Last Day. . . . .


Drop Test(b3nxj)

Original Poster:

1,091 posts

225 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
quotequote all
But im going to a shiny new job on monday biggrin


16,745 posts

228 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
quotequote all
Ben, you have permission to brag about your new job. soapbox


12,415 posts

255 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
quotequote all
you need to take the brackets off your log-in name too, it cocks up the quote formatting smile

Drop Test(b3nxj)

Original Poster:

1,091 posts

225 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
quotequote all
central said:
Ben, you have permission to brag about your new job. soapbox
Thank you. . . . . .

IM GOING TO MUGEN!!!!!!rotatewoohoobeerbiggrinspinrotatewoohoobouncebouncewoohoorotatebouncenerd

Edited by Drop Test(b3nxj) on Thursday 10th July 16:36


16,745 posts

228 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
quotequote all


10,585 posts

227 months

Friday 11th July 2008
quotequote all
WEll done matey!

One step closewink


1,279 posts

265 months

Friday 11th July 2008
quotequote all
Great news Ben.............well done.


10,585 posts

227 months

Friday 11th July 2008
quotequote all
Ben, I'm really looking forward to seeing your new company car. smile


487 posts

224 months

Tuesday 15th July 2008
quotequote all
tyre_tread said:
Ben, I'm really looking forward to seeing your new company car. smile
Honda Fit 1.5L Supercharged? driving