Rockingham 24-26th May



Original Poster:

16,745 posts

228 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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British F3 and GT Championship.



3,850 posts

247 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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I am expecting to go as I really enjoy the British GT's.

Don't know which day yet as the bum bandit (Darren) might be away as he seems to think there is a better race to watch. I still want to go if it stays dry.

Hopefully we will have enough for a little gathering.


12,415 posts

255 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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Nicol@ said:
the bum bandit (Darren)
yikes something he's not told us hehe


1,823 posts

223 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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No can do, although I would have liked to.


83 posts

225 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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Matt172 said:
Nicol@ said:
the bum bandit (Darren)
yikes something he's not told us hehe
I think she means this....



12,415 posts

255 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
quotequote all
sylva41 said:
Matt172 said:
Nicol@ said:
the bum bandit (Darren)
yikes something he's not told us hehe
I think she means this....

that is a quality post hehe


3,298 posts

255 months

Friday 16th May 2008
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Nicol@ said:
the bum bandit (Darren)
Nicola !

What you two get up to in your own time is your own business!!!



3,298 posts

255 months

Friday 16th May 2008
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1,304 posts

222 months

Friday 16th May 2008
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obes said:
Brilliant hehe


9,881 posts

254 months

Friday 16th May 2008
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central said:
British F3 and GT Championship.

I'm going on one of the days with my Father, not sure which yet though. I'll keep an eye on this in case you all go on one day. It was good last year.


550 posts

211 months

Monday 19th May 2008
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Nope - Im at Santa Pod for the Bank Holiday, using the ticket I never used for the last Bank holiday wash out!!

Went to Brands hatch Saturday for the Astin Martin owners Club event, highly enjoyable... even in the rain !


3,850 posts

247 months

Wednesday 21st May 2008
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At the moment, the forecast for Sunday is showers. No data for Monday.


9,881 posts

254 months

Monday 26th May 2008
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Did anyone go? We decided not to go because of the crappy weather - neither of us fancied sitting in the open stands in the pouring rain. It's a real shame as I was looking forward to it after a great day there last year.


3,850 posts

247 months

Monday 26th May 2008
quotequote all
tonyvid said:
Did anyone go? We decided not to go because of the crappy weather - neither of us fancied sitting in the open stands in the pouring rain. It's a real shame as I was looking forward to it after a great day there last year.
Nope, for the same reason as you. It was even too windy for an umbrella.