Sandblasting - Kettering - Northants Area.
Now the big black place in Corby has been burnt to the ground, is there anywhere we can go thats reliable, near us?
I have some VSCC 16" centre laced wires from the 1930's that need to be donem, before they go too far.
Also I made myself very ill on Nitomors stripper (foam stuff), while doing most of the Lova suspension, stripping and sanding, so shall pass these on too. I used it without gloves so presume it got into me that way. The smell was't bad, so be careful of that stuff, I have felt strange now for a few days, very tired, etc.

I have some VSCC 16" centre laced wires from the 1930's that need to be donem, before they go too far.
Also I made myself very ill on Nitomors stripper (foam stuff), while doing most of the Lova suspension, stripping and sanding, so shall pass these on too. I used it without gloves so presume it got into me that way. The smell was't bad, so be careful of that stuff, I have felt strange now for a few days, very tired, etc.

Edited by justinbaker on Wednesday 4th June 13:45
Matt172 said:
Matt, good chap here. Just moved round the back of the fire station area. He now has the wire wheels, to shot blast.Thank you!
justinbaker said:
I used it without gloves so presume it got into me that way. The smell was't bad, so be careful of that stuff, I have felt strange now for a few days, very tired, etc.

Did you not burn your hands? The old stuff used to burn like hell.
Edited by justinbaker on Wednesday 4th June 13:45
Oh and by the way: Muppet!
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