that some low life scrote could actually treat their dog like this 
hope they catch the owners, twin barrels to the head wouldn't be good enough for them

hope they catch the owners, twin barrels to the head wouldn't be good enough for them
The_Burg said:
Utter f
Would derive enormous pleasure from treating the miscreants to the same, as i imagine most others here would too!
Actually brought a tear. A dog is the only animal that loves you, more than itself. Humans can make decisions that a dog cannot make.

Would derive enormous pleasure from treating the miscreants to the same, as i imagine most others here would too!
If anyone knows who treated this poor animal like this. Just a little tip off, I would be happy to do a little time for recompense of its suffering. Hell, I would even give them a choice - for a quick and easy way out of their suffering.
justinbaker said:
The_Burg said:
Utter f
Would derive enormous pleasure from treating the miscreants to the same, as i imagine most others here would too!
Actually brought a tear. A dog is the only animal that loves you, more than itself. Humans can make decisions that a dog cannot make.

Would derive enormous pleasure from treating the miscreants to the same, as i imagine most others here would too!
If anyone knows who treated this poor animal like this. Just a little tip off, I would be happy to do a little time for recompense of its suffering.Hell, I would even give them a choice - for a quick and easy way out of their suffering.
Smear them with fox pish and chuck them to the hounds!
(Just watching Top Gear)
Matt172 said:
that some low life scrote could actually treat their dog like this 
hope they catch the owners, twin barrels to the head wouldn't be good enough for them
We have always had rescue dogs and have enjoyed them all , its great to give a dog a nice home after a difficult time elsewhere . Tyretread has a fantastic rescue dog too , glad it has now a happy life .
hope they catch the owners, twin barrels to the head wouldn't be good enough for them
You could probably use her to hypnotise people..
Look into the eyes, not around the eyes, look into the eyes..
Edited to adjust smelling pisstakes and to express my complete abhorrrence for the lowlife scum responsible for the story. Whilst I've been known to jest that a firing squad is too good for 'em and we should utilise renewable resources and hang them, (probably get half a dozen hangings before the rope is in need of replacement), in this case the
needs executing quickly 
Look into the eyes, not around the eyes, look into the eyes..
Edited to adjust smelling pisstakes and to express my complete abhorrrence for the lowlife scum responsible for the story. Whilst I've been known to jest that a firing squad is too good for 'em and we should utilise renewable resources and hang them, (probably get half a dozen hangings before the rope is in need of replacement), in this case the

Edited by Psychobert on Thursday 24th July 00:05
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