electoral offences and money laundering".

Don't you just love the world of local politics? Truly work for people who can't do proper jobs.
Much as it pains me to be fair to the County Council; the investigation you refer to is focused on Northampton Borough Council - a different authority entirely. The people of Nupton are doubly blessed...


Original Poster:

12,306 posts

275 months

Thursday 8th February 2018
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LotusOmega375D said:
There's an interesting BBC website bar chart on this page:

When I look at it, it tells me that Northamptonshire County Council spent significantly less than they had budgeted for in each of the previous 4 years prior to the year 2016-17.

Since I have no recollection of ever been given a Council Tax rebate by NCC for any of those years, I can only assume that they have safely invested all that excess funding for a rainy day. In which case they shouldn't be having any problems this year!
If only!

Local govt finance is horrendously complex and constrained by regulation but I do know the County had an adverse Children's Services inspection in the last couple of years that resulted in massive expenditure to back-fill the failings and try to recover... probably not the sole cause but I would anticipate an indicator of the general health of corporate and financial functioning. If balanced finely, it doesn't take much to tip over...

One thing is for sure, there are quite a few prominent functionaries and politicians who should hang their heads in shame. Don't hold your breath 'though...


Original Poster:

12,306 posts

275 months

Friday 16th March 2018
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Thread running in NP&E...

The prospect of Unitaries being grown out of the likes of Kettering might mean we need a bigger brewery!