TP ce soir?



Original Poster:

12,423 posts

283 months

Wednesday 30th July 2008
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as the sun's still trying...?


10,585 posts

227 months

Wednesday 30th July 2008
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I suggested a hoon here: but no takers so far.

Can do TP but seems a shame to sit n a car park when we could have a mini hoon to somewhere more interesting. Last week we ended up at the Queen's Head in Sutton Basset - lovely view and a funny conversation with a couple of quite pissed locals.

I'm happy to lead the same run again or if someone has an alternative hapy to do that. Fai;ing all else can do the TP.

ETA: Aircooled, if you want to ride shotgun then no problem!

Edited by tyre_tread on Wednesday 30th July 13:06


404 posts

231 months

Wednesday 30th July 2008
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Im up for a drink tonight


1,860 posts

259 months

Wednesday 30th July 2008
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Sorry for being dim, but where's the Trading Post? Or is the run taking place?


air cooled

283 posts

214 months

Wednesday 30th July 2008
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I shall be there about 8.30ish if anyone is about.



16,745 posts

228 months

Wednesday 30th July 2008
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griffdude said:
Sorry for being dim, but where's the Trading Post? Or is the run taking place?

A14 Junction 8

ie where the A14 it meets the A43.

The Trading Post is the first thing you'll see.


10,585 posts

227 months

Wednesday 30th July 2008
quotequote all
griffdude said:
Sorry for being dim, but where's the Trading Post? Or is the run taking place?

TP by the look of it.


10,585 posts

227 months

Wednesday 30th July 2008
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Just got back from a deserted TP tumbleweed

Didn't have my phone with me as forgot it. Have a pint for me at Sywell.